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Henry is working on a film production and book...It will be called Swindlers List...what a waste of skin.
Well this has sure turned into a worst case scenario...Do they commit Hari Kari in Vietnam?...Henry ought to do the right thing and go away in disgust!
We don't need shills to do that! ~ Henry does a great job of holding the PPS down all by himself...
LOL...sadly I think you are right....Charlie Brown is a HUGE success compared to Henry Fahman.... He has disappointed many with his BS ventures over the DECADES...I wish I never heard the name of Henry Fahman and read into his BS Gospel and Witness. I listened to his story and truly felt he was legit. Oh well I guess I am the fool for believing anything the guy said.
Well Henry Fahman can't fail forever can he?..... Seems maybe he can, I would love to see him prove me wrong but his track record and actions don't instill too much faith in me these days...
At this point I would be very happy to see .01 again, I'd be out in a heartbeat...
Very sorry to hear that, yeah Cancer sucks...That is my monster right now. The Drs really do not know what the hell is going on after they damned near killed me with Radiation and Chemo drugs. My lungs are surely permanently damaged from Radiation and now they can't really even see inside them whats going on due to scarring and inflammation...Pet scan Wednesday....then possibly biopsies again...back to square one and feeling worse than ever...I feel for you and your family it is difficult to deal sympathies and best wishes to you all.
Well I am noticing some changes in sentiment and Henry is awful quiet, BUT at this point I wonder even with great news can this turn around?...It is going to take some HUGE events to restore confidence in Henry and get us back to a reasonable higher pps and hold there....I am beyond ready to see something happen here. He is going to need to pull an awfully big rabbit out of his PHIL hat! ~ I hope you are right I may have very limited time left here on this Gods green earth, and I sure would love to be less worried / stressed about finances and leaving my family something when I am gone....! you are sounding like a Fortune Cookie I got one once that said " Beware of Sculptor, Maybe only Chiseler "... I think that was warning me 30 years ago about Henry Fahman...
Ah, yes well with Henry Fahman payment pending is the only payment there ever is!
No results either....
No, or anything else Henry said he was going to do. He is the kind of guy that likes to shop but has no money to pay....Caviar taste on a weenie salary.
We are going to need a couple of shoes and a boot...
Hey maybe we will see .0008's print this week? ~ Maybe not? It sure would be nice and welcomed.
That is how my experience went when I had a website are spot on. THAT would have been the way it should have been done...but alas, we are talking Henry and Phil here!
LOL...yeah any day now!
In all fairness often when a website is deigned / created they do put them up live but static in order to find bugs and that sort of thing to tweak the webpage. That being said' the wrong pictures and things of that nature speak of half assed ism in my opinion... As per Henrys M.O. half assed and never complete....or correct? The guy has a gift that's for sure. ~ LOL.
LOL....yeah pretty much. ( :
LOL...yeah and by the time Henry gets anything done officially the rates will be 20%.... Charlie Brown has more going for him than Henry Fahman does...
Not even one .0008 printed today again....way to protect the shareholders Henry...the guy is a waste of skin.
COME ON MAN! ~ Lets print some 8's this week!
Somehow I think he was being sarcastic but yes you are right 100%...people will have a hard enough time getting out of this stock even, never mind with a profit...Henry has really disappointed many shareholders and he seems to be much better at not getting things done than actually finishing anything... He needs to stick to his Prophet game and have mercy on the Profit seekers.
Um I think you mean IF the first loan closes...I do not get the feeling henry is any closer now than he was fact as more time slips by his chances to get any reasonable financing are slipping away rapidly!
Some people give ya loving when they screw ya, others just give you a blessing...
Henry was last spotted with Waldo having a Dos Eques south of the border...He said something about God Bless and F, U?....what a POS!
Perhaps he is being quiet because he has NOTHING of value or veracity to speak of...
AWW is poor little Henry upset that people are sick of his failures and lies?...He has done a crappy job and deserves any and all ill will and criticism. Until he starts doing anything he spoke of he will continue to be attacked and untrusted! He has earned every attack to date...I for one will be happy to give him some respect and credit once he actually earn some!
Hey where's our update on the Dividends we were told would happen now?...Oh I guess Henry is too busy issuing shares to co conspirators to give us any updates on broken promises...
HMMM? Vietnam has VERY limited Extradition agreements with the U.S.! One day soon I suspect henry will travel there and fall off the face of the earth with his ill gotten gains...wait for it.
You are seeing it now, a bit overinflated though.
I am just wondering what happens first here. Maxing out the shares or a reverse split?.... I do not see anything good Henry can do to prop his sinking ship up at this point. What a shame, he talks a good talk but doesn't do anything of substance. SMH we have been duped!
Thank you and same to you...yeah lets pray for a miracle here...Dare I say it? God Bless.
Looks like he is the bag man for Henrys nefarious skimming from the company...I'd like to see them both in cuffs!
The scam and participants all I can say is there are quite a few crooked dirt bags that need to go to prison here...
The only things HUGE here are the amount of dilution and fraud...Henry Fahman should be locked up.
Great, Henry the King of Scammers doing business with fellow scammers...god help us!
Gee I wonder how many shares Henry Fahman diluted for this article? Well there go the .0007's back to 6' week 4/5's..what a POS this guy is!...
I guess that person with COVID that delayed the big news item Henry planned didn't make it?....