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So that means Philip will need to release news tomorrow if he's going to release it this week then?
TRAPPERJIM - Get another broker! You can open an account instantly so why haven't you done that since 28 September??? Stop complaining and vote with your feet!
Day Traders poster44ny - they're the ones that short a penny stock with good news. That's what the pink sheets have been turned into by them. Not good.
Yup have to apologise to the board for that.... but I'm weary of traders ..... no doubt you will need to delete a lot of them! lol
Best make your post a sticky so everyone can see it or do another and label it clearly maybe?
Anywhere between 5000:1 (which is what I originally said, and 1000:1. So you can work out all the different amounts relevant to you holding in between those two numbers.
This is play money for me compared to my other investments. However, I don't think the conversion ratio is going to be as good as everyone is expecting or we'd all be instantly millionaires!
I won't be posting here any more - unless you start bad mouthing me!
I prefer to email the CEO directly, including Philip.
Provide the link again please???? I've seen your posts, none of them have a link to any page on Philip's website???? Do they?????
Fine where's the link to back up your stated claims?
The proof is in there for everyone to see!
Look at Willforeall's posting history folks, you will see whether he's an investor or one of the traders who looses you money on your investments!
Willforeall I don't believe you even looked at the financials yourself? I believe you're a pump and dump merchant!
Willforeal for the third time, as you have stated in SEVERAL posts that the outstanding shares have gone down to just over 300m, I'd like you to prove where you found the information?
We're all waiting .......
ok can you give me a link please?
Willforeall can you tell us or post a link to where you found this information please?
Many thanks.
Does anyone have a link to the financials that Philip posted on his blog. I'm sorry, but I really cant find them!
So the 10Q will be out on, or around 20 November? Shame we will have to wade all the way through it to find out what we want to know rather than just releasing news which should have come out on 28 September!
rjbluesky - that post of mine was in reply to poster44ny's post which I got on email last night after I'd logged off .... I couldn't find it and then realised you'd deleted it, so I thought I'd reply anyway to show I've got nothing to hide.
Ok I can assure everyone reading this board, that I have never received payment from any company to promote it's stock EVER. That includes NVAE. Also, I've never been approached to promote a stock and if I was, I would ensure the contract I signed, would allow me to declare that interest. If it didn't, I wouldn't carry out the work as I'd be breaking US Federal Law and as I hope to live in the USA one day, it wouldn't endear me to the Federal Authorities now would it?
I'm puzzled as to why people here think I might have been paid by NVAE? If I had, I would have declared that interest at the start as are the rules.
All I've done is read the stuff that has been available here, (a lot of it posted by rjbluesky) and made up my own mind. I'm often told off even by my best friend for being too analytical - in that I eventually, as I'm thinking about something come up with every scenario.
If you go back through my posts you will also find one, where, I also said that AIGI's business model is also dependent on everything going ok for them - that all the new plants don't suffer any development problems, that they actually manage to sell their product. That weather conditions don't hamper production etc.
The reason I came out with the licencing analogy is because I used to be invested in Clean Coal Technologies, which rather than building plants itself, has started forming joint venture companies in Indonesia for example and will receive a royalty on every ton of clean coal produced. That's a lot simpler and saves them having to work with local rules and customs which they will not be familiar with. That business model fits AIGI perfectly, and then makes the International part of their name, accurate!
I just read whatever I can find (all of it posted here really, or Google, just to find the same documents as here! lol)and what time will allow and get a feeling for whether a company's business model will work. Whatever impression I form is what I base my investment decision on.
Please read my posts. You will see that I put forward my point of view and more often than not, if I'm referring to an external document, I also put a link to it in my post so that people can independently examine the document I'm referring to and make up their own minds.
As always, everyone needs to make their own investment decisions, for themselves, by doing their own research and forming their own opinions.
Ok no problems... maybe if I get my subscription up and running again ... I'll message you to tell you what I wanted to talk about.
rjbluesky can you possibly private message me with a number I can maybe call you on so I can chew the fat on a couple of things?
Golly, someone did slap the ask then! See I'm finally getting the hang of the trading terminology - only been trading pinkies and been here a year or so - so I'm a quick learner then! lol
If you place a sell order at whatever the market makers will give you .... rather than placing a limit on your sell, it will crash down like this.
Please note - the ask is still 0.0013
Looks like market makers are short of stock. The ask is pretty high for a sub penny stock relative to the trading price.
Gusher405 - it could quite possibly be the case.... the truth is...we just don't know ..... until we see a PR giving us the details.
The PR will give us the conversion ratio of O/S to become AIGI shares. The PR will also hopefully tell us the conversion ratio for the debt holders as well and the date on which the conversion will take place.
Until we know all those things, we can speculate about how much AIGI is paying for the NVAE shares and what we'll get quite possibly etc etc ....
With the greatest respect to my fellow posters here, we've all been posting and speculating on that one fact since July(!!!). Me included. I think we're all tired out trying to second guess the company. Truly we are pooped out! lol
Ok, I've emailed Regus (also left a message with their receptionist - by the way - she said they were all in a meeting. Just in a meeting. Didn't say or know any more than that). I've also emailed AIGI and left messages on David Gair's (the AIGI CEO) voice mail as well. His receptionist tells me he's the AIGI investor relations person as well.
I've asked them about the share offer and said some other nice things ..... so .... if either of them reply and say it's closed or its still open .... I'll tell you all either way.
I may have fallen asleep by then as I'm in London so if they tell me anything, I'll post it as soon as I can.
Has anyone got any idea at all as to how or what Philip is going to do with the condom plant?
Well if Philip takes much longer to close this deal there won't be a cat in hel*s chance of getting into any of his other plays at the same price!
Here we are have a look at the relevant page and see for yourself:
It starts from that page. Very interesting reading.
Many thanks!!!! NOT
From what I'm seeing on an other board, it seems TDA seem to be the only broker that really clamps down on trading a stock that has a chill on it.
Only TDA.
All the others seem to let you trade if you want to.
Just TDA stops all trading in that companies stoc .... so once again will the poster who emailed Shawn identify themselves.
They have caused news to be delayed by six weeks so far!
Another question ....why did the price here crash all the way back down to 0.0002 as it went all the way up to 0.002 and I would have thought that with all the buy backs that it would have carried on?
Many thanks Just1More it could be lifted on my stock any day now... many thanks for your response
Volume is picking up again .....
Well I guess we squeezed the final 0.0001's out of the market makers yesterday huh! lol
Anyone heard anything from Philip maybe? I'd guess its the condom plant that's holding up the closing of the deal?
A question on the chill that was placed on this stock .... I'm in IDVC which also has a chill placed on it at the moment and I wanted to ask if anyone here knows how long the DTC took to lift the chill?
We've been waiting for IDVC to clear its chill since 28 September.
I was just wondering if anyone knows how long it took MIKP to have its chill lifted?
I'd be grateful for any time estimates - even ball park ones.
Many thanks
I can understand people's frustration here if they are long term holders.
Philip Verges will not be CEO of AIGI. He may have held 51% of the NVAE share capital, but even if he holds all his shares in AIGI (as NVAE will become) after they are converted, he will be a minority holder with no seat on the board and no control or say in the day to day running of AIGI at all.
Please remember, AIGI has already released a Market Wire release on 05 November 2012 stating the merger is agreed. See the sticky above with the link kindly supplied by rjbluesky.
Golly the Market Makers won't fill my order .... as its 180,008 to bring me up to a round amount!
Bad MM's! lol
RJbluesky great find as always. You see this is what I was ranting on about yesterday! lol
AIGI can now licence their technology across the world, get royalties on every litre of algae fuel produced and not have all the expense of setting up plants, having to do the whole permits and local rules and regulations thing and language barriers in each country they licence etc etc ....
poster44ny - always worth a shot! LOL they might just tell us the offer has closed and it was fully subscribed or over subscribed.
Only have prove you've got the money if it hasn't! If that's the cae the Regus won't be in business long - I'd always want to at least talk to someone for a few minutes getting a feel for whether thye company was reputable before I go proving my financial worth to any Tom Dick or Harry!
I think it would work if anyone does it tomorrow.
Why doesn't someone phone Regus tomorrow to say they are interested in investing in the AIGI offer and see what happens.
Either they'll say hold on not sure who's dealing with that and put you through to someone else .... or tell you its been fully subscribed.
Sorry silly me and my enthusiasm getting carried away again!
Well, I really think news should come this week.
I don't think any of us shareholders can see a reason for them not to release news? Like I said earlier, if AIGI has said they are reversing into NVAE in a news release, surely all terms and conditions have been agreed?
The suspense is killing us! All of us! lol
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