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Alias Born 03/22/2006

Re: dealerschool2006 post# 264376

Friday, 11/15/2019 4:04:05 PM

Friday, November 15, 2019 4:04:05 PM

Post# of 346684
It is actually something sweet to think about the MOVING FORWARD aspect here now finally lol! To new locations coming on line, to the name change to Snakes and Lattes Inc, to the spin off divvy, to games hitting, to more games coming, etc etc...and to the company's FUTURE growth in general! Time is right to start looking at the today and tomorrow here for me at least. For where Snakes and Lattes can go over coming months and years. To all other corporate moves we know of coming that have been mapped out and to all others that will be mapped out. Excited to be excited again. The FUNN REBIRTH tis near!))

Again to me it is also something special that this company has came from where it did while NEVER screwing over their shareholders as many OTCs do, as many big boarders do. One of the TOP reasons I have not wavered too! Building this company's come back from the near death of subbies and nothingness to turning into a REAL DEAL GROWTH and expansion scenario over past years to now looking forward to their next steps to yes BIG BOARD SIZE NUMBERS! A BIG BOARD MINDSET and thinking overall comes to mind for me. All the while NEVER taking TOXIC funding or making moves that hurt us commoners. No instead all that has been and is being done is for our best interests and the company's overall moving forward IMO. Again going through what they have over past years all the while NEVER screwing over us commoners as many standard issue OTCs do and even big boarders, MANY EXAMPLES out here, is something special in itself. NO ONE CAN DENY that this company hasn't grown and isn't slated to grow lol. No one can deny this company is special for many different reasons vs other OTCs and even other big boards. Many that have tanked since going public whom have straight up slaughtered their commoners. Not only from BK situations and commoners getting the short end of the stick, or no stick at all, but to the toxic fund raising side of things which hurts their PPS too. No Roger and co have taken steps to try their darndest to look out for our best interests THIS WHOLE TIME! Not just their own best interests or the company's. That is a MAJOR plus to me to see how much the company really is trying to do what is best for us. These are the type of situations/companies I strive to find in my stock existence nowadays. Don't care what market a company trades on and this is the sandbox I've chosen to find that microcap GEM that can turn to a OTC graduate 1 day! To a small or mid cap entity! MANY large pubcos out here have came from microcap status too, but many just disregard that fact lol. It's fine though. But the more one knows the better off a investor will do!) With ZERO bias attached to MAKING MONEY!

The Snakes and Lattes aspect alone is VERY special. The CEO is special! Came a long way too since he took over this first pubco. Since starting his first landscaping business many years ago before coming into Amfil. The path he/they have taken on the OTC pubco side has been special as well since he took over. All the learning, navigating, adapting, weathering, pushing, etc are key aspects too. Even the ROI since he did take over is still very much green by over 20x for the record lol. Still indeed special as far as %s go lol. I just heard how TakeTwos CEO ever since has taken over the stock up 800%. Well hey Roger has him beat woop!) Facts. But anyways many items are special imo as is the growth and true FACTS on the table in regards to all company facets of their business. Even those moves that may not have worked in past or other moves that have taken longer to come to fruition. It happens. This is where moving forward is key as they are. Never backing down. Yup many companies and people take shots and don't hit the ball every time. But sometimes a grand slam is indeed hit. I believe that FUNN is that grand slam just with Snakes and Lattes and their games alone! But time always will tell and no pubco is perfect, guaranteed to succeed, or whatnot but I am sure happy to have the chance along with the company at making it..BIG!

I again give major PROPS and much respect for the CEO and company staying this path even amidst mucky times. Never wavering when the easy way out could have been taken MANY times over past few years. No this company is doing something other companies wish they could be molded after. That will be 100% fact when this is doing 10s of mils if not huns of mils in revs 1 day with Snakes and Lattes and games being ALL OVER THE STATES. The world?! This is a special company and everyone knows it. No denying that they have something that MANY other pubcos don't. It may have been a murky and slogging ride past few years, never have lost 1 iota of faith or confidence in CEO btw EVER, but this tide change soon will signify a NEW DAY for FUNN! A new day moving forward! Where many of us can and will focus on the company's moves on a regular basis as this does its thing. I soo look forward to it and look forward to this turning into a new animal. An animal that will prove itself and prove that what they did to get to where they are going was all for the BEST CASE for us commoners AND the company IMO!)

Confident and proud to be a shareholder of this company!))) I believe in those great times ahead and am very much looking forward to THE GET BACK!))) Our get back!) Looking forward to Snakes and Lattes Inc and enjoying the many sunny days with my FUNN peeps once the clouds pass!)) Forecast calls for that clearing into coming days and weeks woop!) SGO!

On that note

PS wrote quick and it's Friday and Im already in that modeeee so woop! Cheers!!