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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
I'm follow your advice this time and will re enter tomorrow :)
Insider buying form 4's!
$ROSV Sexy Chart!
PPS closed above the Bollinger Band.
Positive MACD histogram with the MACD line above the signal line.
Strong ADX
$IMSC Sexy Chart!
PPS closed above the Bollinger Band.
Positive MACD histogram with the MACD line above the signal line.
Strong ADX
$MJNA sexy chart!
PPS closed above the Bollinger Band
Positive MACD histogram, MACD line above the signal line
Strong ADX +
$GRNH on Top 10 OTC Advancers List today!
$MJNA on Top 10 OTC Advancers List today!
$ROSV on Top 10 OTC Advancers List today!
Wouldn't recommend poking the bear. Enjoy your 1-2 green days. Wake me up if this hits .60, then I might consider covering. Until then I'm hibernating... this board has list my attention
You guys know is never correct...right? Read their disclaimer
For the real short numbers. Updated bi weekly for accurate numbers. posts inaccurate info, read their disclaimer is inaccurate. Read their disclaimer. The real bi weekly short interest is reported on
Took a starter position here yesterday. Chart is looking great
Beast mode! Glad I took a position here this morning
Adding more today. Should see some nice EOD action leading up to the webcast tomorrow morning
Read NRTI financial reports, you will see why the market is not excited about this. That company is trading at .0001 for a reason.
My bad. 24 hours and 20 minutes...
Webcast starts in 25 minutes
Lawsuit coming from NRTI. Unless their new CEO is in on the scam. Then there is going to be a DTC Lock with both companies going down to grey sheets. Time for DP to do some explaining... No 8k again!? ..... weird
The problem starts at the top with DP. He is the main problem... Google Derek Petterson and you'll she how shady this character is. Maybe he will need to change his name again...
Selling NRTI products with no mention of how they acquired these brands. Our CFO used to be CEO of NRTI, very shady backdoor acquisitions with today's PR and Theraputics Medical mentioned in the 10k, with never an 8k released. I smell a lawsuit coming.
More backdoor acquisitions today? Selling products that our CFO M James created as he was CEO of another company.... more red flags.... will an 8k br released this time. Still waiting for the Therapeutics Medical 8k...
The chart is already broken... The PPS already gave up over 75% of the gains from the last leg up. The MACD line dove under the signal line and the MACD histogram flipped negative.
If you own 1% of this company now, with 3,500,000 shares you will only own 0.37% of this company with the same number of shares once the AS is increased from 350,000,000 to 950,000,000. Once the OS is near 950mil, DP is going to turn your 3,500,000 shares into 175,000 shares with a 1:20 RS. Then he will increase the AS again, rinse and repeat. All longs that helped build this company will be wiped out.
Insider selling, paid promos, AS increase, RS approval, $75,000,000 dilution with limited to no restrictions, backdoor acquisitions from the CFO
All happening now...
Downtrend has begun. Paid promotions couldn't even close this green last Friday... PPS is going to crash once the DEF14A is filed. Putting a date on the AS increase and RS will make this company very unattractive to invest in.
No one wants to buy a stock with massive dilution in the near future. Per the filings, the AS is almost going to triple... 350m to 950m. S3 states up to $75,000,000 worth of dilution is going to hit the market with limited to no restrictions. That is a lot of shares flooding the market, creating downward pressure.
On top of the pending Def14a filing, the chart is broken. MACD line crossed under the signal line, MACD negative histogram. Last leg up gave up over 75% of its gains. A close under .38 will be devastating.
Read the disclaimer on the website. I posted links in my previous post today
I agree burrito, $TRTC sells a great product, they just have $*&# management, with a criminal history. Shady characters DP, Amy + MJ... I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up on grey sheets with FITX by 2017...
They also provide a newsletter to promote their stocks. Typical paid promo pump and dump...
Other stocks that use the same promotion service have the same group of posters. You think they would create new alias, but I guess not.
AS being raised up to 950,000,000 shares to make room for the S3 filing $75,000,000 worth of shares with potentially no maturity/restrictions per the s3.
If PPS can hold .40 that is over 200,000,000 shares to be diluted.
If PPS drops down to .20, that is over 400,000,000 shares diluted
If PPS drops back down to .10, that is over 800,000,000 shares to be diluted...
DP bought Blum from himself and Theraputics from his CFO... what a crook... insiders paying themselves millions worth in shares to dump on commons
No, grand total short shares held short 1.4m as of 4/15/16. Next update will be on the 31st.
RS is needed here is because the AS is going to 950,000,000 shares. When that is maxed out, the company will RS. I:5 and or a 1:20 RS per the recent filings.
Last short report only showed 1.4m shares short. That is a very very small fraction of the float... but it is always the evil shorts right?
Yeah first they have to raise the AS. Look for the DEF14A to be filled very soon. Pre14a filed over 2 weeks ago
It's a free membership to join. Great website, shows you which companies are paying for promotions.
Disclaimer: "....All companies profiled on this website pay cash, unrestricted stock or restricted stock..."
4/28/2016 TRTC Promotion Stock Secrets
4/24/2016 TRTC Promotion Stock Secrets
4/18/2016 TRTC Small Cap Voice
4/12/2016 TRTC Small Cap Voice
4/10/2016 TRTC Promotion Stock Secrets ;
S-13, Pre14-A, RS, Paid Promos, Insider Sells, Backdoor Acquisitions
Near future dilution
$75,000,000 new notes w/ possible limited or no maturity
" one or more offerings up to a total aggregate offering price of $75,000,000 on terms to be determined at the time of sale.....maturity, if applicable; " ;
Pre 14-A:
Reverse Split + AS Increase
"To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended Articles of Incorporation to implement one or more Reverse Stock Splits of the Company's common stock at an aggregate ratio of not less than one-for-five and not more than one-for-twenty, within the discretion of the Board of Directors, at any time or from time-to-time prior to July [__], 2017;"
"To approve an amendment to the Company's Amended Articles of Incorporation to increase the authorized number of shares of common stock and preferred stock to 950,000,000 and 50,000,000, respectively" ;
Vote for the AS increase and RS will be very soon
AS is maxed. Issued warrants and CD notes that mature soon need to be able to convert.
"As of March 24, 2016, the number of shares of the Registrant's Common Stock outstanding was 463,036,181, which assumes the conversion of 100 shares of Series A Preferred Stock, convertible at any time into 100 shares of Common Stock, 16,150,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock, convertible into 86,956,857 shares of Common Stock, and 32,276,008 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of all of our outstanding warrants." ; ;
Backdoor Acquisition
Therapeutics Medical LLC
On March 10, 2016, the Company entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") with Therapeutics Medical, LLC (the "Seller"), pursuant to which the Company acquired from the Seller certain assets (the "Assets") related to a business engaged in the research, development, and marketing of nutraceutical supplements. The Purchase Agreement provides that the Company will issue a Convertible Promissory Note (the "Convertible Promissory Note") due September 10, 2017, to the Seller in the principal amount of $1.25 million for the purchase of the Assets. The Convertible Promissory Note accrues interest at the rate of one percent per annum, and is convertible into shares of the Company's common stock at a conversion price equal to 90% of the average of the lowest three (3) volume-weighted average prices of one share of common stock for the five (5) consecutive trading days prior to the conversion date. ;
"Michael James, CEO of NRTI & CFO for TRTC, quietly and secretively created this new entity, Therapeutics Medical, LLC, that TRTC is now acquiring through this backdoor deal to get ahold of NRTI's entire CBD program, without involving or fairly compensating NRTI or its shareholders. This scheme was well planned out and they have tried to keep it hidden until it was finalized. " ;
Insider sells
15 Insider sells this month so far...
VANDEVREDE KEN Officer 04/20/2016 Sell direct 50,000 0.4618 472,071
ALMSTEIER AMY Director 04/19/2016 Sell direct 226,799 0.5626 769,279
NAHASS MICHAEL Officer 04/18/2016 Sell direct 300,000 0.4825 3100796
NAHASS MICHAEL Officer 04/15/2016 Sell direct 100,000 0.4825 3400796
VANDEVREDE MIKE Director 04/12/2016 Sell direct 100,000 0.3726 1,056,944
VANDEVREDE STEVE Director 04/11/2016 Sell direct 150,000 0.3475 669,444
VANDEVREDE STEVE Director 04/08/2016 Sell direct 92,500 0.3782 819,444
NAHASS MICHAEL Officer 04/07/2016 Sell direct 100,000 0.4040 3,500,796
VANDEVREDE KEN Officer 04/06/2016 Sell direct 25,000 0.3500 522,071
NAHASS MICHAEL Officer 04/06/2016 Sell direct 200,000 0.3690 3,600,796
VANDEVREDE KEN Officer 04/05/2016 Sell direct 25,000 0.3105 547,071
ALMSTEIER AMY Officer 04/04/2016 Sell direct 303,427 0.2953 996,078
NAHASS MICHAEL Director 04/04/2016 Sell direct 400,000 0.3060 3,800,796
VANDEVREDE KEN Officer 04/04/2016 Sell direct 125,000 0.2708 572,071
ALMSTEIER AMY Officer 04/01/2016 Sell direct 274,800 0.2701 1,299,505
New Paid Promotions
Disclaimer: "....All companies profiled on this website pay cash, unrestricted stock or restricted stock..."
4/18/2016 TRTC Small Cap Voice
4/12/2016 TRTC Small Cap Voice
4/10/2016 TRTC Promotion Stock Secrets ;
Short Interest
Apr 14, 2016 1,432,586 shares short
Only 1.4m shares short
The PPS went up with 3+ paid promotions and the 420 hype... If the company didn't want to RS until next year, they wouldn't "vote" for it now...