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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Nice pop today.
deitcher, thanks for making that call.
Anyone know what happened in court last week?
I don't know anything, and I'm guessing the silence will end soon, i.e, by the end of the month.
C'mon arv, citing boilerplate baloney? You're better than that.
We'll have some answers soon.
What did the company tell you?
The real reason oil/gas prices are soaring...?
Consume less, ride your bike more, recycle everything.
I passed through Gillete in the summer of 1976. There were a couple of trailer parks. A real Republican stronghold.
Paula, I like that line of thought!
Haven't been to the website in awhile, but I think it's been improved.
Paula, your posts are always terrific. If our little company someday flies, some of the posters on this board will begin trying to disprove the laws of aerodynamics.
GRNO has the potential to be a cash-cow. If they deliver, we're going to the moon.
Google Finance has had GRNO at .10 since the close on Friday.
11x12 403K etrade
253 K
253 K
At .08, this stock could catch fire tomorrow.
You're talking ancient history.
Thanks for the update, Mr. Bradley. Very considerate of you!
price is up, must be Tice's friends, lol.
lol - yeah, it's real scary.
Scrollmotion Inc:
Merry Christmas, PNTVers!
Good post.
I don't have any clear expectations at this point, just the hope that GRNO is in the hands of reasonably honest people and that they can turn this business into the cash-cow it appears to be on paper. GRNO has to perform on four fronts: transparency, revenue, earnings, uplisting. Market action will take care of it from there.
Personally, I think the shorts will be four paws up by July.
I'm referring to this:
Mr. Margiotta further stated, "We are focusing on having our 2010 fiscal year financial statements audited and are planning on releasing each quarter into the market as it is completed, and it is part of our goal to keep our investors and the public updated, while maintaining a strong and fundamentally sound company. We anticipate 2011 to be a record year in revenue and net income due to the continued increased in customers, slop oil processing, sale of slop oil, rising oil prices and substantial reduction in operating expenses in 2010."
I wouldn't expect any other answer.
Those who've expected another premature escalation in the pps are probably left waiting for 2011 revenue and earnings.
Does anyone on this board happen to live near Gillete, Wyoming, or Wibaux, Montana? It would be nice if this board could somehow dispatch a private detective to these towns and see if anything is actually happening on the ground. At this point in time, it could be worth a lot of money to someone if they knew for certain that this was a legit enterprise and not a p&d.
Apparently Wayne Allen Root isn't sweating the Monk video.
We're poppin'.
Agree. I doubled down based on Tice's investment.