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07/23/14 11:05 AM

#20756 RE: askjsell #20748

Ask - First off feel free to call me Zev instead of dude. Thanks.

How much do you know about the legal requirements of licensing in Washington State? If the store is under the name of The Ultimate Cure and they are selling product from a dozen different manufacturers, do all of them have to have their names on the license? I bet not.

The bottom line is we will have to see his "Real McCoy" labels on product on that store before we all can feel that this is really happening. Until then ... take a breath.


07/23/14 11:17 AM

#20760 RE: askjsell #20748

Exactly. It sounds like Tony might be involved, but the shareholders of USEI are out in the cold. Pretty slick move by Tony.

Not good...


07/23/14 12:37 PM

#20767 RE: askjsell #20748

Lots will be happening well BEFORE any of Tony's product goes " flying out of the door "!!!

I will guarantee you that wherever that kitchen is located at and it is doing business providing ANY product for an entity, it WILL have a valid business license ( in the name of the company OR individual that owns the kitchen facility ) so Sales Taxes and Income Taxes can be collected including ANNUAL inspections by the local Health Department for the city that it is located in.

If Tony has his wife doing the cooking in his home kitchen then he may have a legal issue since what is being made will ultimately have to follow the guidelines for food production, inspection, distribution and consumption in that state plus the state where it may end up in.

Look at the packaging, rules are their and must be met.....WARNINGS as to usage by underage individuals, nutritional facts, better if used by date, ingredients, allergy interactions, who it is distributed by, a toll free number to report any issues with the product to and the list can go on depending on the edible.

Tony also better be aware of the NECESSITY of obtaining some " product liability ins. " for anyone who may become sick or have an adverse REACTION using his product. Without it, Tony will open up the company for a major law suit and could be out of business before the cash register is paid for.......

Lots of issues, rules, guidelines, laws, etc. that is now open and MUST be met before Tony can put one piece of ANYTHING EDIBLE into a store to be sold. This holds true for EVERYONE selling anything edible and the challenging part is it is all changing daily so what needs to be met today could be totally different in 6 mos. or a year from now.

The individual cities and states will set ALL the rules they need to and continue to update them as necessary so they protect the public but more importantly the state from a massive court action lawsuit down the line.

Should Tony be " partnering " with another company, he better make sure all of the I's and T's are crossed and dotted BEFORE he hops into bed with them. Not everyone is squeaky clean in their business dealings.

Anyone not wanting to believe any of this........just go into your local grocery store, find some " end caps " where a local entity or even a national entity is selling something edible and take a look at their labeling.

HOW LONG does anyone think it will take USEI to gain a reputation and have a facility as good as this one up and running 100%...........

Or will Tony be off on his next adventure with " cell phones " before this endeavor get's off the ground??? ANY GUESSES????
