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what i like also is mm mix,,,without naming names notice who NOT HERE,,,very key
from what i watch today .004 - .0075 on less than 5M share,,,potential here is humungous and it will get thinner the higher it climb,,this look like a rare ticker to say it the least,,this NOT a flipper stock,,,if we all hold tight, .05 - .10++ should be well within reach here and soon as word keep getting out,,this coould make cdiv look small..certainly the share structure much smaller for starters,, glta
very niiiice ticker guys,,,i jump in today,,can see .05++ on this if treated like fld,,,and maybe even .10,,hold shares tight glty
what even funnier, is EVERY ONE of these company who use shares to fund they business "dreams" can ONLY exist because of shareholders,,,if they were no shareholders, they have no place to sell they shares and get money,,,but yet, shareholders are constatntly treatted like second class citizen, like we should never be allowed to make any money for our risk and our part of helping these businesses try to do something,,,why should we only LOSE money most of time??? in this case for banneker to GAG they t/a is inexcusable,,,if you are legit and carre about the very shareholder who enable you to even HAVE a business,,,you should cater to those shareholder, not treat them like cattle or monkeys or that they are second class and shouldn't have access to ss info ANYTIME they want it,,,then to make matter worse if you do gag you t/a, when shareholder call you several time and you dont return calls, it more a slap in the face,,,
to your point,,,it should be more a synergy,,,business sell shares to raise capital, shareholders accept risk but get MORE opportunity to make a profit along the way,,,one group helping another both ways and in between mm's make they profit also,,,
slight fly in the ointment,,as they say,,,jsut saw some disturbing news this morniing on another ticker now named cdoid,,,i never see thsi before and thought it to be impossible legally bit at least this guy trying to get away with it,,he do a 1:2000 r/s 4/30/2010 and today just do another 1:2000 r/s as pps had fallen back to .0001/.0002 recently,,,personally, this should be illegal but i dont think it is,,,but my reason for posting it here is because something been bothering me here,,,i posted last week that i try to get current share structure inform from t/a,,,that was gagged and i was told to contact company,,,i try to contact company and leave a few messages and still have not been called back,,,this bother me for sure..
now i see in last few prs he talk about shareholder value,,,but by not returning my calls and having t/a gagged, that call suspicion to that idea..and now with what i jsut see from this other maniac who r/s twice in 3 mo, it make me wonder what fate is here as his last r/s was 2/18/10,,,may be just nothing but it should be noted which the reason for my post,,,today suprise r/s for cdoid came without any warning and once it done there no recourse,,,only thing is if it happen, most investment from this side will just disappear becuuse they will be instant masive dilution on other side to tank the stock again,,,what i see lately is a different kind of market,,very unfriednly to shareholder now,,and today cdoid news confirm this that about anything can happen and once pps at .0001, it should be carefully watched now as today change the game imo,,,it look like these guys willing to do drastic thing now, which is too bad,,not to say it wil happen here, but again, just bringing up what really going on out there,,, glta
be careful on this one MAEI,,,though look like they now retire scammers [he and wife], this was former scammer extroidenaire and r/s king Joey Difranceso and wife [raven moon infamy!] company,,,maybe new management now but first thing quite possible is r/s again out of here,,,maybe not, just saying,,,
thnx,,i'll keep trying t/a today
anyone have current float inform?? thnx
anyone know if 347,909,982 as of May 27, 2010 float info still valid? i try to call t/a now but it luchtime in calif,,,thnx
thnx,,is that from t/a?? thnx
anyone have current float info?? thnx
this actually a positive part of bottoming process,,,it help show selling dried up,,then buying move in after,,,i feel like a big pr about to hit too, so now being patient is the best thing,,even a NO volume day not bad
bottoming process continue,,,volume drying up part of the process,,,many eyes on this ticker now so be patient,,,
BANI,,,chart showing 5/13/20ma convergence today on continue bottoming pps,,,pps cant run lower from converging ma's,,,quite unusual 20/50 spread leaving big run room before major ma resistence come into play,,,most trip zero stock have 50ma under .0009 preventing big breakouts,, float here only 706m as of 6/7/10 per otc page,,,few day high buy volume should produce 10 bagger from here imo,,,company due for big deal news,,, check it out
CHART CONVERGENCE ,,more good things keep showing on chart,,just notice this huge convergence forming with 5ma, 13ma amd 20ma,,,a 20ma break is one of most bullish signals and a 13 and 20ma cross only enhances it,,,already now 2 day close above 13ma,,,just getting closer to some fireworks here it keep looking like! the charts dont lie or pump,,,they just state the fact,,,
same to you!
feb 18 pay date 1:20,,,so that a good thing because it mean no reverse will be done rest of this year,,,so pps have a good chance of regaining value
hard to track exactly but yes of course dilution played a part in the pps decline since the r/s in feb 2010,,,I think also possible short postition and then add in retailer giving up,,
far as i can see in the arc,,at end of mar31 reported in qtrly o/s was 1.02B,,,on june 7, o/s reported in attorney letter as 2.0B,,,then on june 15 in second attorney letter o/s reported as 2.14B,,,but FLOAT reported on june 7, was 706m,,,so it look like though o/s increase by 1B from march 31 and june 7, most of share must have been restricted, probably exchanges for services,,,then some seling into float
so reverse was done on feb 18 2010 1:20,,,at average .05 pps after, it look like pps was +-.002 before pay date,,,i think this all the way to bottom just overdone reaction to dilution selling and retailer walking,,,usually when pps tank all the way to bottom so quickly there soem short position involved and i think this was easy target,,so i think it make it a differet situation than say arsc or agel type where dilution just through the roof,,,here still managable float under 1B,,,for example hfbg float is 1.15B,,here less,,,i think what bani doesnt have YET is solid support shareholder base,,but now that pps already 14 trade day at market bottom, it become attractive for bottom play and then attracting more shareholder for holding longer,,,volume mostly dry now which a good thing part of bottoming but pps jsut see a 225m sh day and 190m of buyside then,,so i know this ticker on the radar for many,,compnay seem to have many celeb contacts and have very nice web presence and some slick media materials,,, they say this on may 25 pr
We are solidifying major relationships with corporate giants in the industry as well as other partnerships to further the distribution of Banneker's products to a wider consumer base.
if one of these hit i think pps can still move up well and should be more back toward .002/.003 levels on very high volume than down here,,,one big pr and i think we see that happen and bottoming process going now only help the case when it time to fly,, glty
may not look like much but last 14 trade days much better than 14 before that,,,continuing bottoming resolution,,,trix starting to pinch together,,,all pointing to a turnaround next,,,keep in mind only 35 trade day ago and before that pps was hitting .008 - .016,,clearly they have plenty of celeb connection to score something breakthrough,,,one would think,,,
i agree and this has running room at least to .002's for starters,,,these guys need to lock up a deal with a big name and the stock will fly,,,love to see a merger or buyout,,,
nothing wrong with low volume days during bottoming,,,main thing are dont sell into frustration and to close on offer price,,,selling completely dried up here,,,the rest take care of itself now,,,today day 14 of bottoming,,,next come upturn and any day could be huge news that send it flying
BANI,, great chart setting up at bottoming,,,
today's close .0003 now over both 13ma and 5ma,,,20ma just a tick over .0003 and 50ma all the way up at .0032[rare spread between 20 and 50 with pps already at market bottom!],,,huge running room with weak resistence in between,,rare still low 700m+ float for such low price ticker already bottoming for 13 days,,,
just-chill,,,of course i want the stock to go up! but i be nowhere near here unless chart was one that i like,,,it a huge bottoming story which i always like,,,i always give my reasoning for my optimnistic view rather than blind pumping,,,i like product, i like the celeb side they have and i think they could be close to a new retail deal that open up the whole operation and the pps,,,i also like progress they made on website and in media,,,all as they say for brand building, which help open doors for retail, new relationship,,,for all reason i have posted, i think stock too low and will move higher soon now that it bottom,,,
i think many holder just bitter about the decline which i understand,,but turning negative doesnt help you cause!! come out and post and support you stock!! giving up and sulking not the answer,,, this one not as bad as may seem i believe,,things can still change quick here because share structure not completely blown out,,big difference,,if you pps at .0002/.0003 and you suddenly have 5B+ share float, then it time to worry!!float still well under 1B so not so here,,keep you eye on the technicals here,,not just the pps,,downside pps many tme just anb illusion to get retail to give up and sell off!! this was easy play for any downside player to get retailer out the game,,,and when you abandon posting, etc or turn negative it just empower them more,,, glty
BANI,, great chart setting up at bottoming,,,
today's close .0003 now over both 13ma and 5ma,,,20ma just a tick over .0003 and 50ma all the way up at .0032[rare spread between 20 and 50 with pps already at market bottom!],,,huge running room with weak resistence in between,,rare still low 700m+ for such low price ticker already bottoming for 13 days,,,
chart down trend longer term bottom rail also beginning to break,,,as well shorter terms upper trend rails broken,,,bottom line,,,when you float still under 1B and you hit market bottom, jsut a matter of time before this change,,and when you see such a spread between 20ma and 50ma, that mean huge running room on a hard run,,,if news about retail deal, this pps could easily see .01 again no prblem becasue though it diluted some, it not diluted into oblivion,,
i agree, i like recent trading patterns,,, and chart bottoming and ma bottoming,,,to be honest, pps much to low for company potential for retail channels and celeb exposure,,,but the name of the game is 'we'll take you as low as we can get you',,,then it all about bid sitters trying to load up on crazy low prices,,,even with dilution, pps to low,,this will change soon
this is what you want to see to ell you pps ready to move back up,,,13ma bottoming as is 20ma but now .0003 closes above 13ma,,once above 20ma, pps can run hard,,, 13ma has been you key coming down,,NO closes over 13ma,,,now today FIRST one,,,that why many time a quicker fall to market bottom better,,,soemtime they can drag it out forever [exmple: ARTS, still long way to go],,,here now bottom reached and ma's begin to lose negative power,,,also look at 5ma on second chart below,,,i think in these case they do it faster becuase they know company actualy making progress and soon pps will have to rise so they get it to bottom quick so they can get max down profit then load up for correction,,as i say, .0002/.0003 NOT accurate for company potential here and accomplishment so far,,,too much in there for these price,,that tell you other forces at work,,,HOLD and dont give up!!!!
and look at 5ma,,,also used on trip down,,,now look second close above 5ma now in last 4 days,,this mean they out of room now,,,and with still friendly share structure, wont be long before pps take off now even on technical merit but news will be coming too,,this no ANGL or ARSC,,,and take a look at LCRE,,,4.4B float!! and they jsut ranging between .0005 and .001!! what?? compare compare,,,show you this WAAY overdone,,this pps, with they current share structure [incl 700m+ float] should be range between AT LEAST .001 - .003
yes, remember,,,this stock not like many other who have crazy o/s and float structure,,,this float still under 1B and o/s 2.15B,,,i say before,,goig climb to .06 with 1.3B sh float [look at they float today 1.5B and still .01 with no revenues]!
most ticker at these kind of market bottom price are diluted much bigger [well over 5B o/s AND float] and they have little chance of climbing,,,some even have 10B+ and are just out of control,,,BANI still in the park for big moves on not so much volume,,,it one of those fooler stock where price not lined up with share structure but more lined up with either very oversold, some recent dilution, growing lack of confidence and some shorter manipulaton,,,ticker like this also easy target because they just reverse in Feb,,,so powers who run the game like to make company pay when they begin diluting after reverse,,,and it become easy target for takedown to zero,,as this one has done,,,but this pps just does not compute accurate with company strides and potential very near term,,time coming for better pps
notice positon of 13ma,,,and notice on way down how they use 13 for resistence,,,now pps moves above 13ma, then 20ma and stock becomes breakout bullish,,,,i know many here with much higher basis or average,,,when they "market" bottom a stock this quick, it a good sign,,,usually it mean a rebound,, i think company will soon bring some breakout news, just a feeling i get,,and even with dilution no way this should be .0002/.0003
simple manipulation trades to scare retailers into dumping into .0001 bidders hands,,,DONT FALL FOR IT!! this stock heading back up,,,look at my earlier chart,,,sideways bottoming now in progress and there always be games to try to get retailers to part with they money at losses
thats how the game is played,,,now they just trying to get retailers to give up while still trying to accumulate at rock bottom price for move back higher,,,20ma sitting at .00034 and 13ma at .000262,,,sells at .0001 are all just manipulator sells to try to keep price down,,,i can see now there a decent short interest involved here in this takedown from .01 in just in early May, so once company delivers the right news, this will fly again
thnx caj and max,,glty
i think the retail is coming here next,,,they have done a lot of good brand exposure in last 6 months and created some slick sales media,, and they have huge potential with celebrity contacts [they president is a former NBA star], they have snoop, temptations singer, contact with russell simons, etc,,,it would seem that some retailer would be ready to create an association now,,,i see just too much celeb exposure in the company for something not to break very soon considering they been working on it now for a while and have done very good brand building to date,,,and the product is attractive with good historical story behind it,,,win win
BANI- huge opportunity setting up at market bottom for a run back to 50ma imo,,huge spread between 20ma and 50ma with pps now 12 day flat along bottom,,,float under 1B still and a few big volume buy days could take the whole thing out on cheap prices,,,think ARSC effort end of june that fail, except BANI only 700M+ float instead of 10B!! would assume there a short squeeze trigger in there also,,, .0002 - .0035+ huge possibility here with large MA spread,,,first big green volume day in a month yesterday begin sucking up float [190m on buy side friday so pump is primed],,,many technicals turning up or flat waiting for new uptrend,,,,possible news week also,,WAY OVERSOLD for they share structure
BANI - could be huge play in the making,,,think ARSC only float here UNDER 1B,,yet pps curretnly .0001/.0002,,,a few 500m+ buy volume days could send this thing flying now,,,notice 50ma all the way still at .0035 whilst 20ma all the way at .0003,,,so huge running space before any MA resistence come into play,,,ARSC has 10B+ float so billions of share volume even proved hard to move it,,,BANI float still in hundred millions,,if market wide call were put out on this like ARSC early last week,,,this could easy be pushed to .005 with huge gains from market bottom,,,contact guru on this!,,,look like could be a huge play if enough participate,,,now showing 12 days of sideways bottoming [at the bottom],,buyers start to move in yesterday soaking up float and first big green volume in a month,,very unigue here because float low for a .0002 pps and 50ma still .0035 with pps already at .0002,,,most play like this 50ma already at .001 or lower [like in hfbg case and with higher float]
news flash,,,all pinkys are pinkys my friend,,,understand the game and the concept,,,there not one PUBLIC COMPANY who doesn't become public so they can sell shares to get funding at various points of development,,,no matter big board, NASD, pinks, whatever,,,YOUR JOB, as an investor is to UNDERSTAND the company you buy into,,,too many disgruntled trader who get pissed because they bought in too early in a company development,,,
i dont know much about this company history but i probably know more than you because i see where they evolved to,,,my guess is even 1 - 2 year ago, they had less website presence, less watches for sale, no checkout store on website, less realtionships with celebs, no realtionship with jostens, no real-time L2 quote on pinks page, etc, etc, etc,,,clearly they make progress over last year and certainly before that,,, small companies on pinks using shares to fund development?? get with the program my friend,,,they ALL do it,,,as do many other more establish comapnies,,where do you think CSCO's 5B o/s came from or ORCL's or SIRI 3.9B?? wake up,,,sure go pay a visit, that never hurt anyone and fine for anyone to do,,,but suggest you stop crying over maybe you timing issues,,,company r/s in feb 2010 at 1:20,,looking at chart and resulting pps, it look like pps was .0015 when they reverse,,from here you watch for further progress of company curve,,,from what i see, they have huge opps to hit it big now with good brand awareness growing through good cool buzz, slick media production and photography and high end relationships with powerful celebs,,that how you build as brand son,,,and that then what make lewlery stores on rodeo drive or 5th avenue or michigan avenue want to sell you watches,,,
if you look at chart, you see stock bottoming out now AT THE BOTTOM,,,so no better time for new buy ins and now with a lot of heavy lifitng done in selling share, building brand power, now pps can begin to see some payoff,,just on technical trade now many consider it a good play because bottom is in,,,20ma already at .0003 so first breakout from here, techncal trade get even stronger,,,yesterday alone there were 190m sh of buying ,,i say it before ill say it again,,,i see a company with enough skin in they game now where a huge new sales channel deal and exposure could be announced any day or week now,,,and with stock now hitting bottom, back up is only place to go,,already they 12 trade days sideways and share structure still friendly to quick rise since float still in hundred millions,,,i sorry if you lost on pps decline but it more just the wrong time to buy in,,i see scam out there and this not one of them because they showing tangible results and progress,,, best news is pps fell fast and get it over with so less retailers now incur losses and existing losses now finite,,,now at bottom and moving sidways, only a spark will set it back off upward,,,i buy in here at bottom because it look like it ready to turn, we'll see,,,this no .0001/.0002 with 5B sh float,,,this float stil under 1B,,,if you know the game that alone should tell you what possible here,,, glty
my observation about you observation:
1, check
2, about us could have more detail, but they sell unique fine designer watches, beased on the namesake original concept,,,pretty much enough said,,,they selling strategy plainly simple, create high end image catering to celebs, young affluent consumers,
3, photo of ceo, i get you point but find me a ceo who isnt ful of himself
4, watches being sold on the website,,,how many different, models do they need? clearly the objective is to get into a retail agreement situation where watches can be purchased in high end jewlery stores as well as selling on website
5, my impression is a website that have manistream appeal, flashy with style, creating an image,,,selling exactly what they sell, designer watches, clocks, jewlery and now class jewlery with Jostens
bottom line: they creating an image and brand and have celebrity connections and relationships,,,president tim hardaway was a star NBA player who have contacts, and the company rubbing shoulders with high end money people,,,this means new sales channel relationship can be struck at any time,,,right now pps at market bottom which make it a good buy with no downside as r/s was done in feb 2010 so wont be hapening again nytime soon,,,even with recent dilution and increased share structure, still in tact with VERY reasonable float of less than 900m,,look to me like they one big sales deal announcement away from a huge rebound in pps,,with all celebrities they exposed to that cant be far away at all,,pps was just .01 in early May and with such quick fall to market bottom short could easily be involved also that trigger huge rebound,,,as for the company, it appear to me they could hit it very big any time now,,,it ALL about who you know, not necessarily WHAT you know
like ALL stock,,,KNOW YOU STOCK,,KNOW YOU CHARTS,,,with you basic and surface only interpretation and missing many detail [esp on teh website where you miss the point completely],,,i suggest you work on you observation skills in this game,,,you head is in the clouds and you observations focus on the wrong things,,,maybe better to head back to you sandbox and play with you toys,,,that my observation
I looked at the web site and these are my observations.
1. history about the watch that was first manufactured in wood
2. About us is very basic
3. Photo of CEO. Seems to think that he is the president in in front of his desk in the white house
4. The watches being sold on the site are so few that REALLY I personally would be struggling to see where they can make a profit at all taking into account the overheads not to mention the huge salaries being paid.
5. My overall impression is a web site that is basic with not much to sell and CEO dressed to kill.
I hate to say it but I think that like many Pink stocks this also fits the same mold. Need I say more
you2 me2,,,lol ;)
many stocks like this and bani, et al,,,all been ground into dust either by dilution or short or both,,,after-holiday july period the time now when deep pocket bottom fisher come in to clean up on great opps next 4-6 week,,,quite a few out there this year to choose from,,glty