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Do you have a list of lithium public companies in Nevada?
Good luck to you.
PPS did run up last 12 month on the speculation it will become a supplier to Tesla Gigafactory.
Imagine what's going to happen when Tesla will announce a different suplier.
Correct.Problem is management could hit us any time with dilution,zillions of A/S,pay billions of shares for services etc.
I've seen it before.
Thanks. I couldn't find that anywhere.
What will be the next catalyst?
Partnership? Take off agreement?
So what's next for Pure Energy?
Financials shows no cash,no debt and unlimited A/S.
Best way for this company will be:
-find a strategic partner
-or a take off agreement specifying debt,financing,etc.
Any opinions?
Bad data already out
DOW future down 175
Thanks for reply.
What's your thought on this?
Anyone here knows any ETF related to oil storage?
I foresee a storage crises come June and wondering if there's any ETF related to oil storage.Or how's the best to play the coming oil glut?.
Anyone here knows any ETF related to oil storage?
I foresee a storage crises come June and wondering if there's any ETF related to oil storage.Or how's the best to play the coming oil glut?.
"Because, after all, the CEO is a man of great integrity and faith in a higher power."
You're kidding right? The CEO of a pinky stock a man of integrity?
Wait to loose one million dollar on these "high integrity crooks"
then you'll realize who you're dealing with.
Sounds like a continuous dumping.
I won't touch this pig not even with a ten foot long fork.
If I well understand from S-1 filled Kodiak is to dump 50 millions shares at market value as they wish.
If that's the case then triple zero coming.
0.35-0.4 tomorrow
Still in the process of settling down from last bounce.
Couple this with suisse vote and JNUG announced R/S PPS could visit mid two's.
more like $2.85
Loaded more? If suisse will turn down the 20% gold holding for banks this Sunday(and they pobably will)then you'll see a JNUG collapse on Monday.
It's down today since smart money hedge funds figured out already vote will be negative.
So much for the last three years talk of dollar collapse due to Fed creating trillions of dollars for their cronies.
Hopefully Alan Greenspan is right quoting last week:
"Fed debt is under a tinder box and gold will go up measurable"
You wish
Gold going down to $950
So what was the purpose of this crooked CEO PR ing yesterday to expect 10Q later on the day and so far nothing happened?
No more PR's please. Any time they open their dirty mouth to spit something PPS get shafted.
I see a gradual rising to three short term provided they keep their mouth shut.
Hopefully management keep their mouth shut.
Any time they PR something PPS get a hit.
They should wait for PPS to stabilize around three.
Aren't they reading this board?
Can't they or whoever is the goofy one holding billions of shares just refrain few days from dumping?
What's that info again?
Post number?
Question for the board:
17,325,000 at 0.001 on the bid and 10,000 at 0.011 on the ask.
I did stick a fork in this pig at 0.0011 for 1M shares.
Still the ask and bid shares remain unchanged.
That means someone has unlimited shares at the ask and the crooked MM's are only displaying small amounts of shares to get more new suckers like me?
What you think?
I'm not sure about $5 next week but 40-50c next week is doable.
Someone dumping
I wonder who could be
Sound like a good move although I'll still wait for 0.22 entry for the bulk of my buys if ever coming.
I doubt we'll ever see 0.18 again.
IMO the PPS was extremely depressed and the lowest we could see is 0.2-0.22
OTOT it could go another 20% tomorrow as more people realize this is no brainer for next two month.
Profit taking for those who bought around eight.
0.015-0.02 more like tomorrow.
Most shares were bought around eight.
Based on income projection from today PR's market cap. should be at least two million dollar.
very good info
Is there any such site for US stocks?
About 58 million new shares issued at $0.55 to private investors and PPS still going up.
I wonder when they'll dump some.
Is there a wait period for those investors before they can dump?
Somebody did clear me up of 2 Millions shares.
Whoever you are good luck to you.
I'll never look at this POS again.
Last time they filled an 8 K and got suspended by SEC.
Gap at $10.5 need to close.
PPS need to establish a bottom and form a base.
You posted on your website 8.8 M OS.
I've thought the IPO was 4M shares.
Why the difference?
Good point.
I didn't know that.
I wouldn't worry about closing price today.
This is a low floater small market cap. with a break thru technology
to revolutionise office work and consumers small appliances charging power.
When market cap will get to $200 millions then I might have another look.