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Alias Born 05/08/2004

Re: None

Wednesday, 05/19/2004 6:04:32 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2004 6:04:32 AM

Post# of 358440
CMKX...soon $16.50 by Sterling (link)CMKX**The Chance of a Lifetime**...

Let me begin by informing you that I have 3 positions of CMKX; long-term, short-term, and examination positions. The key position that I will use for our discussion will be the examination position. This is the position I use strictly as a position to buy and sell for only observation reasons. Friday, 2 Apr 04, I sold a nice amount of my examination position as the sacrificial lamb for observation. I had to do this to observe and confirm within myself first-hand what is going on.

I will show how CMKX could easily be given a current share value of $16.80 per share, but there is much that you must first understand.

Remember as I had previously posted, there are two ways to retire shares; by either buying at discounted prices to retire them or by taking those shares from insiders to retire. Either way you must have "a" or "some" MMs on your side to make such happen. They are the ones who will create the proper market for you to do so outside of the open-market. All of this takes place at levels that the public will not be aware of what's transpiring. This is to our ultimate benefit as shareholders as I will explain.

At such time of selling my examination position, there were no Market Makers (MMs) sitting on the bid while the best ask was .0002 cent(s) to buy shares of CMKX. Upon placing my order, almost instantly, BSIC and JEFF pop up to take over the "ask" at .0001 cent. These are the two MMs that are part of "Team CMKX."

Soon afterwards, my order was filled, but was reflected as a buy at .0001 cent. Also, many other orders started going through right along with it at .0001 cent. All of this was transpiring still with no bid being reflected. These were shares that went towards the retirement in my opinion. This is how they are retiring shares at an accelerated amount. So all of those transactions that we have watched for days and days go through at the "ask" of .0001 cent were mostly shares being retired at an accelerated rate while being masked as orders executed at the "ask" of .0001 cent. This could not be done in the open-market.

Those shares that you had seen going through below the .0001 cent price were shareholder sells going through at the market or UC sells going through above his discounted prices of .00002 cent(s) to cover other essentials as needed.

Let's just say, for simple math, that I sold 10 million shares while there was no "bid" and a "ask" of .0001 cent. Those shares will be reflected to appear as buys going through at .0001 cent. Why??? Because the MMs will now in-turn takes those shares and sell them to Urban from a coordinated deal at .00002 cent(s). What this does is allow for Urban to buy and retire 5 times the amount of the original amount initially reflected at the "ask" thus reflecting huge volume since .00002 x 5 = .0001 cent.

So now instead of buying 10 million to retire at .0001 cent, they were actually buying 50 million at .00002 cent(s) for the same price. Multiply this by a few more millions of shares and now you got how all of this volume has been generated over the past few months. This is how they are retiring shares at an accelerated rate. This is why we will probably have an OS of 10 billion or less.

Since all of this is not done in the open-market, only key personnel will be privy of what is transpiring. Only those with a need to know will know. So calling around asking questions will get you no answers. So do not get discouraged. This is part of a coordinated effort that is agreed upon between CMKX, the MMs, and anyone else involved with any kind of dilution that could have taken place above the .00002 cent(s) level, but lower than the .0001 cent level. So, yes in theory, we funded certain events when we bought shares at .0001 cent. No problem because it was part of growing the company.

Besides, this is the smallest levels of dilution that a shareholder could experience to contribute to certain minimal, but key funding that could ever exist. This is part of the reason why CMKX had gone to the pink sheets too.

Let's back track for a second to paint the origination of the Casavant Maneuver. Urban at one time or another had to convince some MMs that "Team CMKX" is for real. What I think had transpired was that he proved to them that they have kimberlite and diamonds and explained to them they need for them to keep the price of CMKX suppressed until they have retired the amount of shares intended to retires along with other things coming into alignment. This was done through drilling efforts from one of CMKX's Joint Venture partners to keep much under the wraps. The MMs that work for CMKX are BSIC and JEFF. They will jump all over the "ask" whenever any significant volume is generated to create the situation as I had just mentioned above. They will let it go when the suppression is over.

This is some thing you won't see in a PR either. Again, this is why I think they went to the pink sheets intentionally. Much can be done legally and subliminally without being required to file such with the SEC. Everything would be done at the market created by the involved Market Makers that is not available for viewing within the public. The open-market would not have access to this situation. Doing this outside of the open-market while on the pinks allows a lot of the transactions to take place at the lowest price available at .0001 cent or lower. If they were to do this while still on the OTCBB, they would have probably had to have been doing such in the pennies range.

A similar example of what I am referring to would be how ADZR had to do such while their stock was between .016 to .10 cents. Later it hit $1.30+ per share. The CEO and others had to file warrants to purchase with the SEC at such prices all the way up until much higher prices. If they would have done their activities while on the pink sheets, they would have been able to mask certain events and would not of had to file warrants to purchase shares at .10 cents and above. They could have gotten better discounted prices for their purchases. The MM that they had working for them was GNET. I was trying to tell people the same thing that whenever they had seen GNET sitting on the "ask" keeping the price of ADZR suppressed to take such as a buying opportunity.

Now back to the situation at hand. The MMs were buying shares at .0001 for themselves and Urban for a variety of reasons. They were covering certain positions that have been naked shorted by some MMs too while some are still going to be forced to cover in due time. All of them are not on the same team. If a company is going to be successful in the market, they have got to have "a" or "some" MMs on their side to help with their stock. That's how a stock trade. So let's now see how CMKX should be trading.

CMKX would probably fall within the non-metallic industry as POT and ABER which I used as an example for comparison below. Here is an old post to see the comparison:

You can compare apples and oranges all day to come up with why these are flawed, but this is what I have concluded as to what is transpiring. We must use the information that we have thus far to determine a CMKX fundamental value so please observe and analize below.

Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc (POT) last closed this past Friday 2 Apr 04 at $87.00 per share even. We will use this major mining company's expenses to compare and contrast an amount I will use for CMKX's expenses as a major mining operation. The last POT 10K filed on 15 Mar 04 reflected the amount of $593,700,000 to be their expenses for the year ending 2003.
(Look about in the middle of the 10K below.)

For worse case scenario, I will multiply POT's expenses by nearly 10 to round off CMKX's expenses for a mining company coming out of research and development phase to be $5,000,000,000 in total expenses. I doubt if CMKX will come close to that amount, but this is what I will use for mathematical purposes to show the power of what we have here with CMKX.

I will use 25,000,000,000 as the worse case scenario for the amount of the outstanding shares (OS) for mathematical purposes. This is because I believe that the OS will be no higher than 25 billion although I think it could very well be 10 billion or less.

I will use as a worse case scenario the worth of $40,000,000,000 for the low side of what Dr. Hutchison had determined and stated that if CMKX began to develop into a mining company their claims could be in value of $40 to $80 billion.

(See links below to verify the $40 to $80 billion.)

With this is mind, we can calculate a worse case scenario fundamental share price for future valuation from the geologist Dr. Hutchison. Please observe the formulas as we derive our fundamental value:

Revenue - Expenses = Income
Income ÷ OS = EPS
EPS x 12 PE Ratio = Fundamental Share Price

Revenue - Expenses = Income
$40,000,000,000 - $5,000,000,000 = Income
$35,000,000,000 = Income

Income ÷ OS = EPS
$35,000,000,000 ÷ 25,000,000,000 = EPS
$1.40 = EPS

EPS x 12 PE Ratio = Current Fundamental Share Price
$1.40 x 12 = Fundamental Share Value
$16.80 = Fundamental Share Price

Let's consider a couple of more fundamental calculations with using the information thus derived from the information above to see where we are at for a fundamental share price of CMKX. Let's view the PE Ratio logic of determination and the Market Capital Analysis.

Next, let's look at the PE Ratio logic of determination. Somewhere between 10 and 15 seems to be a conservative PE Ratio to use as a multiple for today's normal growth expectancy. So that is why I had used 12 in the above example which sometimes vary.

Many use the PE Ratio with stocks that either possess or have the potential to posses Earnings Per Share (EPS). The PE Ratio is often considered the minimum price investors are fundamentally willing to pay for a stock when multiplied by the EPS. The PE Ratio is used to examine the relationship between a company's price per share and EPS determined by:

Share Price ÷ EPS = PE Ratio

Using the PE Ratio as a multiple to determine stock prices conveys that the PE Ratio is a general growth expectancy rate determined from an average from the top 20 to 30 companies in that particular exchange.

It is assumed that each company within that exchange will grow with the same expectancy rate under certain Fundamental Principles in relation with a company's Revenue, Expenses, and Outstanding Share structure (EPS).

Those supporting a low PE ratio believe that the lower a PE ratio, the more undervalued that stock is within the market as compared to normal growth expectancy rates from companies trading within their market. (The OTCBB is considered being within the realm of the NASDAQ.) The low PE Ratio is considered an indicator that the stock is overlooked within the market. The denominator is the variable we need to consider for determining what levels a stock should be fundamentally trading. This is why many are concerned about the OS here with CMKX.

Those supporting a high PE ratio believe that the higher a PE ratio, the more growth potential it has within the market because it's showing growth higher than the average conservative market PE ratio. It is assumed that the company would continue its normal expectant growth rate. The numerator is the variable we need to consider for determining what levels a stock should be fundamentally trading.

Here is a link to add about PE Ratio info:

The Earnings Per Share (EPS) is the amount of money that a company will give you, as a shareholder, the per share amount if the company was to distribute all net earnings to its shareholders multiplied by the normal growth expectancy ratio of price to earnings (PE Ratio). We will use the EPS from our above example of $1.40 per share to derive a share price using the PE Ratio logic.

Current CMKX PE Ratio:
Share Price ÷ EPS = PE Ratio
.0001 ÷ $1.40 = .00007 PE Ratio

Let's use the conservative PE Ratio of 12. We can now use basic algebra to convert the above results to look like such below to find the share price that CMKX should be trading at as of now:

Market's PE Ratio of 12:
Share Price = PE Ratio x EPS
Share Price = 12 x $1.40
Share Price = $16.80 per share

CMKX Current PE Ratio of .00007:
Share Price = PE Ratio x EPS
Share Price = .00007 x $1.40
Share Price = $.000098 per share

What this is saying is that at the current share price of .0001 cent (.000098), CMKX is significantly undervalued up until it reaches $16.80 per share. With such a low PE Ratio for CMKX, it is considered an indicator that CMKX is that much overlooked within the market. The denominator is the variable we need to consider for determining what levels a stock should be fundamentally trading. This is why many are concerned about the OS here with CMKX as I had mentioned above. For these scenarios I had used an OS of 25 billion.

Let's now look at the Market Capital analysis to determine a fundamental share price from the information above. The Market Capital is fundamentally derived by the formula below:

OS x Current Share Price = Market Capital

Something of key concern and a good sign to reflect significant strength within a company is when a company is generating more revenue than its Market Capital. The Market Capital for CMKX using to 25 billion for an OS is:

25,000,000,000 x .0001 = $2,500,000

According to the above, CMKX would have a Market Capital of $2,500,000. This shows that CMKX is grossly undervalued based on the lowest elected valuation of $40 billion by Dr. Hutchison. This means that theoretically, someone could buy CMKX for $2,500,000 at .0001 cent which was given a minimum value of $40 billion by the well renowned geologist Dr. Hutchison. Talk about an excellent deal! Let's now apply some Algebra to this formula to determine a better fit for where CMKX should be trading by solving for X with still using 25 billion as the OS:

X = Current Share Price CMKX should be trading
OS = 25,000,000,000
Minimum Market Capital by Dr. Hutchison = $40,000,000,000

Solve for X…

OS x X = Minimum Market Capital by Dr. Hutchison
25,000,000,000 x X = $40,000,000,000
X = $40,000,000,000 ÷ 25,000,000,000
X = $1.60 cents

From this Market Cap example, CMKX should be trading at or near $1.60 cents from its minimum value given by CMKX from generating their mining operation. As you can see, even with the Market Capital analysis CMKX should be trading at the minimum of $1.60 cents per share with still having an OS of 25 billion. A reverse split would not be needed.

Personally I like the $16.80 cents rationale better, but even if I am far from being correct on my calculations, still this should put CMKX somewhere over $1.00+ at worst. To add even more if I am far off from my calculations, one still should be able to see how CMKX should at least be trading in the pennies.

Once the "suppression phase" by the MMs and the company is over, those who are not in yet will definitely be doing some serious chasing and kicking themselves for not taking the risks at these levels.

The risks have been reduced significantly for many reasons that I think I had made known in my previous posts. One thing that's for sure, trading at these levels is a joke! Again, whenever you see BSIC and JEFF sitting at the "ask" take such as buying opportunities.

When you made the decision to invest into CMKX you made the decision to invest into the "Big Boys." So sit back, don't complain, don't worry, and let the "Big Boys" do their thing. We should have completed the "this is a scam" phase a long time ago. I can't believe that some are still exercising such thoughts.

These are only my opinions and should only be viewed as "theories" until proven to be "facts" by the company. Hang tight and hang tough because the time is nearing that CMKX will make all of us prosperous!!!


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