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Re: makesumgravy post# 34548

Thursday, 03/13/2008 4:17:53 AM

Thursday, March 13, 2008 4:17:53 AM

Post# of 44848
So I get an email from berman rudely accusing me of hiding from him and asking for my contact info.
I respond

What do YOU want?

As for your comments, get some manners.

Right about now pushing me around is about the last thing you want to be doing.
Then he said while he was trying to save the Company that I am only focused about the money.

Now I can only assume that is because many including me have made the "obviously not going to happen" suggestion that he return our money, as he obviously has no clue how to properly use it

I respond

What in the blazes are you talking about?

Saving the company?

You diluted it to death, failed to perform your duties, ripped off the rsds shareholders for the aumn claims, then reverse split the share structure.

Saving the company seems to be about the farthest thing from your mind.

You still blaming the ihub board for what YOU have done.

You need to get a grip on reality.

Just for curiosity sakes then, what is your plan for saving the company?

He again asks me to remove the BK filing from IHUB, even though he admits the withdrawal has not yet been granted.

Even if it was it is STILL matter for discussion, but heres a thought rick? If it is withdrawn are you willing to tell us how many shares you traded for the debt and the stipulations within? And when will those be dumped? Or did you pay cash…I doubt that but we are all ears!!

He then says it has been settled and a withdrawal request has been filed.

Then says I have spoken to Joe Canouse and or could call him to confirm.

I have not spoken to joe, don’t know where he got that idea, think he has me confused with someone is the case with most of his rant here.

Then again he went on about the bk file in the ibox like he runs ihub or something, even though multiple times I explained that ihub is for discussion of the past, present and future of any company and he is not special.

But just to show him I am not out to misrepresent the status of the company I will update the ibox to reflect that a withdrawal has supposedly been filed and awaiting approval.

I don’t think it would be fair to the world to remove it all together, and pretend that it never happened, what he needs to realize is it is public information, and he needs to step to the plate and explain how he settled it because if it was shares then obviously we have more dilution to look forward to in the future.

He then accused me of being uninformed about the law…

well, let’s just see who is breaking what laws, that will happen soon enough.

Then again calls me an expert at defamation, fraudulent representation, negligent representation and states I have given him all he needs for legal action

Again….were waiting, pick your judge man, nothing all the shareholders here would like more than for you to accelerate the discoveries already underway, put some horsepower under the wheels of justice, we got a long list of evidence, and witnesses too.

Anytime big fella

Love how he focuses on me, when it’s the whole shareholder base on ihub minus 3 that is out to see him held accountable.

Or maybe you could just put that figurative gun down that your holding to all our heads and work towards rectifying what you have done?
I respond

First of all, i should inform you that ihub is a venue for discussing companies, your threats mean jack to me.

As a venue for discussing companies, that is to include past present and future matters.

Your bk filing whether historical or not, is a matter for discussion, and I will remind you that I am not the only moderator on that board.

Trying to blame me for that filing in the ibox is frivolous and , RIDICULOUS!


Now, you prepared to answer some questions in your efforts to "save your company"?

The rest of your bullying tactics, are getting you no where.

If you have any intentions of rectifying what you have caused, I would suggest you put down the gun your holding to my head real fast.

Unlike many of your disgruntled shareholders, I am not interested in wasting one iota of my time with you unless it is toward that goal.

That said, I remain ever fast, the arbitrator, if you have anything worthwhile to say or contribute in your defense, NOW IS THE TIME.


Berman responds saying I am denying his request to remove the bk file, stating I have confirmation the file is cancelled

when I do not.

Accuses me of not knowing what a fact is,

when I have so many facts on him he has no idea to what extent, I find that amusing really.

Then he lamented on how I am misrepresenting, frauding, or engaging in tortuous interference with RUSL with intentions of hurting it, him and its shareholders.

Then again accused me of fraudulenty representing myself as a shareholder as he believes I am not one…

.that’s a joke.

Then again called me a coward and a fraud and stated my actions prove this. Then stated I should “ Enjoy this while you can.”

Enjoy this? Enjoy you taking all of our money? Driving the company into the ground etc etc etc?

What am I supposed to be enjoying?
I respond

Rick, as long as you continue to try and put words in my mouth you are wasting your time.

Because a public document is posted in an ibox on ihub, means nothing, thats what ihub is for. Trying to blame me for that is assinine.

As far as the bk office in nevada is concerned a filing for withdrawal, is just that, a filing, not yet granted.

If and when the bk is withdrawn, that makes no difference, the filing happened and is always going to be a matter for discussion.

You are trying to control what people think of your company, I would suggest you do that by conducting some business that favors the public opinion of your company instead of trying to brow beat a shareholder.

Now again, if you have anything productive to say instead of pontificating on moot points, feel free.

I am all ears, but this bullying will get you nowhere. Seriously, further to that it does nothing for your credibility in my opinion.
Berman then states that “we” both know I‘m not a shareholder?

To which I responded then you obviously don’t know anything …because I am

I then reiterated for the umpteenth time if he wishes to discuss reality and or productivity, that I am all ears. Really folks nothing short of disgusted with this behaviour of his, and the idea of threatening me with any legal action is a threat I relish he would levy.

Big surprise would come to him in this effort, I wonder just how little he thinks I know?

Lol-the shareholders on ihub have already done almost everything in their power, to drag him in front of a judge, just a few more steps to complete in the very near future,

so rick if your reading this and I know you are, theres a whole long list of these shareholders you claim I/we are hurting?, who would love to see you in court, and they have done a remarkable job of bringing that day very very near

so carefull what you wish for.

Two things big fella-COWARD’s we are not !!,