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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Monday, July 07, 2003 8:20:13 AM
This message may be addressed to you by mistake, it is supposed to go to one having "aho" in his handle and I am not sure which one, if you do not "Cyber-know" me (Zeev Hed), it is probably not intended for you, so just disregard the following.
I am trying to determine if you might have an interest in a special opportunity, high risk, but high potential rewards, that is, if you are looking for an "outside shot". I am involved with a very unique situation with a real outsized potential. It may be unique in that entry before the VC's get in is feasible.
I am on the Board of Technical Advisors of a small California outfit, [edited]. They have the real "McCoy", a group of ambient superconductors (I authored 16 patents in the field, thus they asked me to join that board).
They are seeking right now some bridge financing until they get their major injection of funds from traditional VC (Venture Capitalists), but these guys are taking their sweet time. The entry level here is at a market cap around $25 MM, and I believe that sometime in the next decade, once (and if) the markets become exuberant again, their market cap could easily exceed the multi billion dollars level, if they survive and prosper. This, simply because the markets addressed by such a technology could easily exceed $100 Billion yearly (like the semiconductor chips industry).
However, in order to participate in such a private placement , you need to be an accredited investor to ($1 MM in assets or $200,000 in annual income). If you are accredited and want to further investigate this opportunity, drop me a mailing address (and a phone number for Fed-Ex) which I will forward to [edit], and they will send you a prospectus.
Disclosure, I have more than $50 K of my own in [edit], so I am biased.
Oh, you may not have access to the PM function, in this case, if you are interested, e-mail me your address and phone at [edited].
Good luck
The director doesn't trim trees on the side does he?
Sometimes it pays to listen to listen to members . . .
Remember when I came up with the idea of Facebook.
If you say so:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at IHUtils.SearchGrammar.ConvertQuery(AstNode node, TermType type) in I:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\SearchGrammar\SearchGrammar\SearchGrammar.cs:line 86 at Boards_msgsearch.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
The status quo is just the state of things before something better comes along.
Anyway, in the end I don't really care.
I should have just stayed out of it, and now I will!
Right, exactly. That's how you know it is a bad rule, because it is impossible to define appropriate exceptions.
Going back, I think the rule came about through Matt's misinterpretation of an arguably good rule, being that you shouldn't be allowed to post someone's personal identifying information (real name, address, phone number, etc.).
All that said, I just remembered that I already knocked my head against this wall almost four years ago. So, I'll just leave well enough alone.
My recollection is that the "don't post private messages" rule was made up by Matt several years ago, and in light of recent events maybe it is time for the site to give this irrational rule a second look.
As between two people, a conversation is only private if both sides agree to keep it that way. If you can't handle transparency, then be careful what you say.
If someone sends me a threat, or an offer to break the law, or a racist joke, I may want to let the community know.
Put another way, what interest does InvestorsHub have in creating a safe haven for secret messages about stocks . . . or anything else? I hope and assume that the answer is "none."
If a site that is devoted to a heavily regulated and oft-manipulated industry is going to have a rule, shouldn't the rule favor openness and transparency, or AT LEAST allow it?
Posted by: IH Admin [Matt] Date: Sunday, April 29, 2001 12:51:04 AM
In reply to: Corran Horn who wrote msg# 2 Post # of 913 [Send a link via email]
So why was the subject header changed?
Very simply. New boards show up on the front page. You have no reason for this board other than to create confusion among the quality community that currently exists. You proved me right when you started the second board.
A lot of you are surprised I didn't delete this board.
Well here's your chance. Show me the scam.
Heck, if a reputable government like Mexico thinks your product is "adequate" then you must have a goldmine on your hands!
When a post is deleted, then subsequently reinstated, it seems to me that upon reinstatement it should become the most recent post on the thread. Otherwise, one assumes that it will never be read on a very active board where most people have already "next 50d" past it.
Or does it already work like that?
Post Unavailable
Additional Information
Let the record show that it was yours truly who coined the nickname "Score-Dough."
In hindsight, however, I might have been a little easier on him. In fact, Ken, please accept my apologies. I sincerely wish you the best.
I did not know that. I knew he left, and that he was a pain in the butt sometimes, but then again it seems like many of us acted that way at some point or another.
I remember him as interesting to read, which is why he has remained peoplemarked by me for all these years.
Anyway, thanks, I was just curious. Moving on to other things.....
I was actually hoping for more than a WAG. Also, while a hijacked account is possible, I view it as unlikely in this case.
When I checked my Favorite People link this morning I was surprised to see that Joseph Svejk had 6 New Posts, the most recent listed as
05/23/2009 12:14:52 AM
When I clicked on the 6 new posts link, through, after a long delay it took me to his most recent 6 posts from May 2001.
Hitting the back button, it now shows no new posts but continues to list his last new post as yesterday.
So, what's happenin'?
Another Skinner Winner:
From the 10-Q filed February 19, 2009.
On August 5, 2008 David C. Skinner, Sr., CEO of the company stepped down and assumed the duties of Director of Manufacturing of the Pasta and Bakery divisions and Martin Silver, then Chairman of the Board assumed the duties of interim CEO. On September 2, 2008 the company closed its production facilities' attempting to have the products co-packed by third party manufacturers so the company could focus primarily on marketing. Soon thereafter, the company was advised that the investment bank was no longer going to fund the company operations and on September 9, 2008 Mr. Silver, interim CEO resigned as Chief Executive Officer, Board Chairman and Director of the company. Alexander Ngan and Carlo Varesco also resigned as Directors. The remaining Board, David Skinner and Kenneth Troyer reappointed Mr. Skinner in the Chief Executive Officer position and appointed Kenneth Troyer as the Board Chairman.
Thanks for the replies.
Job is done, and it looks great. Everything works, paid in full plus a 12-pack of Bud for each of the 3-man crew.
And now the real work begins.....scraping, priming and painting all the exterior trim. I'm getting way too old for this. Over the weekend I installed a new Anderson storm door, painted the entry door, installed some good weather sealing trim.....and all the squatting, and getting back up, and squatting again (repeat over and over), just about put me in traction.
Fair is all I am looking for, which is why I asked the question here to find out what was customary from the contractor's point of view instead of just relying on my lawyerly instincts. I don't screw with people who work for a living, just protecting myself.
Interestingly, the install is well under way and nobody has asked for a dime yet (other than the 10% I put down upon ordering the windows last month). Works for me.
Sounds good. Thanks.
And with that....the truck just showed up.
Hey folks,
I have a contractor coming by today to install 16 replacement windows in my home. I owe him about $3,000, and I'm wondering if any of you pros have any suggestions as to whether he is expecting me to pay over the entire balance when he is done today, or whether it is reasonable for me to hold back a percentage for a week to make sure everything is in working order.
All thoughts appreciated.
David Skinner, Sr., former WINR consultant & father of WINR CEO.
Kimberly Stein Skinner, former WINR Officer & Director.
Kristine Coalson, former WINR Director.
Ronald Sparkman, former PR guy for WINR.
Sounds a lot like Winners Internet Network to me!
From internet gambling to pasta. Natch!
Well What'ya know?
Remember David Skinner's old man, who served as a "consultant" to WINR and who, I believe, was one of the early owners of a whole lotta winr stock....and who eventually married Kim Stein, another name that will ring a bell with those who remember this old dog.......well guess what.
Turns out they really love AMISH pasta.
Not blaming you, I know you're just the messenger.
Of course, you know there is a problem when a message board starts modeling itself after ragingbull's business model.
BTW, to change the subject completely, are you a big fan of System of a Down?
Investorshub will be changing urls from to shortly.
Hey, that is a SUPER business decision! Probably just a matter of time until we see:
I can't believe those links aren't active!!!! What are these guys waiting for. So intuitive, and so much easier on the eye!!!!
On the brighter side, with marketing geniuses like this in charge it looks like it is just a matter of time before Bob can buy this site back for half price.
I was told that the first business to re-open for miles in a particularly bad area we visited was a drive-thru daiquiri store (still trying to understand how that works). The first people to return to the area had nothing to do for entertainment or escape, so they spent a lot of time gathered in the daiquiri store parking lot talking and drinking together.
I guess that is a little lesson for all of the entrepreneurs here in iHub.........
...... when catastrophe strikes be the first to open your doors, and make sure you sell booze.
Not just the contractors, I was told by a few that the "inspectors" hired to supervise the rebuild were a real problem. I was told that if you could show "any" knowledge of construction and were also able to read you could get a job as an inspector. Pretty scary.
One of the saddest things I learned was that people with school-aged children weren't coming back even if their homes were salvageable. No open local schools to send them to, no safe (due to debris AND crime) areas in the neighborhood to play.
Mayor Nagin dropped in for a quick talk with a larger group. He said that the City was selling individual lots in the devastated areas at whatever was the lowest appraised price, and that we could choose our own appraisers. (BTW, we weren't there to buy real estate). He really tried to sell it. I don't think there were any takers, although our guide through the area said that he had lately been getting work picking up developers at the airport and driving them through ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOODS that they were considering buying, then driving them right back to the airport.
Hey there AlexG,
I've been meaning to write to say good luck with your rebuilding. I was in NOLA for the 1st time a couple months ago, and I was completely unprepared for what I saw. A small group of us took a few hours to go through the 9th ward, St. Bernard Parish and several other neighborhoods with names I can't recall. To me it looked like what I imagine things would look like after a nuclear attack. Nothing but empty shells of houses and boarded up strip malls mile after mile. The local guy that was driving us around broke into tears several times. I asked a waitress at my hotel how she was doing and she spent 15 minutes (other tables be damned) describing how mentally screwed up everybody still was.
I try to tell the people back home what I saw, but honestly I don't think you can comprehend it unless you see it.
I have enjoyed reading about your rebuild, and your 1st person knowledge of the current building industry practices.
Good luck!
It means asking price is too high.
Decades back, when a child, I was dragged along with an
uncle, who is an Anglo, yes, I am a half breed, dragged
along for a mule and wagon ride up to Broken Bow, maybe
twenty miles away but a half day ride. . . . We
were off to a general store to buy seed corn to plant,
a special hybird out of Arkansas. . . .
We stop at a small diner, not much really, maybe a
thousand square feet of building. We order early lunch,
a real treat compared to our sparse diet on our farm.
The owner of this diner comes over to our table, looks
at my uncle, looks at me, "Mister, see those signs up
there 'colored' and 'white' over the front door? You
can sit here but the girl has to sit over there
in the colored section."
Well, a real ruckus comes about, right quick. My uncle
jumps up and clips the man across his chin, knocking
him down, followed by my uncle giving him several good
kicks to his side.
And so begins the Legend of one girl's uncle,
Uncle Billy Jack
One of my board marks, Pirate Traders, shows negative 5 ("-5 Unread") new posts.
Excellent new feature.
[Taking a bow][gratefully]
Say no more!
Nudge, nudge; Wink, wink.
My opinion is irrelevant. It is the rule.
Looky here Locutus of the Borg, I understand that "it is the rule." I will take your word for it that your opinion is irrelevant to the continued existence of the rule, even though I am inclined to think that your thoughts on such matters carry some weight among The Collective.
I was simply asking if you had any opinion as to the particular matter, and if so if you would mind sharing it. Since my question calls for a response, your answer IS relevant.
Am I speaking Klingon or something?
[please imagine a smiley emoticon]
I assumed that Matt made up the rule. I'm not looking for a change or anything like that.
I just wondered about Dave's opinion (and Bob's for that matter) of the rule, which seems to be kind of a formalized bastardization of some unwritten common courtesies that exist on SI.
Let me say this very simply for you:
I understand that the TOU prevents a person from publicly posting a Private Message. It is very clear. It is against the rules. I get it.
I am simply asking Dave his opinion of the rule, which I believe he did not create. In other words, does he think it is a good rule.....or a bad rule....or maybe he prefers not to even go there.
Thanks for all your help though.
Please run along and let the adults talk.
I have read it, but that is irrelevant to my question (as are your posts on the issue so far).
My question to Dave concerned not the parameters of the rule, but only his opinion of it.
Setting aside the fact that you are not Dave, what is your point?
May I ask, what is your opinion of that rule?
Now that post, I understand.
Hey, if it works for you, why not?