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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Going back to .03. Need to call the financial officer and ask why there is still debt loans that officers loaned the company at 20% interest. Good legal way to siphon off earnings to officers, but does us absolutely no good.
Better get in below .10 while you can..very low float. I just sent info to a contact at major national nuclear pharmacy..they are checking it out.
Revenue from face masks are starting to pour in. Fire up those sewing machines! We should see .20 a share very shortly. The market cap is only 4.4 million.
If this tax package passes, watch this stock. It will become a profitable company in a hurry. Look at the financials for yourself and do the math.
This company is profitable and should be entering a good selling season with the holidays and then Valentines Day. The debt is concerning, but they did pay some of it down and looks like they are headed in the right direction. I noticed they diluted the stock somewhat, but it is still a candidate for a buyout by a much larger company for one that is willing to enter this type of market.
Get in today. Maybe the last chance to pick some up at .05.
VR will explode sales. Check out the Liberator website. Once these things become available, watch sales go through the roof.
Someone decided to buy $100 worth.
Very Good Points. I have been in this stock for years off and on and have actually made some money in it, but patience is the key. The thing that concerned me most was/is the loans given to the company as operating capital at a rate of 20% made by insiders. The positive is that this company seems to be completely transparent. You and I can find this information out simply by looking at the financials.
I think the financials will show a solid profit for the quarter. Since it is so thinly traded, I am sure that is the strategy for whomever is buying.
There are several "loans" that the officers have given the company over the years and maybe the trade by one of them is actually the payment back in common stock from the treasury stock thus avoiding the volume posting of it. I don't know much on how that works, but maybe someone else knows more about how that works.
Great financial report. Won't take much volume to make this thing go....
Looks like this thing is still trading.....
Step One: Google the officers of this company.
Step Two: Google the addresses of the officers.
Step Three: Look at the houses of the officers on Google Satellite.
Step Four: Notice how big they are.
Step Five: Start to wonder how you have been had in the common stock scenario.
Step Six: Explain to your significant other why you invested in someone else's dream rather than your own.
Step Seven: Start drinking profusely.
Step Eight: Make sure your penmanship is good so you can write on cardboard with a magic marker to explain to ongoing traffic why you need some money.....
Roll em up Gentlemen/ladies. This is over.
True...but isn't great that a still trading stock lets you do that? It is still are correct on all your points about the previous ownership. We are looking forward....this is a shell...
This is a perfect shell takeover. Everyone is in jail, plus you can still trade it.
It's alive!!!
What a piece of crap
Sell all you have!
.0001. Trust the trend...
Get what you can dimwitts...this is going to .0001. Trust me.
Gonna rock! Shell being bought out!
Sad to say...but .05 looks like a given based on the volume. If the news is true, it will be .10. BUT....invest at your own risk....this is a weird stock. So many people such as Sterling Scott has gotten out of this WAY...before we is he wrong? Gamble on...
The reason why is the officers of the company have loaned money at 20% interest. That is what is eating up all the profits.
These products are great. I am buying more stock tomorrow.
So sad. This is going down even further I am afraid.
Should start showing some shares soon being traded as others realize what this shell can do.
Should rocket back to 70 real soon
Probably not. It was probably a fat finger trade where someone forgot to add another zero. In the greys, this happens every so often since there is no bid/ask.
Going up. Good holiday sales.
Wow...this will be .17 in a hurry. Be patient. My only trading advice is that if the price is .06, then put in a sell at .60 in case of a fat finger order mistake until they get out of the greys. I did this with PHOT when it was .08 and sold some at .80. Made a ton.
Yea, his last job was the Russian Bozo the Clown. Buy up everyone.
The news coming out is really unbelievable. If true, this stock will be .10. Getting involved in the MJ banking is genius.
.0001. Trust me. No climbing back out of this one.
If the market cap was like facebook, this would be $6400 a share...and they cure cancer.
Someone trying to buy the shell? What is involved in this?
This is going to rebound big time.
It is on the grey market so L2 won't happen.
Blastoff. Good things are coming up.
Oh man, this racehorse is awesome!