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04/10/14 10:37 AM

#24612 RE: VBgood #24611

How many members are on the BOD? What makes you think replacing one member will give the sh's any clout with this management? If I remember,(correct me if I'm wrong), majority rules in such matters. Who's going to stand up and face RF about how this company has been run?

Any nominee you have in mind? Good luck with that! As has been said on this board many times RF is not going anywhere.

LTS...shine on


04/10/14 12:14 PM

#24614 RE: VBgood #24611

I agree that many stocks that have been beaten up COULD come back, but in order to do that there has to be at least a couple of things going for it-confidence in the management, and an underlying asset that can be developed.In this case-

First-there is NO CONFIDENCE in the management,based on a number of factors-lack of communication, lack of fiscal responsability and failure to meet any deadlines,or prooduction estimates-combined with generously rewarding themselves,even when the company coffers are running dry.Not good,by any stretch of the imagination

Second-the ore is low grade and of limited supply,this is NOT some high grade mother lode-They have never even come close to meeting their own production estimates so no matter what happens, the chances of turning it around are remote

Third-the stock has ALREADY been promoted,and ALREADY diluted,attracting new investors is virtually impossable under the circumstances when there are so many other ''great opportunities ''to put your nickle into.If this was such a ''great opportunity-wouldn't you expect the mining community and investment letters to be taking them seriously?THEY'RE NOT

Believe what you want ,wish what you like ,but the shareprice isn't lying ,its sending a message loud and clear-THREE STRIKES and You're OUT

Give your head a shake-this is now a SALVAGE OPERATION,with people desperately hoping for an opportunity to get OUT,not IN