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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Actually the "Brand" started with cigars, then stamps, now this. Oh it's a winner for sure - to da moon Alice.
See the thing is - everyone and thier brotha gonna tell you when to BUY. How often do you see help w/exit points ? Just following somone smarter than me. Try it.
Get me to 4 cents and I'm even on da dog.
Part of this whole IHUB thing (if you can get it right) is collaboration. Now our friend Roy here trys to collaborate with us all and you BANG ZOOM shoot him down. You say your sorry to Mr. Roy. Keep the peace, most of the time it is all we have here.
You bring up good points. Tablets need the server backbone that's for sure. Let's touch base in two years.
Love those NasDaq picks sir.
Buyers market. Tablets taking/took over market. Got any tablets you want to sell ? Problem is you almost need a clean room to take one apart. We're Gasget Guys here folks - with co-ops selling city franchises at 50%.
Buggy whip city here.
The only way to trade this one and win is you either gotta beat the computer you are trading against or get lucky. You zig - it zags.
Thanks, get a lot of things mixed up - ringing a bell now - he/she played Bobby Riggs in tennis right ?
Was Carl Sagan the healthfood guy that died of clogged arteries ?
Good deal. Try to give me a whisper if you see a fire cooking up in the back of the theater.
You still with us in here boss ? Holding from 18 from a long time ago.
Beauty of a call there boss.
Amen Brother!
This can STILL HAPPEN - They still need to pay front line creditors including penison obligations (real, implied or just obligated).
Be carefull - this one is a true lotto.
Unrealized Gain
Shares: 2.167
Date Aquired: 05/11/10
Ave Unit Cost: $1,299.13
Price: $7.04
Change: $0.03
Cost: $2,814.69
Value: $15.25
Gain/Loss: -$2,799.44
%: -99.46%
But that what has been being said for years now - still nutin BUBKISS.
Details a little vague - hence BS.
Three Bucks??? - Ooops I made too many. Here's the problem with T-Shirts Folks.
Buncha BS - "instantaneous_20_fold_increase"
Buncha BS - "a new product line at a trade show in January"
My thoughts -
There is a computer somewhere programmed especially for this ticker. It is a very powerfull computer and has a big knob on the front. They just turn the knob with the news.
Always a very active board for a very inactive ticker. Either yous are holders on - or a bolder con. Zero happening here folks NADA, ZILCH, BUPKIS. Yet, post after post - not seen it with this stamina in IHUBLand - we see post after post 'bout nothing - going on three years of same old same old - but here we are in IHUBLand. I anticiapate three more years of this BUPKIS banter. A place to visit but I wouldn't want to live here.
Give me some more of the blanket please.
Shoulda Woulda Coulda - Next Time we start playing with these Nozos (AGAIN!). Up - Down - Up - Down - Gotta move with the flow.
"There’s one thing to be certain of: Things will change. This is a dynamic system. When one piston goes down, another goes up. For every action, there’s an opposite reaction.
Yes, global declines in asset values are painful. However, those declines include commodities. Oil, for example, is now 20 percent cheaper than it was last month. Expect to see that at the gas pump soon. That acts like a tax cut. There is a glass half full here. But I admit you have to squint pretty hard to see it today."
Float is unknown at this point
kapoooo Thursday, May 24, 2012 12:46:51 AM
Re: Royal post# 27836 Post # of 28575
PVSP Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $3,710,468 a/o May 23, 2012
Shares Outstanding 148,418,713 a/o Apr 23, 2012
Float Not Available
Authorized Shares 250,000,000 a/o Jan 23, 2012
Par Value 0.001
Here's some more numbers - go full screen.
I concur on your chart read - nice. We might just have something here!
B-B-B-Benny and the Jets. Just saying 'cause the song came on. "Ya know I read it it in a magazine..." It's a good song.
"BENNY... BENNY...BENNY and the..."
Pennyland is coming - happens every time with these P&Ds. Could be a good ride if they do some PR.
They take it up - they bring it down. I should flip out now and get back in under 6. Probably will hold through the mess again.
Obviously another IHUB pump going on here. When the pumpers leave it will climb back up.
Web site UPDATED ! They got to have a bunch of programmers working OT.
These Smileys are pretty cool to the masses.
Just wait until the word get's around. A few people at my work all ready know about this and they say it's good!!!
We're now # 1 on breakout board guys - good things to come. Please mark the board.
I just liked you.
Just checked out thier web site. Everything appears to be free so they must make thier money on ads.
I show ave daily volume at 0. Maybe if they would release a PR or two things would pick up.
If this things gets some volume it could go.