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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
my long absence ... then recently past TBLT .check ER today nice. risk always high. put stoploss thus .
geo, Hope you played my TBLT : today ER +45% hughe
More serious longterm Nasdaq : SNOW ADBE
i am ok, just need make money for marrying , i dont have any haha.
dont speculate too much.
Also, if you believe in survival of Gym material NAUTILUS brand : NLS. it is down at historical level again.
500 $ in TBLT and 500 $ in NLS : just for long fun . if EVER we never know.
TBLT products :
Hi geo, how are you. I dont follow here much. I am on other chat . I have this ticket TBLT : maybe you can try 500 $ or max 1000$ for longterm (years) : they build a real house building tools that they are making a lot of deals to distribute it in europe .
Just pay attention if they will dilute shares : last R/S was 1:150 . so follow the authorrised shares and the actual outstanding shares to see weither the real Market cap of that co in its infancy: can grow for real or can steal your money.
I witnessed in real time TSNP ALPP ENZC running and knowing they got a lot of potential But i never bought. This time i bought today tons of shares : hope i not doing wrong :(
damm 47 are we played? or is it that JANET effect to serve their clients like some has posted ?
OTC shows only 110,000,000 AS? if real then MOOAS
in 70K shares today , i think it can rally like ALPP, 3 X (30c) possible within a month ? then let see
John, ILUS 12c could be a 1$ . am in 60K shares (6K$) .recent acquisition EV has caused stock kaboom
let s reckonize the environment BIDEN has helped us : from all clean energy/solar to cannabis + OTC money pumping in we dont know from where .
SOLD AT 11 THEN AT 15 THEN LAST AT 10; mmex made +200ù AVERAGE OUT AT 12 THUS from 041 yesterday buy
Just trade it,as it has momentum with PR.
The PR presents a very large and ambitious plan.
But we dont know how he can fund it . unless with the rally he can sell shares at good prices and will not kill us with infinite dilutions at .0002 $ haha
your XROF looks nice ; if you see 10X to 100X : haha i will have a look and post a line in our chat channel to see if they can elaborate more .
Our value stock group is playing INKW,CBBT: at todat level they still they see both X3 to X6 .
i know INND, am awarze of that at 0.0055 but unluckily my broker do not have that ticket !!!
50% of tickets i see with Rally, i can not play them!
alpp enzc tsnp some of my group also played them. But i now hold
MMEX , hoping like holding those 3 above when they were 00 lol.
that s my plan
nice with OCGN, in only traded twice 2 but sold 3.6 something from previous week(s). THE PUMP from Friday and today is a incredible complete organized short squeeze haha
well done budd
check also my group is playing this one.
if you like:
ozsc .
but i stick to my unic MMEX: i hoope for ENZC / TSNP like run to the $
oh i was too busy on my other site . forgot to warn you. am full 75% my money in one single stock : MMEX
Huge business reorientation read PR today : "it intends to develop solar energy to power multiple planned projects producing hydrogen and ultra-low sulfur fuels combined with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in Texas."
Someone even links the idea that the co might want to do project in order to serve SPACEX haha.
i hope for a 10x to 50 X .
20K full in that one.
2M sh is just a lotto play. will be ok
Wow 5 seen.Last week i bough 1M @2 today added another M @3: average 2.4 . that is it. my luck might be back ;) let remove one zero
Back alive at right time? Clean Energy+hydrogen ? In yahoo profile : i read "also offers GreenGen system, a package solution for green fuels and power generation customers; and GenH System, a hydrogen fuel injection system designed for the heavy truck market"
In OTC site: i read "mission is to stimulate the development and success of early-stage companies who will provide the next generation of clean, renewable, and efficient energy technology"
oh really god.
2M shares? you must lose a lot of money when it was not in 000 .i lost my money and sold some but could not sell the last 17K shares (fees were higher than my shares value) whic were dorming since 13 years in my account ,last friday it moves with incredible near 200M shares, so i buy more to 2M shares . Maybe i need add to 5M shares : in couple of months maybe we will see that stock is alive for good with new activity ;) new business is on way ?
after such long years, a good chane she is coming back in biz .
By Caitlin Ostroff :DJ Another Hot Stock: The Company Liquidating Blockbuster
By Caitlin Ostroff
Blockbuster, once the beacon of the video-rental industry, has been dying for the better part of a generation having filed for bankruptcy protection nearly a decade ago.
But on Wednesday, the stock of the holding company managing its liquidation was alive and well. BLIAQ is up more than 100% Wednesday and more than 3,500% this year-part of the GameStop mania that has sent early 2000s mall storefronts soaring.
Ok thanks, day 2 of 3 UP ?:) so possibly some small funds looking to pump 'cheap' shares to kill shorts if any.
Hi guys,is the common share have value? not cancelled i hope .
Hi hehe, ISUN solar , everything with Solar is doing a Generation Rally: good sector, well done.
I am in FULL NNDM 16$, for longterm it can go to 300-500$ $ . it is selling machine to print PC board with chips using DDD technology.
buy some with 20K dollars and we will be Millionnaire within 4 years.
Exited all TLSS at 88 and at 77 today.watching other plays
Hi my friend : am in 400.000 sh TLSS , 9 c now. real logistics co. lets be rich together
HI, what is shares struct here? wanna know mkt cap based on outstanding shares. thanks
Every day demand is stronger than the Offer: up the price go go
Added more:Total 1.5M sh.I read Money is buying shares :). Just forget it untill it leave triple ZERO
LOADED first stake 600K share .0004 because pratically it is impossible to get .0003 instantly : i hate wait & see my order not go thru .
Oh yes, sold 700K @ .0024,now reloaded 800K @ .0015 : Merger will make it 1 cent .
What time will wee see quoting start in LevelII ?
hi geo, buy HEXO 81 c last close. BUY THIS ONE : canabis play. i like it. they sell canabis drops . i think it will be phoenix rising from the ashes ;).. hope u doing well. i dont come here post often. because i am on other site.
My main focus still: TECH stocks and OIL related. That's all.
i have only 1000 dollar, out unvc, IN MNKD now at 6.60
Dr Dalton is our ceo (no much infos) but Dr Sterling Crocket ceo of AGRIMED in the Press is real see facebook page of Agrimed.