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04/09/14 10:29 AM

#397951 RE: stoxjock #397949

I'll check back in after the summer...

I'm going to take a sabbatical away from worrying about this daily
It's clear the BOD has no interest in its shareholders for the lack of transparency or simple communication is stunning.

It's time for me personally to forget about this nonsense.
My shares will remain but spending energy on this is pointless.

It's clear that too many posters are content to let the billions of dollar theft of this bank go unanswered other than daily complaining and jibes back and forth about whose right or wrong.

Peace out.. Zzzzzzzz


04/09/14 1:22 PM

#397957 RE: stoxjock #397949

I'll wait till September also but if it turns out we get goose eggs I'll join with anyone to get this back in court. What I still don't understand is how anyone has the authority to hide evidence especially criminal evidence by sealing documents.


04/09/14 4:09 PM

#397963 RE: stoxjock #397949

I'm with you.


04/10/14 4:36 AM

#397994 RE: stoxjock #397949

Sounds like a plan!!

My definition of fair and reasonable is NOT a marginal amount of heavy-manipulated excuse stock, which are also buyable by any hillbilly who walked into the party after March 19, 2012. Maybe because, hell, the stock rose more than 300%+ since beginning of 2014 ANYONE who is into speculation can consider to buy this and did not go into the pain, endless delays, highs and lows of former WAMUQ picked up some because the like the speculation. Any logical thinking human being can imagine that this is not FAIR AND REASONABLE in the eyes of a pre-reorganisation owner - or even better - pre-seizure holder. It's almost painful, insulting even, if you happen to be a pre-seizure holder.

I will support any action that will bring back that what is rightfully ours, if nothing is received on our esrows by late September. Oh wait, I will make it my life's quest to claim what has been taken if by any circumstance the people responsible decided that WMIH at 3 dollar plus + worthless escrows is really IT.

Releases or not, special KKR deal or not.

If by any legal boundary fertilised by bullcr*p nothing seems possible for us, there is always the power of the pen and mobilising of shareholders who are treated unjust for almost six years. And I will not stop spreading the ins and outs of this big fiasco until justice has been served. Riots will rule on the street, blood will flow where it cannot go.

Also I will not grant the Hedgies or whoever the satisfaction of selling my WMIH's prematurely. Not until it is at least ten times the value it is right now. How frustrating this stalling, and manipulating may be, I will carry these shares until death or if it at least hits 30 dollars.

This injustice WILL NOT STAND. And they will not shake me out of my shares!