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This is what the 4th or 5th week you've said that now Steve?
Nobody believe your bs
Sure thing Steve. Sure thing. We believe you
All it would take to relieve some of the doom and gloom is to have you actually produce something positive Steve.
I mean, it's only nearly a year since the promised certified eld ya know
Make something happen and people might just believe you
Well, almost halfway through the week and ......... Nothing
If this were even remotely true, that some big time was interested in mjlb, there would be some evidence of upward movement.
Would love to see what proof you have, or are you getting free shares from Steve to promote his failure.
I could see lots of shares sold... Because Steve needs money again. Only direction I see this going is down.
Steve should be looking for a way out.
At some point he's gonna have to end this spiral to 0.
Hopefully he takes a permanent solution. He's done nothing by lie for over a year. He promised an eld and can't produce one. His advertisements have been shown to be false.
I really do wish something could be done. The SEC doesn't really care about stuff this small. But I'd really enjoy getting my money out of Steve personally.
A few cents is about all my investment here is worth anymore.
He's blocked my email address. He can't stand when someone questions his intentions.... Or tells him he deserves to rot in jail
You must be new here lol
This company has a single item that could have made it reasonable.
However after 2 years of false promises they can't seem to be able to even get their eld to pass inspection, because the CEO is a complete liar and idiot
Or Steve could be a respectable CEO and come through on his promises
I know novel idea and it's asking a lot
Only news that Steve should put out is eld is certified and financials are submitted.
Anything else is just bs
I don't know what happened to him.
Back when I invested in this company, things were promising. They had a drive and the vision to bring something to market that could be great. It complimented the rest of their products nicely.
Then things just went sideways and it couldn't get certified and he clammed up and turned into bunker boy.
I"m just as irritated as anyone else because of the amount of money I lost due to his inaction.
Agreed. 6 weeks is long enough for a brand new device to be certified most likely.
if he can't get his edited device done in about the same amount of time, then it does bring in to question if it was actually submitted again or not.
of course, knowing steve he could have submitted it through the 3rd company that was certifying them so he would have to start from scratch and then say 'but its not my fault its taking so long'
Not soon enough.
But, what would there be to win? Maybe he'd give us some of the printed manuals for the non certifiable ELD?
I was thinking run a big rig through the front door.
Its not like he actually can track anything coming for him, he can't even make a pet tracker
having lost 99.5% of my investment, there's nothing much left to sell anymore.
Steve deserves all of the hate he receives.
Purchase does not equal receive, esp from MJLB
I'm sure he'd be willing to sell a lot of them, with no ability to ever deliver any thing, because he can't get it certified.
here's the catch, the ELD won't be certified!
and now 10.5 million and we are not in the green...... goes to show its isn't all that interesting.
So, now we at least have proof that Steve can't produce a product at all.
anyone remember his attempt at a pet tracker and then total radio silence? He had to buy a company that already has one because he lied about being able to produce one.
Now, put that together with the lack of a certified ELD.... it wasn't that transcandada was giving him issues, it was that he couldn't produce a product.
sure, after 2 years they could someday get an ELD certified.... but likely not
No JV would touch this company.
They can't get an ELD to pass certification in 2 years of trying.
Mods, can we start getting people banded for posting absolute lies with zero source for their claims?
I have a hard time believing that this was the only hold up that took 18 months to resolve.
If it was, steve is a bigger idiot than I thought for fighting this change.
like the 2 year overdue ELD certification?
NAW!!! that's crazy talk.
Most likely they will be releasing even more shares to try and line steve pockets at the expense of every existing shareholder that was dumb enough to believe his lies back then. Unfortunately that includes myself.
Of course it is, Every spammer knows you have to say that!
we're 24 months (over a hundred weeks) into a 6 week certification.
we're 8 weeks into when it was finally stated they have the information on what they need to comply and I don't think there is any information that it was even resubmitted other than a statement of 'we can do the changes'
steve is nothing by a liar and a thief. until the day the ELD is certified, there is nothing he can do to prove otherwise.
My hope is at this point, steve ends up broke and homeless
Yes cause being involved for 2 years is to short of a timeframe so far on the stock.
The key is to get a CEO that isn't a liar
They should for sure, I mean why not? Nothing Steve has said has been true yet, so why start now?
The perfect update from MJLB..... Steve has been arrested for fraud and embezzlement.
I doubt that we'll ever get a true ELD update, as that ship has sailed anyways since the mandate is in full effect already and we're now into MARCH and there is still nothing.
Did you notice that when they did the last update, AFTER the mandate was already in effect, they could give ZERO time frame on when they would be able to even re submit the ELD? The fact that it took a year to get to that acknowledgement from Steve is fraudulent to say he didn't know that long ago and refused to change anything.
So, how much longer do the spammers have before their paid promotion runs out?
if you block them, this board gets really quiet....
not a single fact has been posted from any of the paid spammers here.... just tons and tons of 'I sense great things coming' 'MJLB is so awesome and Steve is great!' type posts.
note to spammers, if you want to be believed as real, make your posts have some sort of real information in them. I understand that it is impossible with this stock, because Steve will never get the ELD to pass, but other stocks may have a truthfull CEO and business model.
Downward Trend is continuing....
And yet, all the spammers saying it's gonna bust out..... The same that they have been saying for over a year as we drop further and further and closer to triple 0s.
The only product they had that was going to make this company valuable is not able to be certified because of the incompetent leadership not being able to follow the directions and requirements.
Then you and in his year plus of hiding the fact that he can't meet the requirements is a slap in the face to everyone that invested in the company.
As for transparency..... Tell me. How much money has the company made from buying a defunct loan company last year? How many eld units does he have ready to ship of he ever gets certified ? How much is it going to cost to reprint the user manual for the eld should he ever choose to redesign a eld that is able to be certified?
So it looks like their mass spamming.... i mean marketing is still in effect....
Ultrack Systems, Inc. (MJLB): CorporateAds, LLC received $6,000.00 cash for Print Media, Social Media, Affiliate Posting, Articles and Advertising from January 25th, 2023 – February 28th, 2023 by Third Party Elite Asset Corp.
Social Media, now think about how that might manifest itself.
Basically, they have paid people to go on Twitter and the like, and pump the poop out of this stock with nonsensical dribble.
If they could post up some really good honest news, then this sort of spamming may actually be effective in getting the PPS up for a bit.
So it looks like their mass spamming.... i mean marketing is still in effect....
Ultrack Systems, Inc. (MJLB): CorporateAds, LLC received $6,000.00 cash for Print Media, Social Media, Affiliate Posting, Articles and Advertising from January 25th, 2023 – February 28th, 2023 by Third Party Elite Asset Corp.
Social Media, now think about how that might manifest itself.
Basically, they have paid people to go on Twitter and the like, and pump the poop out of this stock with nonsensical dribble.
If they could post up some really good honest news, then this sort of spamming may actually be effective in getting the PPS up for a bit.
could be for sure, but likely won't be anytime soon.
when you're already years behind in the product, what does it matter at this point to ever actually finish it?
That would explain the sheer number of bot style posts here lately.
Wonder how I could get in on that also? It be nice to at least make a few hundred bucks off this stock to offset the huge losses due to the criminal mismanagement from Steve
big news in the next 3 weeks huh.
i'm not gonna hold my breath. The last PR was not impressive at all.
why would he wait to provide the update?
you'd think he'd tell the world that it was passed as soon as he knew.
but, alas, he's going to say 'we're still making progress with the eld and we expect it to be certified any time now. Its just a few minor technical clear ups. Oh and we decided to buy a truck tire repair business in southern Alabama to help increase our exposure in the US. The company currently hasn't turned a profit in 10 years and had been defunct for the last 5, but we're getting for a great price of $200k plus 50 million shares of MJLB'
Failed would be relative to Steve.
He doesn't believe its failed, hence why he's always stated 90%
as long as he doesn't accept its failure to be certified, he won't feel he ever has to tell the public.
His big news is probably that he's finally bought the 'how to sell on amazon for idiots' guide and is totally going to get the pet tracker up there for sale soon, heck may even be immanent!
No, no they haven't really. Steve may say that, but the fact they can't get a certified ELD shows they are no better than the blip that used to be.
cause this stock sucks so bad i'll pull your house of the foundation?
Just have to wait it out???????
Wow. I'd say waiting 18 months so far for a 6 week certification is waiting pretty good.
Should we wait out another 18 months?
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