While you are entitled to your opinion, I do disagree for several reasons:
First, there will no dilution until at April 5th as the stock is not available. What stock is in the treasury is committed and reserved to cover its Preferred Stock.
Second, the Financing that occurred earlier has provided funds to keep the company solvent for the neat year.
Third, while the number of patients in the trial are small, that is because this is a "last" alternative for those patients. The size and scope of the latest Phase III study was developed with the help and consultation of the FDA (ie the size of the study has already been adressed and aproved by the FDA)
Forth, while I have not reread the financing documents (ie sales of preferred stock) it is usual for those documents to contain clauses prohibiting dilution.
Fifth, with the committee reccomendation this has a 75% chance of approval by the FDA.