alea, I have to go back and check (and I may be wrong) but I understood IBM to be bundling the CD pack, although no initial royalties were paid. This was to start Q4.
I'll go back and see if I can verify...
[edit] checked CC (thanks uncle vern for the search engine) and discovered I WAS WRONG!
"...Intel is a customer who's purchased the license to certain software that they have the right to bundle. And they can decide what platforms it goes on and what specific services they want to bundle or not bundle. In the case of IBM, it's an independent software vendor program where what we have done is certified – they've taken our software; tested it; said, 'yep, this does what it says it does. It uses a TPM properly. It works with the IBM platform.' - so we can then go offer it as an "approved supplier to IBM" to customers who purchase TPM platforms, both IBM platforms although ultimately this will work on any of the TPM platforms."
Thanks, alea, for helping me sort that out in my mind...
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. - Carl Sagan