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any light at the end of this tunnel for NSAV?
wondering if it would be wise to toss a little more coin at this.
Your not kidding about being a lousy business man.
I can't help but think something fishy is going on. Really would like to see this Geth turn itself back around.
I let this one get to far below my comfort level. Should have used the Stop Loss.
just read on my etrade news... I'm hopeful in SHOM.
Seems they may be hopeful in their audit as well.
Would love for this news to give us a boost upwards.
looking for a new low unfortunately. my opinion only.
It's a guessing game until the "kick off" happens.
If the merger were to complete by years end we would see significant change for sure.
Mergers don't always happen overnight unless their fire sales.
Realistic to see SHOM back at the .01 levels.... Will it happen by years end? Your guesses are as good as mine. I too wouldn't mind seeing the .05 !
With all due respect some of us have surpassed the sewing cirlce and would like to see this "darn" thing (nsav) move forward.
may I suggest you purchase a membership to ihub...
then you could take your time to post so that your sentences are easier to read. No offense - but get a membership and take your time while posting.
very true... but bottom line starts with passion... or as you might have put it... greed.
Wonder what goes on in the mind of a person who finds it fascinating to toy with penny or dollar investors? LOL How on earth do they sleep at night.
BUMMER - am I hearing correctly ? You guys calling now and not getting any phone answer? Piss Poor Communications and one can't help but to think we're involved in a big mess!
I'm giving this thing a few days...after that I might be dumping what I have and looking to make up profits on some other penny scam!
Absolutely crazy that they can post all these great financial write ups and then pull a sleeper...
I hope I have to eat my words. At this point don't think I will though. Good luck to us all on this one.
couldn't agree more with that statement. I've been patient with this penny play since March. I've had downs, ups - mostly ups due to constant watching this ticker.
But, in reality - it is time to move forward - At some point all the dialogue of emails needs to follow up with ACTION and not just WORDS. Time is money and it's time to get up off the duff and make some!
I'm stil pro NSAV, but from a standpoint of running a business - I think there is much room for improvement - beyond just the website.
I won't claim to be a guru of business ownership but owning a business should be more than a bottom line - it should have enough passion to want to carry on and carry on quickly. The sooner the better for all.
There are plenty of pennies out there to play - this one in particular just seemed as though it could go beyond a normal penny pumper and dumper. WE Shall SEE ...
keep us posted on your suggestions and the response.
I agree with all of your sentiments...
It has huge potential and just maybe Satrelli needs the input
of several to achieve big.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Most everything taught in
economics years ago... have been thrown out the window...
IMHO ! LOL There's a reason for the stupidity but I guess
I'm way more stupid than them to figure it out! That puzzle piece will fill in over time I think though.
a complete makeover in two weeks... does anybody else read that the way I do? No kick off between now and then ? :( drats.
You don't launch a website today and then change it in two weeks. You Start with your mission in branding and build upon it and then you stick with it for as long as it can withstand the test of time. In other words... don't do any freakin kick off and then 180 the branding design.
While the photo's might be cheesy - they probably didn't pay a whole heck of lot for those stock photos... but, hopefully over time
they will incorporate "real" images of real people - enjoying real savings.
I think back in March...correct me if I'm wrong Dreamhouse...
we were given an opportunity to sign up for free. Like maybe the first 100,000 got free memberships.
I'm one of those free memberships...
thinking one of us should create a "shareholder" email account - compile questions and send off to David and then post/sticky note his responses...
We'll let's hope when they PR and try to say the "likes" of Groupon again, this person isn't the one writing the PR. While they are similar in many areas...NSAV differs with customer savings in groceries, etc. etc.. etc..
They will be competitive - because the NSAV sales person should be on the heals of the Groupon Sales rep knocking his door out from under him.
NSAV can toot their horns better than that and should start doing so.
nice little sideways movement ---looking up
nah , not tanking just a little slide sideways.
yup that's him
and apparently - there is a "jeff" at netsavings... if read all those responses...
I like that one... LOL
another day without the daily deal...bummer.
I agree...
sorry about typo's keyboard sticking
I think your being generous at .42
First, if this goes up and down for a year - and I've got the time to watch it... great for me.
For every gain I suspect there will be longer periods of PR/pumps. So I don't anticipate the next 12 months being like the last 7.
But that's just my opinion. If your right on .42 - good- I'll take it all day long. I think this last drop really knock us off the momentum. Those buying in last weeI'll k and this week will take their profits when it hits .15 on up to the .20 and then we sit again. I'll up the anti and say .32 - respectfully of course.
If you've been in NSAV as long as I have - you feel it's like the gift that keeps on giving. maybe one of my best penny stocks turned bad to good. no guarantees though...
seriously...who buys 115 Shares at .11 ?
$12.65 -
Here is my amateur take on the NSAV situation-
Can't expect them to go full on with a PR that Deal of Day is running this week or next. Or maybe even another few weeks.
(probably don't have man power to handle the swarm that will hit them anyways- so first things first...put it all in a sequence and tell the story.
I do however, expect a PR on the complete operations of the NSAV business model. (don't see why this is to much to expect) The deal of the day may be running during that time frame but only in small market areas so they can monitor successes and failures of that particular operation.
Once NSAV has proven that Deal of Day can handle the hits it poised to get - Then I think we could expect another Full Blown Campaign...such as those we saw in February and March.
From a marketing stand point and to appease any of us penny shareholders - the more PR you can throw at us the happier we will be. So strategically, there needs to be a consistent Story told over the next few weeks. And, they can start with a moderate PR this week... no need to tell us a whole lot of anything... but I'd be happy with a sugar coated PR for now.
Work it, Work it, Work it - if all that were to play out - then all the chart readers would be happy too because the normal operating PR's would drive the momo.
I don't care if they are selling space on pluto or cloud world... but if any penny want's to "tease" us...they can do so easily with tiny little progress PR's.
(Listening to myself makes me think I should create my own little shell game)...LOL Like I said that's my amateur thought.
Com'n David - toss us a bone!
received 4 pumps between yesterday evening and this
morning... not performing to what I would expect out
of a pump though... threw some coin at WTFS anyways...
We'll see what happens.
historically it hasn't done that... on this one you have to be positioned in a little longer.
Unfortunately - I've selected some pennies over the last few months that have turned into long termr's... driving me nuts ! A little more confident with NSAV though. Had some good flips once I got repositioned from the .78 days. Some take time and strategy.
I see NITE trying to drive it down-
might make me start to speculate here... LOL
What a bargain... in comparison to where I bought in.
we'll see you when this turns around... enjoyed your input/post.
geeze - I'm starting to think there is a non-human responding to emails. That's a poor reply. But on the other hand - he can't direct you.
I've used the freebies... they were great...
Back in July got a 4 pack of Toilet paper of Charmin Aloe
for free at the grocery. Saved $4. No purchase necessary.
I like the good stuff too!
A couple of other freebies, chick-fil-a, arby's and
paper towels...etc. Haven't looked at freebies lately
appears to be so!
catch me up to date... just added this morning - What caused the stock low back in June? I saw info on split prior...
correct... it didn't finalize the sell.
Jumped over to another board while it was supposedly processing.
Signs of progress though... that's motivating enough for me.
hmmm as expected. disappointed but not surprised.
I hope they answer those phones... that's bad business regardless if you deal with the general public or not.
so do we filings late or not? morning or after market close today?