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Alias Born 04/28/2018

Re: exwannabe post# 660460

Sunday, 12/31/2023 1:00:28 PM

Sunday, December 31, 2023 1:00:28 PM

Post# of 734962
Mate, you've happened upon one of my biggest suspicions concerning the trading patterns surrounding $NWBO!

I specifically asked that bloke thermo more than once if he feared discovery in regards to the lawsuit. He completely ignored the question the first time and gave a half-arsed response when I asked again.

The toxic financiers control the bloody action on $NWBO. That's why this lawsuit was all show don't you know! LP isn't stupid enough to bite the hands that feed her! Discovery would show the only logical parties that benefit from the fixed pricing shenanigans.

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year! GLTA
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