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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Do you have facts to back up or should you consider adding "IMO"?
Didja "learn" this wearing ur salmon
colored Miami vice shirt TMD? My DD
Shows there is about 41 mm shares out on a
Fully diluted basis. I can explain that concept
To u but a hint is it has nothing to do with h2o..
Err sorry... Water
Good grief. And the sun will rise tomorrow unless the world ends.
And if ur aunt had testicles.....
Jees Einstein. Tell me a single stock that does NOT trade based on what is "to come". I forgot, school just started.
Ya think BOTH people got your "issuance"?
Oh thanks a bunch Dude. With that astute posting, ya got it....LOL
Awesome DD nitwit lol
I know exactly how you I am sure many others in this gem do. One of these days, I really expect this stock to jump a buck or two..or?
U take ur meds today? UR posts are frightening bud! gltu and ur therapists
Ummm you said, this stock is going to that crucial par that on your fully deluded basis? LOL
Apple par is "no par" As we have seen consistently from you...AWESOME DD!! LOL
Yeah ...but ur probably right handed! Go GTGP!
Yep you r legendary. LOL
That's twice now. Any substance?
Not that hard to do pal...any nitwit could do it.
Well which is it? You are getting in a circle with Nitwit to begin your "contest" but your DD is so inept and ludicrous that you do not even take the 12 seconds to realize you two are on total different pages....NW says the story is not even there by his "incompetent" link...but you say it is there as you refer to the story being there?.....Awesome work dude...I am for sure selling now as you b sterling..hahah...And by the way it is "S a t u r d a y".. actually a song a long time ago by one of ur fave bands for sure,..Only 8 (eight) letters and one of only 7 (seven) days of the week..
not links dude...go have another
not links dude...go have another
But I thought The Major Dba* had DD that there were no meetings in Butte this week? It breaks my heart that he may have posted a mistruth. Gee whiz he was SO convincing. ha We are gonna make some money here folks!!
I thought you said .008 is coming?!? COme on man!!
haha more of a SAP than Oracle.
What the hel* does a deal with a paper company have to do with this?...Kinda like saying "oh yeah GTGP is not gonna make it cause...well look at Katie and Tom..they didn't make it"..makes as much sense!
How is thta share working for ya?
XKEM woke up?????
ummm NO
I wonder where he has been...could probably guess what he has done :)
What am I missing? U said it would break .008 yesterday?
Quite cogent!
How far fetched!
Oh good fingernails on the chalkboard shill
Yep that was some incredible information he supplied...cutting edge stuff for sure.... LOL
How about "pathetic"?
DO nto waste your keystrokes on such a transparent "expert"..he is here for one reason only
doh de doh
Yes...If you really deal with securities you know that Wall Street looks forward and to judge this company on the past...well...good luck to you!
No All my purchases below 46 cents. Clearly 1.90 was probably your low based on your drivel
no why?
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