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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
News was yesterday and made this drop like a rock lol...
Only one big block in AH most just small block bs and price going down...
Big Corp doesn’t buy and sell after market lol.
Wish I did the same
Pump and dump. Should have dumped my calls yesterday. Smh
Holding some $46 calls exp 11th over night. I hope this gaps up again overnight.
55 end of day incoming. Maybe even a gap up again tonight.
It will dip below 400 today. It will hit a wall at 420 Then fall and test 406. If it breaks 406 then below 400 will happen.
Damn timberrrrr
It’s dead here just going sideways. Annoying and manipulated.
503.50 wall is murdering this. I think the run may be over. Bears are winning the battle pre split
I highly doubt that...
Yeah this has been so manipulated it’s insane
Time to rally. Let’s gooo AAPL
I need to find the cliff apple fell off and jump off lol
Low volume and most of the volume are sell orders. Makes literally no sense...
No way that happens. People are just dumping for no reason. MMS just manipulating the stock. Scam artists doing what they do best.
Looks like I need to stop looking at this thing. It’s amazing how every move up gets jacked back down. Bears are fighting this thing hard.
The manipulation is real.
This is just insane to see how the boys are keeping this down.
Hope so. Slamming it down again. I don’t believe what I’m seeing.
Consolidate around 505 for a little but build another base then up to 510 by eod
I am in 510 calls 8/28 expiration. Hoping to see a big run today and tomorrow so I can dump them all and buy shares. Before end of day Friday.
Friday is going to be the day it runs to 525 before close.
Build another base here and close above 505-506
Bears keep slamming it back down not letting it run. Crazy to watch.
Volume is low. This is pathetic to watch lol
Sigh. Marched back down with such low volume. Longs are satisfied with their position while profit taking and shorts have taken over.
Apple will run this afternoon and we will be at ATH at close
Bears working their butts off to keep it down
I hope so I have 21 344 calls lol
Sounds like you support B and his plans to put a hefty tax on stocks and bonds. Weird...
Why are people selling right now. Makes no sense to me.
Just weird coming down from 515 on the week of a split.
Yeah good time to buy I think.
Apple is tanking wtf.
You sir are a legend