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Can you provide any additional details or information on Burak? I am currently in a position now to do business with him and your information has me wanting to vet his credibility at this time. Thank you!
Red we up today lol
I hope the scam of GETH ends soon, and I can write off my 25K loss, thanks to star whatever guys that kept calling me on this stock. And Gary's dumb ass for actually leading everyone one about this bullshit.
If so, you can bet it wasn't me
Did somebody buy this today?
Ding dong the witch is dead.
Did Gary just throw in the towel here?
Termination of security
Yeah but still can’t break .001
Bob couple days of buy volume
Hitting .0205 now.... over 300k trades.... did somebody just scam a new trader that doesn’t know a thing about this “company” ? Ugh
1/4 million shares today........ interesting
That one will go up to 001 very soon it is sooooo thing
53k shares traded today..... who’s the idiot? Smh
It’s like watching paint dry......
Not following
Who is dr. Plastic?
Gary is Dr. Plastic.
1/2 million shares today..... who’s the idiot?
Over 300k shares traded so far today WHY WHY WHY? SMH
When was it ever not done?
<.01 if it drops under a penny again, we may be done......
If you Look at the history of this shell "Company" you should come to the same conclusion as me. Junk........Always has been and will be.
True, but if they apply with insurance and funding..... different story?
I know how this story ends.
Even if they apply for a permit, they'll withdraw it. Just like the last time........And the time before that.........
Will be searching for permit applications. That will tell the story.
I could not have said it better!
Seriously!! Until these thieves return our investment, I will never trust a press release they create. Don’t be fooled by these cruel false promises, this is the same content from a press promise release from 10 years ago. Obviously they need more cash to fund their immoral lifestyles . Give your money to charity, don’t invest here!
That was the 3rd or 4th RS this company has had.
They are a criminal group. They pump and dilute. This has funded their lifestyle for quite a few years.
I am sure the RS is in your DD somewhere yes 1 for 200 see below
Looks like OS @ 3.6 mill give or take with another 4 mill to dump
sure they are selling shares
I remember looking at the OH site researching -
funny what I paid per share does not match up at all with the chart price says .30 and I paid
price much higher on chart
So I've done extensive research on the history of GETH using all the articles on the internet I can find. You will see below a very incomplete list of findings over the years. You will see many failures with GETH over the years. But you will see surrounding companies and former affiliates of GETH doing well.
You will see Gary selling the rights to his patents to others and them going on to build where GETH never has.
You will see the failure of Ohio and who is currently in the Ohio location and the previous ties to GETH.
You will see numerous links to promises to build in Cali but they never do. However companies they have dealt with have.
You will see supposed former financiers that were in previous 10k's that are no longer in business. That have vanished.
At the end you will see some questionable links to our current supposed funders. A Lot of these companies in the past seemed to be created to seem like GETH was being funded. You will see the possibility that our current board members may be the same. Lots of criminal records. No other history than what has been provided by GETH and US WTE.
"Green EnviroTech Holding Corp. is first and foremost a technology company. Our mission is to find, develop and implement practical, economical solutions to address environmental issues associated with the production of waste, energy, water and food; and to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the local communities where we operate as we strive to achieve this mission."
And they are first and foremost a technology Co, just for other companies. They haven't built for themselves, however they have been instrumental in other companies building.
Craig Fischer
Gary De Laurentiis | Chairman, CEO and President Office: 209-881-3523
209-605-1180 is Gary Delaurentiis personal number
GETH address:
14699 Holman Mountain Rd
Jamestown, CA 95327
Pretty nice neighborhood for this home office. Assessed in 2016 at $700,000
Patents by Gary:
Agilyx, remember this name.
"Green EnviroTech Corp., a plastics recovery, separation, cleaning, and recycling company, has contracted with Agilyx to resell all oil produced from Green EnviroTech’s recycling process. "
Partnership with Ebbros:
Another mention of a plant in Cali. And, Ebbros Energy Partners, LLC have acquired an interest in Green EnviroTech Holdings Phone: (816) 931-5040 Name: Tom Carter Company exists.,-LLC-816-931-5040
Permit to build given to Agilyx: 4/2012 Mentioned below as well. To build in Cali. Also a mention of Building GETH plants in MS and WI.
Application to build in 2/2013 in California. The same address they applied for and withdrew in 2/2014:
6205 Engle Way Gilroy, CA 95020
5/2013 Geth and Ebbros agree to sell oil to Conoco:
6/2013 GETh deal with Black Lion Oil:
5/2014 Black Lion Oil supposedly buildng in the UK:
Black Lion Oil is Dormant:
9/2013 GETH demonstration plant and oil contracts:
"The oil contract already in place with ConocoPhillips through Ebbros Energy"
Another mention of a plant in California.
In the 10k it says that they applied for a permit to build in Cali here is info on that:
Need for Government Approval for its Products or Services
We are also subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations generally applied to businesses, such as payroll taxes on the state and federal levels. We believe that we are in conformity with all applicable laws in California and the United States. We do not believe we are required to apply for any additional governmental approvals for our plants. However, we are required to obtain local permits for the location of our facilities. We do not anticipate any problems obtaining these permits. On March 20, 2014, we applied to the California Bay Area Air Quality Management District where our plans were approved and they granted us permits with authority to construct a plant in the bay area.
So, On March 20, 2014, we applied to the California Bay Area Air Quality Management District where our plans were approved and they granted us permits with authority to construct a plant in the bay area.
Well, I search the Cali Bay area Air Quality site and here is what I find :
They applied on Jan 24th 2014. But on Feb 19, 2014 they withdrew their application:
Engineering Projects
California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) Bio-Energy
Survey: In October 2013, staff completed CAPCOA’s Bio-Energy Survey which tracks
state-wide projects that convert non-fossil fuels into energy. Seven Bay Area projects
were reported that are currently under review or have already been issued a permit. Since
October, the District issued Authorities to Construct for two of these projects: Redwood
Landfill - New 8 megawatt (MW) Landfill Gas to Energy Plant and Zero Waste Energy -
Food Waste to Fuel Conversion Project. The applicant for Green Envirotech withdrew
the permit application for a Tires and Waste Plastic Conversion to Oil and Synthetic Gas
"The applicant for Green Envirotech withdrew
the permit application for a Tires and Waste Plastic Conversion to Oil and Synthetic Gas"
So the permit was withdrawn to build in Cali in 2014.
Geth agreement with Cenco and Courtney Rogers to build 200 plants starting in Cali Again not building themselves but selling their technology for a percentage: 2/2015
GETH would have gotten, "In exchange for licensing their technology, GETH will receive 5.5% of gross product sales, reduced to 3% in New Mexico, Arizona,Nevada, Utah, and Mexico."
However, Cenco is no longer a business:
Cenco failure in GETH 3-31-16 10Q:
On June 12, 2015, we agreed with Cenco Leasing Company, Inc. to allow an extension to the performance clause in the agreement between us and Cenco dated January 30, 2015 by executing an amendment to that agreement. The original agreement called for Cenco to demonstrate to us that it had obtained funding in the amount of $2,800,000 on or before June 30, 2015. The performance date was extended to July 31, 2015 in the amendment. The amendment also provided the failure to demonstrate the benchmark dollar amount by the extended due date, the territorial exclusivity rights in the original agreement would be lost. It was also agreed in the amendment for Cenco to assign all of its rights and obligations in the license agreement to GEN2 WTE, LLC. (GEN2). Neither Cenco nor GEN2 performed before the extension due date.
So, Geth does not get any percentages of sales because that company is toast.
However Courtney Rogers has started numerous WTE companies and is operating/building in Cali:
Courtney Rogers:
So, was this a way for Courtney to avoid paying the % gross to Geth? By creating new business' and using the technology successfully under a different name?
Partner with BHP Engineering to build plants. 11/2016
Partner with Meah global to build and finance: 12/2016
MEAH Global doesn't exist:
Rod Kagy-----
Here is a Power Point for a MD project: 9/2017
Response to Maryland plant: 10-2017
Geth was going to build in Ohio.
100 million dollar lease: 3/2017 4/2017 4/2017 7/2017 See more on Purecycletech below.
"This is the second of three buildings at the closed Dow Chemical site that have been put in use. Green EnviroTech Holdings signed a lease for a 23,000-square-foot building earlier this year for a carbon black finishing plant. The project is expected to bring 21 jobs to the site."
Then they accelerated: 11/2017
Ohio location in ex Dow Plant:
Ohio, 2 in TX and MD: 10/ 2017
Ohio delayed: 5/ 2018
"Due to the delay in receiving our first funding and the continued questionable funding, we have had to look to other financing arrangements in our project funding. As a result, the execution of our business plan has slipped by several months, and we now forecast the Carbon Finishing Plant, which was under construction and now delayed, to be operating by the end of 2018. "
Ex Dow plant Address:
925 County Road 1a, Ironton, OH 45638
Now Occupied by:
Purecycle: 7/2017
"This is the second of three buildings at the closed Dow Chemical site that have been put in use. Green EnviroTech Holdings signed a lease for a 23,000-square-foot building earlier this year for a carbon black finishing plant. The project is expected to bring 21 jobs to the site." 7/2017
Also Now occupied by Americas Styrenics:
Permit to build Americas Styrenics at Ohio Location 10-7-2014:
Styrenics for partnership with Agilyx:
AmSty and Agilyx Form a Joint Venture, Regenyx LLC
Chevron joins forces with Regenyx/ Americas Steyrencis/ Agilyx
Remember Agilyx:
Permit given to Agilyx: 4/2012
It would appear that if GETH was building in Ohio they abandoned or worse, sold their progress to competing companies if they were building at all. Possibly still have 1 of 3 buildings at the sold Dow plant in Ohio as mentioned above.
Tire processing patent 11/2017
In Jan the webite was going through construction and this was put up:
April of 2019 10K has similar goals to the US-WTE website linked to our new board of directors members.
Mr. Anderson 3 time felon info follows:
I looked at this 8k:
On January 15, 2019, our board of directors appointed Robert J. Anderson to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Bowers’ resignation. Mr. Anderson has been involved in the recycling industry since 1964. From 2013 to 2016, Mr. Anderson was the assistant to the president of International Reclamation, Inc., and from 2002 through 2016, Mr. Anderson was the owner of Central New York Reclamation, specializing in recycling tires. Mr. Anderson has also worked independently as in international finance consultant since 2001. The board concluded that Mr. Anderson should serve as a director based on his significant experience in the recycling and finance industries.
We would also like to announce the appointment of Mr. Robert 'Skip' Anderson as a new member to our board of directors. Bringing significant experience and expertise, Mr. Anderson has been involved in the recycling industry since 1964, when he purchased Richmond Iron and Metal Recycling in New York, the first of several scrap businesses he owned. Mr. Anderson and Mr. De Laurentiis became acquainted in 2010 when Mr. Anderson discovered an illegal tire dump buried beneath one of his recycling yards and needed to find a disposal solution.
So the 2 above links show the appointment of Mr Anderson and his brief bio.
Here's the problem. There is no information about Robert J "Skip" Anderson at any of those business. I can't even find information on any of those business entities. Like they never existed. Nor can I find any information regarding Mr. Anderson in the scrap or recycling business at all. None, Nothing.
There is no business information on this guy at all using any search engine. Nor is there any information about any of his supposed business'
Now What I did find is that he is a 3 time felon:
Quotes from the trial:
"Early in the last decade, Anderson, now 66, was convicted in California of wrongdoing related to the insurance business and he was warned to never again get involved in such operations. Yet he did, again and again and again, Senior District Judge Frederick Scullin Jr. noted."
"As for the Kernans, they pleaded guilty to hiring Anderson – a three-time convicted felon – when they should have known better."
And here is the trial:
"Defendant Robert J. "Skip" Anderson, a three-time convicted felon, pled guilty to
conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 and to being a
convicted felon engaged in the business of insurance in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1033(e)(1)(A)."
"The Government alleges that, in approximately April 2002, Defendant Anderson
relocated from his home in California to Oriskany, New York, where he went to work for Oriska."
Now this happened in 2002 finished up in 2006. and Gary said they met in 2010.
Insurance fraud again and again. From Cali to NY
Um, insurance work isn't recycling or scrap yard work.
Scary stuff. Where was Gary's DD?
8k indicates the resignment of Mr. Anderson the 3 time felon. And the additions on Mr Gantar and Mr. Erten: 4-2019 8k
Now the good stuff. The new recent board members and websites. This is long and complicated:
New board of directors announced 4-17-19,
Here's what they tell us about our Mark:
Mr. Gantar is the Managing Director at US WTE Investments
Here is some research on our Mark:
Mark Martin Gantar 10023 128th Avenue Ne,, Kirkland WA, United States, 98033 7/1967 (425) 576-9047 machine with no voice message. Million dollar house Lawsuits, leins and Bankruptcies. He filed for bankruptcy in 2010
National Standard Dissolved:
He is a consultant for Etheopia and Arcsoft is a thing:
Aside with his links to Burak's companies it is hard to find anything good about Gantar. Comfort is listed here too:
All these guys linked to Burak's newely created companies.
And another recent addition is Burak Erten
Here's what they tell us about our Burak:
That company can be found as a partner on this site:
Here's a bio:
Here is some research on Burak:
Burak Huseyin Erten Fatih Sultan Mehmet Mah., Capraz Sk. No: 6 Ic Kapi No: 1, Sariyer, Turkey, 34770 October 1975
All based out of Turkey all on US WTE website:
Newly incorporated:
All the same companies on the US WTE website:
National Standard Finance:
National Standard Directors:
National Standard Finance supposedly at located at:
Atlanta Address and Number. (404) 795 5051 No Answer at Number, straight to VM even during business hours:
1201 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, Ga. 30309
23 rd fl.
Management Office of One Atlantic Center does not recognize National Standard Finance as one of the tenants. Here is the number: 404 870 2900 I called.
Other US address for Natioanl Standard Finance:
350 Fifth Ave., New York City, New York, 10118
(646) 405-7477
Just so happens to be the Empire State Building.
This number connects me to:
Hugo Barreca
Chief Financial Officer & Policy Leader
I called and only got voice mail. I left a voice mail asking Hugo to call back. In the message I mentioned I had questions regarding Mark Gantar, Burak Erten and if National Standard Finance was working with GETH and Gary. I'll wait for a call back........
The only guy I've found that seems legit:
Hugo seems a little more legit:
This is the only link I can find that makes me believe that National Standard Finance is actually legitimate and Functioning:
National Standard Finance Russell Duke:
National Standard Finance Christopher Schulten:
Tough to find anything about this guy except the criminal record and National Standard Finance.
New Century Global Funds:
202-599-3650 Washington DC number
Derrick Comfort CEO:
Derrick Comfort's birthday is 11/19/1960
New Commercial Energy
Comfort listed in a couple of Burak's companies:
I spoke with Derrick. I mentioned I was interested in investing. He said, "Do you mean in GETH?" I said yes and asked how he knew that. He said, "It's the only one we have out there." He mentioned that they have been working with Gary of almost 2 years and they are based out of Europe. He sounded like a salesman to me not a financier.
Burak Erten supposed to call me back
Dean A Kershaw:
New Commercial Energy - Same company as Comfort
Swiftwater Holdings:
Lkc Biosciences, Inc.
801 E 1st St Ste B-222
Cle Elum, WA 98922
Seems legit. All people are real and link to Co. Trying to find number. Trying to link to USWTE or GETH
Basic website. No names.
+352 248468-1
The only information aside form US WTE website and the basic website they created for QGroup Capitol is this small blurb from Canada:
SW11 3BY
Fortress Structured Finance LLP is a limited liability partnership situated at Penhurst House, 352-356 Battersea Park Road, London SW11 3BY. Incorporated on 2018-03-20, this 1-year-old.
So of the sites listed on the US WTE website and the companies our board directors are affiliated with.
Burak is linked to 3 of them. They are all newly incorporated. National standard is disolved. 3 members resigned from the national standard. National standard has no Atlanta office as they say. National standard does appear to have a NY office. New Century funds has a DC number. I talked with Derrick Comfort who also coincidently has a website with 3 others affiliated with New Century that was created 6 years ago in the WTE sphere. New Commercial Energy. How did they all know each other and 6 years later create a financing company called NewCenturyFunds? Remember Burak started New Centruy Funds along with Fortress and National Standard Finance out of Turkey.
Share selling scam! I fell for it hook line and sinker!
Lol I’m just going to buy a few because of that....haha
Well they said they want to get current and get insurance. Didn’t say anything about Maryland. Did that come out right after I posted the first time lol.
You guys realize they just released news, right?
They want to build a plant in 2021 and get current.
#Maryland ...... (looking for the county)
There is movement in MD again. Call them, ask for Mark
Exactly. There will be bag holders......
This company has been bankrupt since may of 2020. They have never built anything. Stock price is MM making money. That’s it and that’s all. Flip it if you can!
I’m not sure
I don’t think it’s a pump job
Somebody knows something here
I betcha gantar is trying to get the stop sign removed. Smells like news soon.
Red our market cap just got updated yesterday at $8.6m
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