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Thanks Chico!! appreciate any good news to brighten shareholder's spirits at this point! scheeeeeez!!! and here we go again..... NioCorp is going to be a sponsor at the metal conferences (just like the last 2 years) and we are in the same position we were 2 yrs. ago, that is- we haven't even declared that we will in fact be producing REE's, and we don't have the updated FS to quantify the potential of the mine..... but hey- we'll be at the conference(s) and "One of these Days"..... "you just wait and wait and wait ... and you'll see..."..... and Blah Blah Blah.... same 'ol story month after month and quarter after quarter and year after year....... meanwhile, I'm sure nobody in Centennial (or the Board) missed their exciting summer family vacations to exotic tropical spots around the world..... toes in the sand... umbrella drinks..... yaddda..... while the Elk Creek Project just languishes..... like a boat without a rudder..... drifting with the wind........
Back to sleep....... reset the 9 month alarm.....
We are now officially and totally dependent on the GUB-MENT!!! cuz we became desperate (despite the 'competitive tension' regarding multiple financing sources- that we heard about for years....... and you know exactly what that means when you are dependent on the GUBMEMT for Gub-Ment CHEEEEZE!! ARGH!!!! Years and years of incompetence, moving timelines, conditions, and getting jereked around by Washington ...... and the beat (down) goes on..... and on ...... and on..... ad nauseum............
Thanks GE- every little bit of transparency helps! The EXIM Annual Conference was almost 3 months ago....... Is Jim suggesting that Mark attended the conference but we have NOT BEEN UPDATED IN ALMOST 3 MONTHS!!??
Did Jim provide any insight regarding EXIM's feedback on- "A number of steps to speed things along"?? that would be VERY helpful.... especially in the absence of any other updates in the last 3 months!! Sheeeeeeeez
Wagner- Hopefully you are right and an avalanche ( or heck, just a modicum) of good news is on the horizon, and they can't comment on it, altho, we have seen over the years, that seldom does the 'Quiet Period' apply to this company's silence.....but maybe..... just maybe..... there is something 'behind the bush' or 'over the horizon' or at this point any-fucking-where!!! sheeeeez Louise....... . yadddddda
NavyHusker- nope you haven't missed anything.... true to form, the NioCorp crew has gone radio silent with no updates in over 3 months!! while the stock continues to twirl like a turd in the toilet bowl.... no updates, no timelines, no response on questions into management..... this is definitely NOT what i had in mind when i invested in this stock........ WTF
A new week and we are STILL in the 'ABYSS'......aka in the fog.... aka mushrooms in the dark' cuz we still have no idea WTF is going on with Financing? or when it might happen? timelines? weeks and months go by without any status from management..... One is left to wonder if they are all on their nice family summer vacations? maybe backpacking in Colorado? or yachting off the Greek Islands?? or just sleeping in until 11am every morning and doing lots of summer reading of their favorite new adventure novels?? Why do we not get monthly updates?? this crew is losing credibility fast and it does not seem to bother them...... I sure hope this scenario is not turning into a replay of the old MP mine where they left the scene and didn't keep shareholders updated..... God Forbid this would happen again!!
Maybe we'll get another update by the end of the year..... Time sure does slip by when you are invested in NB..... maybe there is a 'strategic component' to all of this missed timeline and quarters going by with nothing to show for it...... maybe, just maybe, they are waiting for adults to get into the WH who know the criticality of creating mineral/element supply lines and reserves....but then again, as we are seeing first hand, when you are waiting for the gub'ment it can be a long, slowwww, slogggy uphill timeline..... and lo' and behold...... here we are.......... UGH
NCT- where's MaxZ and Skil-less, the SPAC-kel snake oil twin salesmen.... probly riding on the Kehler/Bloom yacht in Monaco right now..... laughing their assess off while they hob nob with snake oil lenders like Lind and York and the rest of that shark crowd.....
Boy we really know how to pick our partners in Nio-Ville!! Yorkville.... Stellantis...... GX Spacle Partners (who are grabbing 20% of our company)..... Geeee Zussss.... with partners like this who needs enemies....... Can we just sell the company to a group that knows what the F they are doing please...... and now we are playing out our hand that NB mgmt said we would not do..... and that is depending on the Gub'ment for loans .... with all the conditions and endless timelines that go with Gub'ment loans.......oh.... how wonderful it is to be part of the shareholder base of this company being run by this crew...... oh the joy.... let me count the ways..... NOT!!!!
This crew could f-up a wet dream..... and they are!!
Reset the 9 month clock..... and go back to sleeep....... DAMN!!!
I think it would take the NB mgmt crew 3 hours to watch an episode of '60 Minutes'!!!!! these guys probably take a week off to put the trash out...... seems like everything suprises them and timelines come and go with no consequence or explanation........ probably the least transparent crew you will come across .........
It probably means that the updates are 'imminent'.....
We keep saying that every year..... said that in '22.....then '23....... and now '24............. probably be saying that 2030 will be boom or bust.....
and on and on and on.............
t's a pathetic shame that we have reset our Share price expectations to the point where we are looking at $10 ($1 pre split) as an acceptable target...... Are you kidding!!?? We were at .80 before the devastating SPAC debacle, another case of management not doing their DD/research, much like the suprise EXIM new loan requirements ( DD and Drilling), everything seems to come as a suprise to this team when they get suprised by all of these unexpected events...... you'd think that with all of this experience in the mining sector that they are fond of touting, that they would be on top of things and have insight into all the processes that need to be safisfied....... but nope!! .... and we have been at the mercy of these loan shark type financial entities that squeeze us to death because they know how desperate we are for any capital to keep the lights's been 2+ years since they set out on the path to update the FS with REE's + testing, new processes, Capex etc...... why are we not getting ANY updates?? are they busy with summer vacations or just hiding under desks and tuning the shareholders out because everyone seems to have figured out that our mgmt. team has lots of blind spots and have been exposed over the last 2+ years with all of the things that have not gone as expected....... DANG........ how many weeks need to go by before they make something happen.... All of these trips to Washington and we get an 11th hour EXIM suprise that we need a lot more loan application items, oh, and these items (DD/ additional drilling) have significant lead times...... suprise suprise!!!!! Unbelievable!!!
Wagner- I thought i was following your math but now not so sure...... If the market cap is $400M and there are 100M Shares outstanding, then the share price would be $4, which is .40 cents pre 1:10 reverse split.... is that what you are saying now??
I took it to mean a SP value of 40 * $1.78 (current price) with less than 100M shares outstanding.....
You figure, if these guys could ever get the FS out to the world it would probably show anwyhere from $600M-$800M EBITDA and roughly $4B NPV, divide that by 100M shares outstanding and you come up with Wagner's $40 Share price, altho i'm sure there would be a discount (maybe 40%) applied to that future earnings, placing the SP at closer to $20-$25 (before construction). that SP would probably be fleeting, and would probly settle back down to $10-$15 with periodic fluctuations - until the mine is built and production thus revenue starts..... then we should start to see a spike and see the stock price settle in based on 'fundamentals'.........then it could probably be much more accurately charted.....not until then....
All IMHO.... and of course all of these predictions/SWAG/forecasts are dependent on management getting the FS published.... and subsequent EXIM loan....... hopefully within the next 20 yrs....
Geee Zusssss!!
And where are the 'Spac-le snake oil sales twins (Skiluk and MaxZ) hiding out these days...... It seems like it was only yesterday that they were on the board non-stop, wall-to-wall every day full court press hard selling the SPAC, and calling anyone who didn't see the 'obvious merits' of the SPAC Merger as stupid and dolts....... my how the worm has turned.... in fact, looking back i wouldn't be suprised if they were actually lobbying for that disastrous SPAC on behalf of the SPAC merger team!??? hmmmmmm........... makes one wonder........ but hey, here we are......... no further than we were 9 months ago.......
And the beat (down) goes on....... and on...... and on.................. Wake up, reset the9 month alarm clock, then go back to sleep, you won't miss anything!!!
That sure would be nice! heck, I'd settle for 20 x $1.78.....
wait..... i hear a chuggga chuggga chuggga sound in the far distance...... could that be the highly touted RailVeyor chooo choooo train!!?? hope so...
thanks Demo! really appreciate your 'follower support'....getting closer to that magic number to match/surpass AO and restore my dignity!! hehehehe
HAHA..... thanks Putz!
blah blah blah...... yaddda yaddda......
Sanctimony and self-righteousness and more jibberish......... who cares....
Go to sleep AO- you don't need to stay up around the clock to see who is calling you on your lame BS...... again... you need to reach out to mgmt. cuz they know you are the main butt kisser on the board..... get it done.... quit telling others to step up you sound self righteous and sanctimonius.... people get tired of that crap and will let you know, then you find yourself battling everyone on the board and looking defensive ........ not a good look.....
Climb out from under that naive rock you live under....... don't be stupid...... you know Jim is not responding to anyone's questions..... but wait..... maybe if you, as the concensus biggest mgmt. brown nose and apologist on this board (and you know management follows this board because Jim S. was lamenting about people posting negative stuff instead of coming directly to management... what a joke!!) anyway, You AO, should be our chosen omnbudsman/liason with management, cuz Jim would definitely answer your posts as your ass-kissing questions to mgmt. would be much like the national media's questions to one party (guess which one.... haha)... they would be.. softball, lightweight, non-threatening questions that do not expose Niocorp and do not show management in a negative light or doing a poor job! you would be the perfect person to channel our questions thru.... can you be our liason?? c'mon man..... you are always asking everyone else to pose questions to mgmt. ( i.e.,Jim)...... i'm trying to remember the last time you brought anything of value (articles, mgmt. responses, observations etc...) to this board.... it's usually just unfounded optimism, criticizing others who do not share your blind optimism and pom pom shaking cheerleading......... when was the last time you added value or got a response from Jim....hmmm...... help me out????
go lay in the corner and wait for the table scraps then..... i heard they are throwing them out within the next 2 months...... and when they give you them say "thank you sir may i have another"..
then take off the rose color glasses and get back to reality and say WTF has this crew done to a jewel like the Elk Creek Project...!! Hold people accountable or they will take advantage of you many times......
how forgiving and flexible of you! 3 more years just to get the prereq's for a loan that has been in the works almost a year and a half!! we need to start holding these manglement folks accountable or they will stretch this thing out until our 95th Birthday, heck if you pay me $300K+ a year i wouldn't be highly incentivised to do shit, except maybe take a lot of trips to DC to see the spring bloom and the federal building tour on the DC Redline tour bus, heck bring the wives and let's make a mini vacation out of each of these trips...... just put it all on the Niocorp charge account.......
NO, don't encourage others to wilt and capitulate like beaten down dogs being fed scraps....... hold these people accountable... if NOT you get pathetic 'scope creep' like 2016 FS, then 2020FS, then 2022 FS, then finally REarth Due Diligence for YET ANOTHER FS!! DAMN......., and the whole time they have sold us 'Imminent Financing' and Kilns that they didn't have the right power for and delayed Demo testing for 6 months and Red Shovels and little choo choo conveyors, and blah blah blah crap crap... with NO RESULTS... they are starring in a Willy Wonka movie and selling us all crap.....
So Don't lay down on your blankie and go to sleep, demand that our NB mgmt team drive the Lamborghini instead of letting it idle in the garage..... We can do it......... Baby steps...... get in the car..... turn the car on....... back the car up........put the car in drive........ move the Fukkkkking car.......
Let's GO NIOCORP...... chuggga chuggga chhugga.... you CAN DO THIS......
and the beat goes on ..........
I still find it BEYOND BELIEF that we were told that EXIM requested more drilling from NB, OVER A YEAR into the loan application!! something doesn't seem right with this..... If NB Mgmt. was up to speed on the loan application criteria and was indeed (as Mark told us many times) in constant contact with EXIM, it is unfathomable that EXIM would drop the new, capital and time intensive, drilling and DD requirements on Niocorp.. Talk about moving the goal post! and NB never mentioned a work until they dropped the 5,000 pound turd strategically at the end of the conveyor webcast (in the last 2 minutes of the presentation) and then walked off the stage!! 6-8 weeks ago...... and silence ever since! Even if you are the most loyal and eternally optimistic NB investor, i think you would have to agree, that this is a very unprofessional way to treat investors...... There is NO WONDER at all that the institutional investors went POOF..... and ran for the hills when they saw these amateurish set of events unfold over the last 2 years...... They know a crew that is not in control of events and want no part of this until our mgmt. team can restore credibility........ If this was an olympic swim competition, NB would not even make it into the pool, they would be in the parking lot drinking warm beer and pissing in the field and saying "Darn, this mine shit is a little bit more complicated than we thought"..... " better head to Washington again to see if we can talk to folks and expedite this thang..... otherwise them investors are gonna figger out we don't have a handle on anything" and since we haven't had a PR to provide status- in forever, maybe we should put something out"!!! ya think!!! DOH......
Another week..... in the 'ABYSS'........
confidence is eroding....... we need a damage control, interim, stop the bleeding PR like a Skiluk salesman needs snake-oil!! cuz remember sometimes it's skill, sometimes it's luck and sometimes it's just Skiluk selling greasy spac-le snake oil disguised as sound financial advice!! and where the heck is MaxZ a $$$$$million, the Skiluk snake oil partner......
pls. wake me up if we ever get our shit together.....
TH- How about those 'Clearance Sale' NIOBW warrants! add them to your pile of 2 million warrants and you
will have enough to buy a happy meal w/ super sized fries!
Gawd help us all! Is Mr. Smith back from Washington? probly vacationing with the family while Rome Burns! ughhhh
meanwhile everyone seems to be completely fed up with the way we just wait and wait, not ever really knowing what's next (as it hardly ever comes to fruition)...... and the beat goes on....... summer now....... lots of people on vacation and not much shit gets done in summer, ever notice that?? s'pecially in the gub'ment!! stuck in quick sand and pushing papers....... same 'ol crap...
hmmm........ good job NB manglement....
Thanks Richard, just saw the link to Chico's post and replied......
Thanks for your update Chico!!! Always nice to hear from you as you are a calming influence with fact based posts! which is in stark conttrast to the basher flies that buzz around this MB with impugnity........
Agree with your assessment...... spot on.... the ball is in NB's court...... all
we can do is wait.... it would be nice to get more updates tho....
We are bleeding out............
It's pathetic.... looks bleak but maybe they have something up their sleeve (EMP)??? who knows..... radio silence........ would be real nice to get an update at some point........ maybe before the stock bleeds down to .02 for example.....
Chico!!! ???? where are you?? don't tell me you sold and moved on...... that would be a VERY bad sign...
Putz! You crushed it with that Englbert HumperDick vid! you're killin' me...... hahahahahahahaha
sometimes a timely joke/levity piece like that is worth more than $2 or $3 SP appreciation... !!! well, not really, but it'll have to do for now......
Ya Daaaaaaaaa
Where is Skiluk and MaxZ??? probly buzzzing around a town near you... doing SPAC'le seminars and'Wealth Accumulation' seminars with their Tommy Bahama shirts in the tropics while drinking margaritas!!! ahhhh..... sometime life ain't fair...... oh well, suck it up..... grin and bear it....... BOHICA in NB-ville!!!!
DOA- You say you exited your position before the walls came tumbliing down... but you still buzz around the board spreading negativity all day every day...... Is this the Favor you are doing for your 'Flock', those people that adore you, are forever indebted to you for getting them into NB and are hanging on your every post/bash!? gosh, what a nice guy to watch over everyone like that, even tho you sold your position and got out.... some people are so selfless and good hearted.......
yadda yadda....
In the immortal words of TH- "Can't win all the times" ........ very reassuring for shareholders who have waited a long time to see this thing floating at .17 (seventeen cents pre split).... Hard to Believe....... I still believe we have a Ferarri but not a sports car driver..... they seem to be afraid or unable to open the ferarri over 5 miles per hour........
gosh TH we are hoping and praying for you.... we sure hope you make another million would thrill all of us to see you succeed wildly after all of your posts about how much money you are making and minute by minute trades..... Can't win em all says TH........ gotta love this guy....... NOT
Calling CHICO!! come in come in Rambo!! are you still with us.......(radio crackling noise... crakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkle........Lima echo november radio check .... come in.... come in.) WE DEFINITELY need a big fat positive CHICO DATA DUMP (in the absence of any updates coming out of Centennial)..... WE NEED your voice of logic & reason to talk people down from the edge of the Golden Gate Bridge cuz people have seen their investment SP trajectory swirling down the toilet like a 3 Bean burrito 3- flusher dump.....ewwww.... the image itself is highly disturbing....... much like the share price of NB....... this stock is THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING I'VE EVER SEEN........ our leadership seems to be going in circles and chasing their tails..... it seems like we were closer to closing financing 3 years ago (or 2 Feasability Studies ago), during the memorable 'summer of imminent financing tension'......... and then BOOOM, everything dried up.... WTF... what gives! DAMN
Is there any pick up in optimism with a possible new administration in the WH??? Trump did seem very committed to creating supply lines and reserves for CE/REE's in that emergency declaration type document that monacle ( i think it was) distributed a few days ago.... would you mind circulating that doc again please!? it might give the troops a morale boost! badly needed at this point - no doubt!!
And where the Fluck is Skiluk and MaxZ?? probably jet setting around the world doing financial seminars on the 'Many Merits of SPAC's' .............. and if Skiluk taught us anything it is that- 'Sometimes it's skill, sometimes it's Luck and sometimes it's just good 'ol GX junk bond equivalent SPACle snake oil!! Be careful!! oh, shoot..... too late!!! Dang!!
NCT- caught in the NB nut grinder, and almost ready to tap out..........
1.) multiple interactions w/ Jim S. shared with the MB at key points over the last 3 yrs.
2.) calling out timelines and the contrast with what actually happened
3.) Asking questions to people with finance backgrounds in order to get an idea where the SP might move to during certain stages of mine development.... getting dialogue going in the group
4.) Prodding management in emails to Jim and MB posts to exhaust financing possiblilities from within wealthy BOD group - to put 'low/no-interest loans on the table to get us thru the EXIM due diligence phase...... this would be very do-able and not facetious at all......
there's 4 Trans- now you are looking like a useless jackass with egg all over your face- because we all see your shameless game every day....... like a jackal attacking..... with no redeeming qualities, a loaded diaper for all to see...... go back to sleep..... drooopy...... and get ready for another day of reruns tomorrow....... with your bashing twin(s)...
Yeah but unlike you Tranny, i back it up and try to provide some value to the board by interacting with Jim S. and sharing with the board, also share ideas and opinions; I don't just non-stop trash management with no creative solutions or opinions to make things better (which is what you do all day) very non creative and repetitive..... like a broken record with no constructive feedback at all........ yes, mgmt. needs to be held accountable, but try to add something to the board - just for a change!!
Yes, we have pathetic bashers on this board.... when is the last time you saw any of the bashers (with multiple aliases, but it's obvious who is attached to who) dig up any research or look into anything or get updates from management..... They just beat the drum and complain and whine day in and day out to wear you down so they can grab the shares at rock bottom dog shit prices (kinda where the SP is at now), otherwise why would they still be here??? they sure the hell are not worried about the average shareholder..... they could care less about the MB retail shareholders......
and the beat goes on..... and on...... and on....
Ok, this is getting RIDICULOUS with no updates from Jim S. regarding EXIM interim financing..... i just looked in my email records of interactions with Jim S. and see correspondence from March 4th where he told me they were looking at multiple sources for financing to satisfy the EXIM reqmts..... THAT WAS 5 MONTHS AGO! What in the hell is going on here!!?? we are being strung out and kept in the dark.... The last minute of of the conveyor conf. call a couple months ago (where they dropped the bad news about EXIM needing more data) and then the conf. call ENDED within 2 minutes...... That was NOT confidence inspiring TO THE LEAST........ Please tell us Jim S. that all those trips to Washington are going to bear fruit...... this is getting frustrating with NO UPDATES....
WE are on fire today! up one red cent...... please don't everyone get 'irrationally exuberant' and go out and put an EV Beamer on order! hehehe
and the beat goes on..... and on and on.....
ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- wake me up if something happens this year! reset the 9-18 month clock and go back to sleeeeeeeep....
I must say that the deafening silence is beyond FRUSTRATING! it does NOT inspire conference...... I am still reeling from the fact that we are supposed to believe that EXIM just sprung it on NB (a YEAR into the application process) that they NEEDED LOTS MORE VERY LONG LEAD-TIME ITEMS in order to fulfill the application process!!! WHO DOES THAT!!?? very rinky dink and JV team type process there...... hmmmm....... smells fishy.......