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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
About $900 in SELLS vs $40 in buys lol
Did I see correctly? Lol
2500 shares = $6.50 lmaooo
Nice to see.
Only one post a day (Still) lol
Bro! 4000 shares $10 lmaoooo oh my ribs hurt from laughing so hard!
Who would do a paint job of $10 lol
Oh wait...... Lmaoooooo
😂 😂 😂 😂
Beautiful! and many OTC tickers don't have any volume for MONTHS!
10,000 shares ? Lol $27 paint job oh my
Was that 8000 shares buy lmaooo $24 lolll oh my
With Crypto running hard for the next. I think you mean 2027? Lol
Surprise this JNSH is trading
4 years waiting 🥱 is more than. Irritating. Lmaooooo
4 years or so no word from the CEO. Then the convertibles was missing from filings for several years now they are there again.
The CEO should explain.
2.2 mil volume x .003 = $6,600 where did you get $60,000 million? lmaooooo
What? 40,000 in buys about $120 vs 260,000 in sells $759. Lolll that 10,000 buy to bump it up was pathetic. Lmaooooo
Of that how many were sells vs buy. Yes 2 million vol. I did see one or two decent buys.
Yes don't forget the coordinated gatherings just before lunch to scare people from buying. We remember.
$150 or 58,000 buy is a sign some one knows something?
We killed it today lol. 27,000 volume lmaooo
False I was already accused of selling when it ran by stockbarber. And yes I did sell on the pump.
I know many stocks with Zero volume most days for almost 3 years lolll .
I did not know zero volume for 2 your is a concern ONLY for DBMM and not other stocks. I can name a few lollllllllll!
.25 cents yes cents in volume today and it was a SELL LMAOOOO
I was in that run and I posted then also.
At least I don't post 20,000 posts on one ticker lol.
Jnsh another day of nothing.
Bam! Well stated.
"Yeah, we heard that Linda's ego was what resulted to the following..........
Kramers not getting their way with $DBMM.........
Getting billions of shares.......
Diluting $DBMM to the grave.........
Second she never took revocation 100% guarantee serious.........
I don't know your brother, but a coinhas two sides.......
There is a fine line between business and personal life........"
The biggest BS was DBMM will never EVER go pink lol and here we are pink. Duh!
The original post that answered to "NOT a P&D" yet JNSH was pumped to around .04 ish then dropped to a pitiful .0026. and a lot of days zero volume. Just facts.
Did you see this warning video about JNSH?
It was pumped to .04 ish then dumped. That's a fact, look at the share price now. What's worse is zero volume most days for 3 years. The 10k paint jobs are pathetic lol.
Imagine if I posted 20,000 posts on ONE ticker. People would think I am crazy. I am soo glad I did not do that. I wonder who would (hihi)?
You mean the one that ran 10,000 percent?
If jnsh is so great why a dud after the pump to .04 ish. Yikes that a huge drop. Lol talk about a huge loss and now no volume most days.
Jnsh is very consistent with Zero volume. Lol
Dbmm will never EVER as it ran 10,000 percent. Someone said the Internet is forever. Yep it's all there 20,000 plus post by one person lol of never EVERs. Lol
.0024 yeesh can we get a vwap ? Lmaoooo jnsh junk
I remember one or two predictions like dbmm will never .. ..
And then it did and ran 10,000 percent to top it off.
I can't complain that "junk" ran 10,000 percent and 25 to 100 percent multiple times hihi.
Jnsh on the other hand TImberrr from .04 ish to now and Zero Word from the CEO for over 3 years!
They own .0024 yeesh! Lmaooo
When I called about 4 to years ago I got the answering machine. It sounded like 1985 type of answering machine lollll. True story
Sleeping for 4 years like the CEO zzzzzzzz lmaoo
They own from .04 to now? Lolll .0028?
Low volume? Did you mean Zero volume most days for about 3 years?
We heard rock bottom around .003 and someone will buy 30,000,000 shares. Lol now rock bottom at .0028 yeesh !
Hint TImberrr After the pump from a few years ago from .04 ish to a pathetic .0028 ish! Hihi Next?
Did the CEO say that. We heard the same for 3 years now as the ticker declined.
People been selling lol.