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dig space

07/31/14 12:15 PM

#238229 RE: player1234 #238228

hmmm, an interesting idea,

but to provide a pipeline x-ray and be late would be devastating.

They did the recent placement, they currently have adequate capital hence they have no material reason to risk rep to buoy the SP nearer term.

They could, quit reasonably, allow the SP to flounder, not deliberately, but just not alter their methodology on what they announce and when.

I could see guidance on Samsung bundling (if it is actually shipping in some volume, if they have some numbers on that, if Samsung is providing any sort forward volume guidance). The bundling revs would be a pretty harmless piece of guidance, if they know its coming they can speak towards it.

The whole pipeline guessing when a VSC deal closes thing is a minefield, too reminiscent of the last guys.

A small reference customer (if Aug5 affords such a thing, which I think is somewhat unlikely) they might be able to speak towards that - 'we made an initial sale of 1000 seats, we are in talks with a couple that are reasonably far along and are 5x and 50x larger, those talks are progressing as planned' .... but I doubt it.

The potential of an empty-handed Q2 CC in the context of ugly numbers has been a meme of mine for some time, as it stands it looks to be shaping up that way.