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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
finally some interest around here. I feel like there will finally be some buyers, but hopefully they don't dilute into it. Always happens. I've been here for 2 years and it's always the same story... The exec's never miss an opportunity to dump millions of shares on the market
For option strategies, check out the momoplays .com
The site has a post on Pbr (Petrobras) that lays out profit potential with different call options. Bought Bought Jul 14 Jan 15 expiring calls on PBR this week
Jan 15 puts on FB and Jul 14 puts on NFLX
new momoplays website recommending buys, sells and derivative strategy
momoplays .com if anyone wants to check it out. Has been 100% accurate so far!
SELL RECOMMENDATION AT 450. People don't listen!
Go ahead and listen to Jim Cramer and Seeking alpha if you want to lose money
This stocks valuation was totally inflated and momoplays .com was probably the only website to seriously point it out and recommended a sell at 450; that's where I bought put options! at the absolute peak
PBR rated as a BUY on the momoplays website
momoplays .com just rated PBR as a buy!
I know the googleplay reviews have gone up from about 1 per day (200 downloads/day) to 8 per day (1600 downloads/day).. This increase started about 2 weeks ago
I think it has to do with Panomark marketing. That's the only thing that makes sense to me
I have been away from the board for a few days and today we're shooting up on the breakout board.. Did i miss something? What's going on?
Hasn't anyone noticed that our downloads on googleplay have been skyrocketing the last couple weeks ?!! Downloads started increasing 6 fold about a week after the Panomark marketing announcement
googleplay ratings are SKYROCKETING !!!
1 review usually equals about 200 new customers
We used to average 1 new review a day. Now we're getting like 7 new reviews a day
which means we're getting like 1400 new customers EVERY day.. compared with just 200 new customers a day. I noticed this change soon after the Panomark announcement.. We must be doing some really effective advertising in all different countries atm. JUST AWESOME !!!
They're using the $25,000 per month for a PROFESSIONAL advertising campaign. This is exactly what we needed and what everyone was screaming for! Check out the companies that Panomark does advertising for: Sony, ebay, intuit, marvel etc.
Everything's in place with PVSP, all we need is to market our product and that's what we're about to do. The writing's on the wall. This is great news, and I'll be buying more
They just need to advertise. Why aren't we pumping out commercials
Conversion to paid customer is around 8%
This was noted by the company recently.
customers: 240,000 for android plus 50,000 (?) for apple = 290,000
290,000 x .08 = 23, 200 paying customers
23,200 customers paying approximately 15$ per month = $348,000 per month
NOW let's assume that our paying customer base increases at 15% per month.
By this time next year PVSP should be earning revenues of $1,861,890/month
equation: 23,200(1.15)^12 = 124,126 paying customers in one years time @ $15/month = $1,861,890
shares are held so tight. We'll close around .0036 tomorrow imo. With news, over .004
what's the T in "T +3" ?
2M Dannyboy4 .. Been here for two years. Thanks for leaving me out -.-
PVSP was already offered .05/share recently and our CEO turned it down. We're worth much more than that, and will be a billion + dollar company in the future. Companies are already looking to buy us out at 20x the current share price
IOS approval any day now. We should blow past .01 when that happens
How do you know we were offered a buyout for .05/share ??
.02+ tomorrow
I did the math. This means you spent about $11,520 on 1,800,000 shares. 1311000 at a cost average of .0027 and 489000 at a cost average of .0163
If you spent all $11,520 buying shares at .0027 instead of all these other random prices over the last year, you would have 4,263,111 shares instead of 1,800,000. So, it all depends how you look at it. Personally, I think .0064 is a great cost average if you compare that valuation to company fundamentals and not stock price. PVSP is severely undervalued
I'm currently sitting on 1,550,000 shares at a cost average of .0037 and am very happy and continuing to accumulate. We should be over .25 by the end of year imo
delusion LOL .. you mean dilution?
couple hundred thousand more shares and i'll have (total) 1.5 million shares :) Gonna keep buying tomorrow. Almost there
What a great review one of our customers....
Alla Goltsman - July 7, 2013 - Version 2.0.7
Love it! Cheap mobile calls
A friend of mine called me about this app. She was excited. I downloaded it and made an international call - to Canada. The sound was good. Very good. You see, I am not a big fan of VOIP. I had a bad experience. But I am so glad that this mobile VOIP is not the case. I immediately called my friend from India. She is trying to handle a very difficult situation: home foreclosure. She lost her job and cannot find another one. But she has a lot of cousins in India and loves all of them. Naturally, she wants to talk to them. She downloaded the app and started using it immediately. Oh, boy! She was excited 2! She is too lazy or busy to post a review. So, I am writing for both of us. She loves it as well. But there is something else that makes me very happy. I do not need to pay for minutes if I don't make calls. There is no monthly fee with Vox, you just pay when you use it. I am glad that phone companies start to understand that people lose a lot of money. It's not necessary. This phone company is not going to waste my money. I will go ahead with my trial and most likely dump my current carrier. I dumped Verizon after being a customer for 20 years. I will do the same thing to T-Mobile.
how many shares are currently outstanding ?
Wasn't at my computer today.. Why are we getting all these likes?
We should be at .76 per share
eps is .02 and our industry average P/E ratio is 38.
38 x .02 is .76 per share. That's a proper valuation. It's just absolutely insane how low this is!
Same, just locked up most of my shares; put up a million for sale at $5.00/share. good till cancel
I wanna see some commercials on tv
If he just puts, the other stock was #^*$ then it may get deleted for not being on topic. Some moderators are a little too strict
What stock was that ? PM me so the mods don't delete the comment. Thanks in advance
Company valuation is over .38/share
We are severely undervalued !! PVSP will blast over .01 on monday
.4 per share is a conservative and concrete valuation based off CURRENT financials. That's where we should be right now. No speculation involved. That is a proper valuation for this company. PVSP IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO undervalued !!!!
We will be over a dime by the end of next week imo
Our P/E ratio is BELOW 1 at the moment. If our P/E ratio was at just 20, which is below the average for this industry, we'd be sitting at .4/share
This is a concrete valuation based on CURRENT FINANCIALS.. NO speculation involved. That's where our share price should be today! 66x higher!
absolutely the most undervalued stock i've ever seen!