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RE:did i miss any news ???
Yes! Where the heck have you been? The news is overwhelmingly positive! We had a $2 mill note due today and nobody said anything about it so I think it passed and the guys here insist that great news is coming. Hold your shares tight - you will be a big winner. Oh, and I forgot to say...there is supposed to be news coming up about something big. Never mind it is 37 months late, but it is coming!!!!!!!!
No - I don't own any shares - never did and I posted this long ago and several times.
Booksmoker...... "almost all longs bailed out long ago"
Okay, I should have said "intelligent longs."
Now, most likely since you can buy a whole bunch more shares cheaply you most likely have a smaller group buying a larger number of shares at increasing discounts.
Gee...I guess a share price that has lost 80% of its value would be the first clue. A second would be money flow and the third accumulation vs distribution as all shown on the chart here:
CTB, I don't agree with you on the prospects for amep
but I will say I am impressed with your conviction to stay long a stock that lost 80% of its value in a short period of time on collapsing fundamentals. I tip to my hat to you, almost all longs bailed out long ago and you held your shares tight and never waivered from your bullish beliefs. Not too many can do that in the face of staggering losses, yet you held firm and positive throughout the ordeal. That impresses me your level of stamina. Hang with it!
Tipper - A CFO may not help
Some of my friends are CFO's and it will cost a mininum of $150,000 to hire a CFO. They also want health care, a car, and other benifits that push their annual costs over $180,000. And that is for a cheap one. Maybe they can find one that lost his job somewhere and is desperate - perhaps just out of prison or rehab. Maybe they should advertise that they don't drug test and pick up a laid off one on the rebound. The bottom line is that as is, they will never get a QUALITY CFO at this company. Realistically, they don't need one. To spend about 50% of their revenues on an individual who will state that unless revenues increase and they have access to cash that they are going broke is a mute point. They don't have an accounting problem, they have a cash flow problem. Nobody can fix that without increased revenues.
No CFO would leave their current job realizing they may not get paid. Once the split occurs and they recapitalize they might find someone, but with a company this small, an expense of this nature is not justified.
Manti - chart
"unless there is dilution". I would call a 1:25 RS with the owner getting 35% ownership dilution.
There is no sign of a bottom in the stock price. Support is at a penny which is another 50% lower. The daily and weekly candles suggest more down side. I'm sure when the vote is publicly announced you will see it move one way or the other.
You happen to think that when the vote is announced it will be bullish for the stock and it goes up. I don't. THere's always a possibility a stock trading around a penny might rally, but it certainly would not be on the fundamentals here.
I've never seen a group of men more cheerful
about losing their entire invesments in something. Especially when they thought they were assured with 100% certainty a 10 bagger.
What do you guys have to see before cashing out and moving on puzzles me. Me? I don't like to lose money. When I'm wrong, I sell my shares and move on. I don't write 1-800 numbers...send emails to full inboxes that are not my Mama..tell anonymous posters on a message board I am recruiting a new CFO when you know that the position is not open..look in the mirror you people. The tide went down and you have no swim trunks on and everyone knows it except you.
I sell and move on. Guys... this thing is being erased and started over. Everyone here knows this. Why be a millitant long? If, for some weird reason you have to own AMEP..sell it now and get back in after the dust settles for a fraction of the cost.
RE: Turdsmoker Nelder
Actually, I've never waivered, I have said AMEP all along was a bad investment. I pointed out several times that they had no cash,(at the time they were down to their last few thousand per their financial releases) they were unable to issue any new shares. My point was that they would have to recapitalize at some point to survive. You said that I was an idiot and new nothing. Here is the very last post I made on the topic, about 9 months ago. I was replying to your post "Why AMEP is a huge freaking buy" where you garaunteed everyone we were going to hit $.90 and beyond. Weird how I looked into a crystal ball and predicted the future with 100% accuracy:
Re: Why AMEP is a huge freaking buy!
Yeah..but once you run out of cash and liquid cash investments,
credit, and the ability to sell stock the engine quits turning.
Then Mr. Banker comes in wearing the nice suit and the friendly
smile and recapitalizes the whole thing, sets momma up with a new
boob job, sets up a non revokable pension plan for himself, and deep
in the money call options garaunteed from the start to retain "key
executives" and the stock starts over at 0.
I know you guys are emotionally attached to this one and I will
never say anything again, but I'm warning you, and I hope I'm wrong -
dead wrong - but I have a gut feeling this one will be a ZERO.
Sorry. I had to say it - I hope I'm wrong and I'll shut up, but
that is just my opinion - be real careful. I don't think they can
keep this thing alive until the "mania" gets here. It would be
differant if they had 10 mill in the bank. But they do not. I've
owned a couple stocks in the past - in my early years that resembled
this and I lost it all. I looked through the 10Q and I think
without a major cash infusion or stock offering, they are done.
They may have oil pushing from their toes, but the guys who take
over the assets in the after math will end up with the goods, not
the current shareholders. Sorry...I hope I'm wrong. I have no
RE: Claude, it's really kinda funny. This is the only time in my
Dude..I told you about the perils of this stock for over a year. I watched you pump and press. I was an idiot destined to self mutilation since I didn't buy according to you. I watched as you dumped your whole life savings into this PIG and bragged how you are going to ride it to the fractal garaunteee of $.90, only to see you confess later to complete strangers on another board how you lost it all. Anyone who posted such info here was deleted, but it was being posted in full force on the RB board. For over a year - for everyone to see.
I told you back then, take the blinders off and look. I told you a year ago they were out of cash. You wanted no part of any one else's opinion. I told you they had no means to get more cash other than dilution. You were not knew it all. Now you finally realize this? Please.
I would put in a limit order in the morning for a portion of my shares (depending on position size, 1/10 - 1/3) towards the ask and let it sit all day. Do it every day until the position has eventually be retired.
CTB - the dire financial condition
of this company has been spelled out to you 50 million times! What do you not get? Do you want me to cut and paste the entire 10Q to this post? Do you not understand that revenues that are less than expenses, no cash, loan defaults, a crippling stock dilution are bad things?
I'll ask again: what would it take for you to sell your position in this stock?
I'm heading off to the gym, I'll be back later. I don't have time to sift through a 40 page financial release when everything you need to know is clearly spelled out right at the beginning. Maybe you aren't good at deciphering this data. That's okay. I'm sure you are probably a marvellous person and are probably really good at throwing the ball around with junior in the back yard. Maybe you should concentrate on the better things in life, sell your position and buy it back if and when they recapitalize?
RE: Books.. Your "I know I do not own this stock
I am here because I was exposed to in your face heavy heavy pumping by some of the guys on this board from a different board. I researched the stock and found it to be in my opinion, a hoax on the brink of bankruptcy destined to fail. In doing so, I found the boards are actually a very entertaining read. I don't read every day, sometimes missing a week or more, but nothing changes here. I just can't believe the denial about the staggering losses and the split and how some have been so millitantly combative about holding this stock through all this.
The whole flow of the rags to riches to rags, the pumpers finally admitting they were wrong all along and turning against each other. I see a lot of novice investors making serious mistakes here. This message thread could one day be put into a college case study class in investing and what not to do.
If that makes any sense to you, I find this a very entertaining thread, an exercise in beginners getting a major dose of reality. Denial of common sense; Human greed, stubborness, fear and hope at their extremes. I have not found another message board like this. Does that make sense?
RE: booksmoker, just trying to get you to run to specifics.
Why? The financial statements are overwhelming that this stock is an extemely poor investment. Why dig into some obscure subset in an overwhelming collection of bad news?
CTB , I don't think they are attacking you..
rather they are trying to help you. Face it, this isn't the navy and your aren't the captain. In the stock market there is no glory going down with the ship. When a stock sinks, there will be no salute or plaque made in your honor. You just disappear. That is why everyone is trying to help you understand that expenses that exceed revenues and debts that are defaulted on and a stock price in a freefall are a red flag and need no further explaination that something might be fundamentally wrong with your holdings. What, in your opinion would justify a sell decision by you?
Why spend the time justifying a "sell" position to you? It has been stated cleanly and clearly and repeatedly and had you listened you would have gotten out at .08 and not have to bear these unrecoverable crippling losses. I know I do not own this stock and never will as it is obvious that of the 9000 publicly traded stocks out there I would prefer to invest in one with better prospects. That's all you need to know. This is a poison apple on a tree filled with good apples. Why continue to eat the apple?
any good news today - farm
Yes! Great news! The latest financials are out and the losses, even though giant and larger than anyone thought, are actually a good thing I am convinced after listening to the spinners and more distuinguished posters describe it!
Also, since they are in default on a number of loans, that is a good thing since no one can tell which ones they defaulted on.
CTB - yes, it is clearly stated they are in default
on a number of loans. They don't specify what they are but - er maybe they do if you care to read the financial filings that apparently you never read (or you would have never bought into this stock in the first place). I can probably find more in there but I have to go now and won't be back until tonight. If you need help with this document, just say so and I'll try to read through it tonight again. The bottom line is they are in default, they admit that. They are broke. Upside down flat btoke. And they have no cash. Sounds like a default to me. Here is what they released to the public:
"As reflected in the accompanying financial statements, the Company had a net loss of $77,251 and net cash used in operations of $25,618 for the three months ended March 31, 2007. Additionally, the Company is also in default on certain notes to banks and is in the development stage with no revenues as a BDC. The ability of the Company to continue as a going concern is dependent on the Company's ability to raise capital and generate revenues as an oil and gas operating company."
RE: I am still undecided on my 400K+ shares
I think the issue is that the financial situation for the company is bleak and banks will not give them money. They have no means to service the debt and they already have defaulted on many other things that they owe. They are upside down and broke, to state it plainly.
Banks have a weird habit of requiring they get some of their money back, with interest.
RE: Darts 2,900,000 current shares will end up being
The worst thing about it is that if true, he went from almost $300,000 at one time to an unmanageable loss and shares worth $46,000 now. It may be worth $20,000 in another week or two, then $10,000, then $5,000, then $1,000, then finally nothing. He could get out now and still walk away with something. Every day it will just be worth less.
The one thing I don't understand is that everyone knows that we have a very bad thing going on. This has been known for some time. Why not just sell your shares and move onto another stock? You can buy it back later at much lower prices, perhaps getting as many shares as you had before even after the split.
All the banter and letter writing and helping the company find a new leader when they don't want a new leader will not improve the value of the investment. Time to sell and move on. I have been saying this for quite some time.
RE"GEH has had a lot of posts that insinuated that we
Then again, had they done their own DD they would have never bought this stock.
RE:Funny. First it's "if it comes up" and now "we are alive
I am smoking my AMEP certificates - er, using them to light my cigar. It is cheaper than using a match!
RE:"If it comes up" Booksmoker? Wowsers.
And so we are alive another day! One baby step at a time...
RE: AMEP web site is down ---
If it comes up...
Very good chicken-
I have never seen a stock garner a following like this - and a fierce following at that. As recent as a month ago saying anything other than this stock was going to make you a millionare was a sure way to be called "the new mongo", a basher, or an idiot. Then your post would be removed - if it even made it. Now, the amep boards resemble the fall of the Berlin wall. First they tried to stop it, then they let a few slip by - now the inhabitants are busting the wall down with hammers and nobody is even trying to stop it.
There are a lot of censored floaters out there that tried to warn people but were turned away and now just read the boards and find it interesting the opinions, emotions, fierce loyalties and far fetched plans that are emerging as this ship takes on water.
What if the BOD doesn't want to go? This would be an interesting saga to follow how a rogue group of disgruntled shareholders stormed the AMEP offices and brought in their own crew of tired has-beens and inexperienced pals to take the helm and pump that gas! I can visualize the proposed crew: a retired 76 year old that was pulled from his trailer outside of Galveston, a guy who resembles Columbo with a sordid past but swears he is sober now, and another who used to work at a gas company and will take over AMEP and work "Cheap" since they don't have any way to pay him.
Sounds to me like the late night beer talking. Who has the time and drive to mess with all that? This is just a penny stock with no prospects of ever trading on any other big board with no cash or means to get cash. Why not just sell your shares and wash your hands of this mess and move onto the next stock? There are over 9,000 to choose from. I'm sure you can find one with better prospects than this. In the unlikely event all this works out, you can buy it back later.
Somebody has to do something to liven up this board. I have never seen a more serious, somber crowd since I was in a vegas bid room after the yankees lost the series. Everyone held their ticket stubs on the yankees, staring at the tv monitors, in denial they lost the series - much like those AMEP shareholders, hanging onto their certificates like the might god stock will come out of the sky and make everything right.
This is turdsmoker. We miss you on the friday night open cocktail crowd nights on the private boards. Are you still the same guy or trying to paddle this boat against the stream to prevent the canoe from going over the waterfall?
The family wants to bring you back and are concerned you left on your bicycle without your helmut.. If you are still holding this AMEP, you need to look at your strengths that made you successful as a trader and react accordingly. Do the right thing, my friend.
Good luck with what you do and I sincerely hope it works out for you. Incidentally, I am relaxing with a home brewed oatmeal chocolate coffee expresso double stout on the deck with a fine cigar. The brew actually tastes better than the last batch I brewed where I used a blend of coffees that all came from dictatorships in third world countries that ignore human rights - which is suprising. Party on garth! Good luck.
The reason they will not get a loan from a bank
is that with their balance sheet they couldn't finance a nickel with a dime down and Bill Gates as their cosigner. I've seen a 33 year old meth addicted prostitute with a better payment record. According to their public financial records they are in default of numerous loans as it is.
Banks have a weird rule of kind of wanting to be able to someday collect on the loan. I surmise the 14,000 in net cash at the end of March may be a stumbling block when handing the money over the table. not to mention they haven't paid a dime on any of their other bills or loans.
No Amex listing likely.
If the reverse split happens and the stock is trading at .01 during the effect, the stock will then trade at .25. I think we first would need to do a 500:1 R/S to get the price around $5 to compensate for any inevitable slide.
That accomplished, we might have to start trading with one of those "e"'s on the end of the symbol since we have no cash,very little reported revenue, have little current assets and gigantic current liabilites on the balance sheet. Not to mention the default of numerous loans.
Conversion rate on "Communication Now" shares
Anybody know when this is reverse split is said and done if I can convert my old "Communicate Now" (formally AMEP) shares into the post split newly issued AMEP shares? I hear one of the new names they are bouncing around for AMEP is "Cancer research associates."
Well, they gave high tech a whirl and it didn't work. They gave buying Barnett shale oil wells a spin and that ended miserably. How about giving health care a go next time around. Anyone game for giving them a little seed money?
50 dma and 200 dma crossover looks to be occuring. Does anyone think this is significant?
I don't think I am going to like this board - they already deleted my lengthy post and rebuttal of 30 minutes ago....
Chiken - are there others like us out there?
Senior Chicken - a friend in cyberspace, but a simple yet wise man. Incidentally, I am riding the cusp of a home brew belgian smoked barley wheat coffee double malt buzz as I type. Glad to see you still clucking!!!!! I miss your common sense.
I am really busy right now personally and professionally and while I miss the guys I just lack the time to trade and post right now. Don't have much time to trade, research or read message boards until the summer. I think I am going through a midlife crisis. Drop me an email if you care and best of luck to you.
Thanks for not calling me a basher. I know sabre and those guys are high on this and when there is a formally published release signed by corporate executives attesting to the finances and state of this company, I would consider taking a position - a large position. I just don't throw my money around casually. I am satisfied with my portfolio and its perfomance at this time. I would have to sell something to buy it so I want to be sure it is better than the stock i sell if that makes sense. I usually only hold 10-12 total positions and most concentrated in 3-4 so I want to make sure it is the right play before plunging.
Not a current shareholder, but I am a friend of Sabregolds and I came across this board as I was interested in the outcome of the meeting. Many here will recognize me as the m and m smoker, as I see a lot of familiar names.
I have this chart on my daily watch list, as I am interested, but I am not a shareholder at this time.
What would make me buy? I need a current official corporate release, including financials from the company telling me what is going on. I know some here said they have been there and seen what is going on but until I see it in writing from them and published (but now that they are a BDC the officers cannot be held liable anymore for what they do, from what I understand) that tells me they have cash and are and pumping oil I will remain on the sidelines. If this stock is going to a buck, I can miss part of the move up for safety sake.
I am a skeptical person by nature and in the unlikely event that this thing washes out as a zero, the company has made no statement whatsoever to suggest that outcome would not occur, so buyer beware. Hate me if you must, but I am telling you this as a person watching the stock closely from outside that has not bought yet and that is the reason why. Maybe some day soon I will be blowing the bugle and waiving the pom poms with you guys but this is a little on the high risk side for me now. I want to see the "money" as some might say. If they come up with that, I will quickly take a big position....but until then, I can't expect you will see any new major buyers with what you have to analyze the company as submitted by them.