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05/11/14 10:32 PM

#38225 RE: MightyLion #38222

learn about the products, read the financials ( don't forget, that this is not an IBM or a MICROSOFT, this is a MICROCAP company, that is trying to gain FDA OTC permission and WORLDWIDE market of $10 billion ), calculate the RISKS involved / RETURN possibilities ratio ( just like in any other PINKSHEET ) and only then make your decision to buy !!!!!! REMEMBER to invest only as much, as you could afford to lose ( in the worst case scenario ) GLTYA !!!!!!!!


05/11/14 11:02 PM

#38228 RE: MightyLion #38222

It is 20014 not 2009 have you done your DD recently, you keep repeating the same stuff. I believe the board is fair and your opinion is accepted as long it is on topic.
Buy some now the price is not going down no matter who says whatever.


05/12/14 11:13 AM

#38249 RE: MightyLion #38222

Hey MightyMeow.
Atrocious? Yes, I agree. Bumbling, which is atrocious when seeking FDA approval.
Criminal? Not my business.

BIEL to me is about the products and the patents and being drug and side-effect free.
I believe Whelan and his stubborn personality, lack of management experience and ego botched the first FDA application process.

On balance, FDA admitted it didn't have experts in house, published its intent to hire same, proposed a public meeting in 2013 to hear submissions, has seemingly totally reversed its earlier position on PEMF - SWT therapy devices and proposed a new class of devices to house them.

Further on balance, BIEL's 2008 - 2009 submission was not the best, trials were simplistic and data unclear. On the other side FDA didn't get the science, now it does.

I say, let's move on. I've used ActiPatch and it is terrific. I can only imagine what ALLAY will do for 10's of millions of women globally with monthly menstrual pain and cramping. I have no interest in jousting with those hung up on bitterness, bashing avarice or just general troublemaking, those involve character issues. Often people are stuck in a pronged fit of pique, most of us have moved on to the real issues.

Drug and side-effect free, patented pain management that stimulates healing as a bonus, that, if approved by FDA, could make safe pain management for many issues available OTC to the American people who currently consume 80% of the world’s chemical pain medication annually! What!!

Your post talks about posters here being intolerant of criticisms of BIEL. Correct. Because your post, please read your own words again carefully, in my opinion, confuses the foibles of management of yesteryear with BIEL and its products. Clearly, you like the products and what they do. Stick with that focus. In my opinion, management has gone to the precipice of mismanagement and nearly fallen into the chasm, BUT has survived and learned and brought highly professional outsiders onto the team and FDA is now quite positive on the science involved. Defame Whelan all you like on the first, but credit the man, an ex-US Marine, for hanging in, surviving and having the sense to listen and learn from past mistakes. Same man in both scenarios, had he not hung in we would not be having this discussion, so he therefor deserves credit where it is due and our respect for making positive changes. Am I happy about a 5 year delay and financial jeopardy? No. Can I do anything about it? No. Do things seem very positive at the moment? Very much so. I fervently hope Whelan let's the pros he has brought on board do their jobs with the FDA with great diplomacy, so we all win. Ergo, patience.