I almost didn't invest in NWBO because I couldn't find any information. Finding this message board made the difference but it is hard to navigate and I think many new investors don't look past Reddit or Discord. So I have created a new Reddit page, which is a great place for posting your thoughts and getting feedback and commentary in an easily viewable manner. I created it yesterday and am placing as much good info from this site as I can on it. It stands at about 100 members already https://www.reddit.com/r/NWBO/.
I also created a channel for it in my Discord, if you haven't used Discord it is great for direct message conversations and group chats, with more limited ability to host documents. My Discord has about 500 members and great culture with low noise. https://discord.gg/bm7nVaAGA7
I would like to introduce some of the newer traders to NWBO, I think the risk tolerance of new investors, the current price point of NWBO and the nature of the company will all be welcome.
Please consider joining and contributing! It is all free and I gain nothing by you joining. Thank you to those of you who already did!
Really hoping to get the depth of knowledge from the longtime and frequent posters like Dr.Bala, biosectinvestor, ATLinsider, skitahoe, Sir Pumpernickel, fliper44, Sojourner55, DocLogic, Senti and so many more. Thank you, Penny Queen