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Alias Born 06/09/2020

Re: None

Sunday, 04/09/2023 7:18:49 PM

Sunday, April 09, 2023 7:18:49 PM

Post# of 752076
Conflict of Interests

Ain't it a funny thing, when doctors state .....

NONE REPORTED, when stating conflict of interest?

You all know this one right? The signatures from these doctors on the JAMA P3 article page, none of which had NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST!

As we all know by now, well ... Matt Williams HAD some conflict of interests and when called out, he restated.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Medical Director for PearBio and Director of OncoTechnologies (both remunerated). I have delivered 2 talks at an educational day that included a range of staff, including some from Novocure, that were not remunerated.

Which did not include this excerpt:

Somehow I just not feel "safe" around doctors with Optune and NovoCure relations, since several of those, who have uttered criticism of the trial design of the DCVax-L P3 trial and the use of external (historical) control arms and crossover (mandated BY FDA), have somehow had ties to NovoCure/Optune.

Al Musella ended up dissecting Matt Williams throughly.

You DO remember, Adam Feuersteins manipulated article, written within the announcement of the P3 results at NYAS May 10th. 2022 ...

And dissected by Larry Smith for its manipulation and lies in these articles:

AACR brought Adam Feuersteins hitpiece, but removed it again, having obviously been informed about the untruthfullness of the article.

As expected by BiosectInvestor

AACR who seemingly grants a lot to NovoCure

Lets get back to AACR later and look at EANO and who were their last two president.

President till 2022, was Matthias Preusser, who was co-writer on this article, that critizised the trial design of the NWBO DCVax-L P3 trial: ...

So how did Al Musella respond to this hitpiece article?

And how is Matthias Preusser related to NovoCure? Does he have any "Conflict of Interest?"

There we go again:

Obviously he DID disclose NovoCure during ASCO 2020

So why did he NOT disclose NovoCure in this article critizising NWBO and and the DCVax-L P3 trial?

So let's look at the new EANO president Susan Short, who was also one of the co-signees of the JAMA journal.

She has been working on a Immunotherapy project from Leeds, which in 2018, was called:

Well, we ALL know THAT is not true, because DCVax-L, had at that time already been used frequently for years in the P3 trial and during compassionate use.

Lead researcher Susan Short got £1.4M by BrainTumorCharity from 2014-2019:

And in 2022 she spoke about ReoGlio at AACR.

AACR ... there it was again.

ReoGlio facts:

The presentation can be found here:

I dont know about you, but I would feel better, if all these doctors, who have absolutely no Conflict of Interest critizising the DCVax-L trial, would all play with open cards from the get go, instead of making it up for retailers to uncover what's really going on.

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