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08/27/14 2:53 PM

#5894 RE: syscat #5893

Putting up an old lawsuit(2005) is of no use to forward thinking people involved here. Different time, place, situation, direction and product(which is 4 real) to motivate the investor. Cheap shots from the past are irrelevant to the future of this stock/company, as they are moving forward with their production of existing products and doing research and development for new ones.


08/27/14 4:23 PM

#5895 RE: syscat #5893

That's 9 years old and ancient history. Besides, "Pennies" to differing degrees are like casinos, you can make money, but there's always some skimming going on and if you stay for long periods or come back too often, you will almost assuredly be a loser.