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04/07/14 8:16 AM

#24547 RE: VBgood #24546

VB you missed the obvious point of my post. They continually post crap about whar they are expecting to do or what they have promised. I dont care about the was only like that because they were new and shiny but as the company matured, they continually sucked, lied, mismanaged funds, filled their pockets, etc etc etc. Dude, im not making this stuff up, im just pointing out the obvious that they themselves post on their website to promote themselves when in fact, they are hurting themselves.

If they posted the truth i would promote that as well, yet they dont. What can I tell yah VB.


04/07/14 9:09 AM

#24548 RE: VBgood #24546

Anybody running a private company funded with their own money knows you don't go jumping into the next venture before you have the first one up and running and returning positive cash flow.But when you are spending OTHER peoples money,all caution goes to the wind.The lom poy was our nemesis,Fifer picked up for a song and flipped it to PTQ,with some hare brained scheme of shipping ore to Panama for processing.That alone should have told us the Molyjon had little chance of standing on it's own,despite much speculation the property held huge resources of gold yet to be discovered.

This was the point some of the original backers decided there were too many questions and not enough answers,and the smart money left.If you don't believe me,go back and read the earlier posters who were once enthusistic supporters- where are they now?

Ps- think about it,what vested interest doesFifer have in PTQ now?He's got his money....I put it to you,if he cared one whit about the shareholders,he would at least be showing leadership by buying at these prices,if for no other reason to show he believes the company isn't going bankrupt,and the shareprice will rebound