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Re: China Cat Sunflower post# 154900

Tuesday, 10/16/2018 4:23:49 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 4:23:49 PM

Post# of 336570
1,2 and 3 are slam dunks. For 3, CVS, there is no formal announcement yet and releasing such announcement in a formal PR after FDA clearance is Huge.

For 2, winning the Innovation challenge is Huge by itself independent of the 510K clearance that will take place in 2019.

For 4, Dr. Scholl’s we have no formal announcement yet, and a formal PR with some details will be huge.

That is how I think about it, and those who don’t like that, well what I can say.

The best time to be patient is when people are getting impatient. Take a deep breath.