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07/23/14 1:40 PM

#20772 RE: rhumphre1 #20767

You've raised some great points, good work! I cannot imagine anybody NOT knowing these things. Tony has been around long enough to recognize the inherent traps that commonly exist in the floorboards of any start-up endeavor. Food processing is, by far, one of the most treacherous of all. Factor in the formerly illicit nature of this venture plus consideration for inconsistencies involving Federal/State issues and we must be facing the most impossibly hazardous of all possibilities.

That said, I've never assumed that the kitchen photo was of USEI's origination. It makes absolutely no sense to me that we---USEI---should suddenly be capable of producing delectables capable of competing against other suppliers with long-held oven-ready qualifiers. If I were CEO, you can bet I'd be working up contracts with area bakeries to produce products of my interest areas with me providing the packaging materials designed to meet State requirements.

Tony is not a master cook or chef as far as I know. But he's smart enough to outsource as necessary. This is what he did with Zev, isn't it? Along these lines....we, the providers of edibles, don't have to prove sparkling kitchens or pot-intensity numbers. We do have to cover ourselves from legal intervention, however, by insulating ourselves from litigious opportunities some of whom will be watching for cracks in the wall. There will undoubtedly be waivers signed, thus releasing us from responsibility. This is an area that I'm certain Tony is addressing for this could easily become the Achilles heel that could bring us down.

All in my opinion only.