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Linda Grinch crapped in everyones stockings and still mute with head up ass. Expect worse in 2025 and another share grift. This POS added over 152 million shares in 2024. What an inept worthless ceo. Needs to be fired and sued. Such a stinking selfish prick.
As usual, red. Mute inept nonmanagement strikes again.
Always means nothing and will close red.
At this point, I will be suprised if this stinking POS is approved at all. Mute inept mismanagement is hiding something...
Just another example that nwbo's flawed submission is stuck in Hell. Linda Worthless strikes again! Staying mute and inept is SOP.
Inept mute nonmanagement is silent because they only have bad news to report. This clown show continues into 2025 and will only get worse as long as Linda the Grifter Worthless is in charge.
Les meant after the fall of civilization.
No, it is the fact that we have a grifter along with inept mute mismanagement in charge selling shares to keep getting bloated undeserved salaries.
Hilariosly wrong.
Unfortunately, heard this for the last 4 years. Instead, let's hope in 2025 mute inept nonmanagement and linda worthless get fired, replaced, and sued.
And here on the last day of 2024 this POS is tanking as it has for 4 years plus. Linda Worthless needs an orange jumpsuit.
Linda Worthless drags nwbo longs into 2025 carrying this stinking POS. Fire this idiot! Then sue the crap out of her for stealing. Funding her side deals, grifting shares, and doing and saying absolutely nothing else. What a thief.
4 Years a stinking POS. I expect no difference in 2025 as long as L Worthless and the mute inept clown crew are in place.
The day's first oxymoron. Many to follow.
Another 'drunk on the koolaid' post. The only 'keen insight' is increasing her bank account while fleecing SH. But keep polishing her boots...
So, new lows for this stinking POS. Longs wondering why nothing from mute inept nonmanagement. No MTD. No approval. Linda Grifter is raking in the $$ while nwbo burns, there has to be lawsuits forthcoming against this POS. So sorry I ever told anyone about this crap. Never ever seen a more worthless clown crew runnig a company. Stinking POS.
She is an asshat, not a genius. You need to look up that word. She has crushed SH.
Firing and replacing the inpet mute nonmanagement team would be a great place to start. With Linda Asshat at the helm, this is going in one direction...down.
Why buy when they can steal?
Funny how the paid pump crew never mentions that every single prediction they made HAS BEEN WRONG. None of them can defend the BS over the years, they just keep getting paid to churn it out. Another year gone holding this stinking POS.
Good summation of Linda Worthless's ongoing grift. She does not give a shit about SH, thus the silence.
There is a high degree of fiction and hopium spread here by the paid minions of linda doofus. So far, wrong 100% of the time, a perfect losing record. I ignore most and only see the replies of the few sane people left here.
Not true, nwbo could have submitted a flawed document that has slowed approval to a crawl. Knowing how inept they are, it's a possibility.
They would not but linda worthless needed to guarantee her bloated 1 miilion a year grift salary for the next decade.
They do not have integrity, already proved that.
The way this inept mute nonmanagement has not performed, expect the single approval pr with zero follow up. So many here are so frustrated that we will pull the trigger on that blurb and never look back, except in disgust.
I know, just kidding. ;)
Is that a type of dinosaur?
He doesn't know squat, just seeking attention.
Another week gone by being crapped on by linda grifter and the merry clowns.
Paid pumpers ain't too bright.
Inept mismanagement is not buying shares, instead they grift them.
Off the charts and criminal. I hope Karma swallows her whole. Should taste like poop and broken dreams.
Hard to reply with nonmanagements head up lp's ass.
She is the thief in the house.
Many longs, like me, went from excitement and promise, to confusion and doubt, and now to realizing that this company is run by a grifter and an inept crew of liars. Mute, inept and not accountable is their MO, and they show they do not give a shit about SH. Worst nonmanagement team EVER. I hope they get overwhelmed with lawsuits,
Expect more of the same in 2025 and beyond from the nwbo grifters. Silently enriching themselves, accountable for nothing.
Here comes .20. Thanks inept mute mismanagement and L worthless.
More like 'Linda's wealth explodes and SH are destroyed".
Hopium, which means nothing.
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