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I have been here since 2007 and never knew you could do an alert... Thank you for telling me that... I just added a few symbols and will begin to get them... Thanks again
Nice but where did you get that info at 9 am, as the 8-K just came out... its not necessary to answer that... just great DD on your part to have it... I did notice after I put the 8-K info up someone add 102K shares on the BID of .0461
There is an 8-K that was put out just now and if anyone out there has sold because they think the acquisition is going to close in 90 days I suggest they read this 8-K and the exhibits attatched. This deal will be done with in 45 days and once 45 days has passed it will not be undone. Selling is a big mistake IMO
Had they left the "Deal will close in the 3rd quarter" out of that PR, then a lot of the retail uninformed my have held.. but they looked at it and thought so it will be 90 days before this deal is closed and we get any more information . Which is not correct... there are other deals out there, we have the Annual Financials, the move back to the OTCQB and other deals that are in the pipeline that will be announced as completed or entered into. Any of which when announced will create a chase all of again Lots of reasons to hold IMO... and what I have mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg
This company is excellent at returning email questions... There is a very profitable future here for investors who are willing to show patience at this level, which is why I am picking up shares when I can on a regular basis
I asked about the OTC Overview page and the Warning concerning Unsolicited Quotes, and they told me they would be updating the 15c2-11 and have it removed as soon as possible
I asked why so long to complete the acquisition they said most likely by end of 2nd Q but did not want to cause an issue if it was early 3rd Q so they just errored on the safe side and said 3rd quarter
I asked If they were indeed still fully reporting and audited their financials. They said the requirements were Quarterly financials were unaudited but gone over by the Accounting firm, which is the requirement and that the annual report was fully audited. Also stated that the 2024 annual will be fully audited, and that they would be moving back to the OTCQB with a goal of moving upwards from there.
They said further expansion was in the works and information would be released as it became available.
Looks as if the MM are playing with it... took it down to .0402 then put the ASK at .042 with an offer of 10K shares and then 200K went thru on the BUY side of the ledger then moved it back up. The anticipation of this running again seems to be in play with the MM grabbing cheap shares to sell themselves.
Yea I get that for sure...but what I dont get is anyone flipping at this level is only making a hundred bucks based on the amount of shares traded and the fact that the price when it started it run was 03... anyone who bought below that only had maybe a couple of thousand shares..because the volume from 01 to 03 was non existent
To each his own, it just seems like waiting until it moves back up would be the smart play... I will add down here when the opp presents itself... GLTY
There is no change in the numbers from last time... so once again no dilution taking place with this company.... what is odd is why with the continued expansion as well as the revenue and cash on hand why so many people have moved on and are selling their shares from the move up on Jan 15 and 16
Wayne I have read it... more then once... and what is clear is that you do not understand what the terms mean... assets are not something you get paid for Accounts Receivable is money that is owed them and they get paid for... they are something you own and declare, you can sell a asset, you can use it as collateral to borrow money on... like your home is your asset, you can borrow against its value. If you want to buy a business the bank will ask you to list your assets, so you can use them as collateral if need be. The assets for FDCT is their trading platform that they are selling and using with the financial companys they own and are trying to enlist to use their product(s)
There is no sense debating this as your not really in tune on how to read and understand a Financial Statement... I have been doing it for a very very long again good luck to you and buy, sell or do nothing with this company thats up to you, but I will end this conversation here and now.
And just so you know you said this
Wayne R
Followers 227
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Alias Born 09/21/2000
Wayne R
Member Level
Re: TJG post# 2350
Friday, January 24, 2025 11:53:27 AM
of 2402
OK, I got around to reading the filing.
Cash $ 27,989,417 $ 31,316,461
Customer funds 21,576,937 30,220,270
Other current liabilities 5,470,877 770,984
The cash ain't theirs to spend on anything.
Thats saying they dont have the also aske me the ridiculous question "How would I feel if they were spending their customers money"...which means they dont have the cash they just have depositors money... You are very mixed up on this whole thing
Wayne, what exactly does that mean... are you actually saying that FDCT is ignoring the fact that they have peoples money... that makes no sense... not sure why but you just seem to be grasping at what ever you can to try and prove they dont have that cash on hand... when it clearly shows they do...I guess its time to move on from this subject as what you said back just makes no sense..
Sure the banks do that, but no one ignores the fact that they owe you 10,000 bucks
The run up to .145 was by a lot of short term people... take a look around, go back to Jan 15 and Jan 16 and look at the posts for those two days... 80% of the people who were Yippie-K-A look at it go that day are long gone... and they took their money with them... thats how it works... they are loud when they buy and very quiet when they sell it... I have no problem with that...its their money... free to trade how they want.
There is no line that says where their customer money is... think about it... I have an E=Trade account... I day trade, I have long term stock as well and I have several Stocks that are considered WASH... How could E*Trade possible list my money on a quarterly report... its changes every day..lets say I made $2000 today and then lost $600 tomorrow and that happens 30 times in a quarter... how could they possibly balance out my account and the other 10K accounts they have and then list it on a Q report.
The Q report is only concerned with what the company makes the company lists their expenses for running a business they list what they do and they list what they have on hand at the end of the Q
What they list for customers is this on Page 11
Customer funds (8,643,333) (Year 2024) 1,359,532 (Year 2023)
Fair value of trading position, net 814,652 (Year 2024) (1,419,146) Year 2023)
That is the extent of what is reported concerning their customers money... Also to answer your question on how I would feel if I gave them money and they used it for something .... I would feel the say way I do right not... when I deposit $10,000 in my bank account, they dont take that money and put it in a box labeled TJG, they put it in their account and then loan it out so someone who wants to buy a car or to buy a house... or what ever. Every financial institution in American takes you money and then uses it for what ever they want. They only have to make sure they have enough to give it back to you when you decide to come back in a year later and say I want my $10,000 back. But the money that FDCT has on hand is not that type of money...its money they have earned as a business, its their money not their depositors
No if your reading this as money belonging to depositors your wrong, it means exactly what it says:
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held with banks, and other short-term, highly liquid investments with three months or less of original maturities. On September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, the Company had $27,989,417 and $31,316,461 cash and cash equivalent held at the financial institution.
OS... I posted a few post back what the company sent me in regards to the Warning and that they said they were working on it. They said it would not be imediate, but they will get it corrected. They think all they need is an updated 15c2-11 As for the OTCQB they are currently over the minimum bid of .01 but there last updated Q and K filings, when they came off of the Expert Market were unaudited, I have asked if they plan to return to the OTCQB right away and will they file the next K as audited ... That seems to be all that they should need to do... and get the Warning off...the QB wont let them back on if that Warning is still up...
Here let me break this out for you
Page 17 of the 9/30/24 and 9/30/23 Quarterly Report
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held with banks, and other short-term, highly liquid investments with three months or less of original
maturities. On September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, the Company had $27,989,417 and $31,316,461 cash and cash equivalent held at the financial
institution Highly Liquid means they can get their hands on it at any time
This is from the balance sheet... 2024 is on the left 2023 is on the right... note it states Cash on Hand
Cash at beginning of the period $31,316,(2024) $ 264,829 (2023)
Cash at end of the period $ 27,989,417 (2024) $ 1,234,289 (2023)
Liabilities are a non factor...they do not have an effect on the Cash on hand or the revenue and profit as they are on going and change on a regular basis. You need to go back through the descriptor of the business and see what caused the liabilities... are they long term or short term, are they revolving and so on.
I suggest you give that another try.... as your wrong on a few things in that post. LOL
This company is indeed responsive to investor questions... when they replied back I thanked them for their prompt reply and then just now I got this from them
FDCTech Inc
Fri, Jan 24 at 11:10 AM
See section 1.1 D.
It will not be immediate but we are working on a solution for this.
I would just like to see it get corrected...
Agree, and the one I asked and they responded to, I would like to see that one resolved by next week... anyone looking at them on the OTC and seeing that Warning is turned or or at the very least concerned about pulling the trigger here
They are indeed expanding and they do in fact over over $21,000,000 in Revenue per the last Q report... and to be trading at this level is absurd. What is needed is patience as they have only been off the Expert Market for a short while, and still have some inhouse cleaning to finish
I sent them an email asking why there was a Warning on the Overview page of the OTC for them... this is the reply I got back
FDCTech Inc
Imran Firoz
Fri, Jan 24 at 1:11 AM
These are great questions. It may be because we need to file another 15c 211 post expert market but our team will look into this.
They are in the process of getting the OTCQB status back up... if you look at the Overview page you will see a Warning for this stock...that is there as they are still waiting on the Q to be filed for 12/31/2024 and with that filing will come the Attorney Letter and they will then be back to Audited Financials... as you know they have just come off of the Expert Market and there is still a lot of in house work to get completed... they are selling for over a "penny" and have had a minimum bid of over a penny since coming back on the Pinksheets... not being listed as a OTCQB is a formality not that they dont qualify, when sent to the EM they were a QB stock.
But they are also building the business back up and doing these acquisitions... there is a lot to do and for me focusing on revenue and expansion is a bit more important then Pinksheet Current or OTCQB status.
We seem to still be cleaning out the flippers from the 02 to 05 run up on the 15th and 16th of Jan and then again from 05 to to .11 on the 16th and 17 ... from the 17th on everyone holding paid anywhere from .11 to .14, with a few dips back to .07 along the way...
That has created people wanting to get in at 05 and they are waiting for it to drop back down there... I dont see that happening because far to many are holding above the 07 range and are not going to sell for a loss.... well one would assume that wont, but the OTC traders of today are a bit different then us "Old Guys" These traders will pay $600 to see Bob Segar, I paid $25 for Floor Seats in my day. LOL
Good Luck 10th
I would encourage anyone who is interested in buying into this stock to read, not glance, but read the financial statement that was posted on the OTC for the Q ending Sept 30 2024. If you want to know what is going on with FDCT and what their plans are read it. If you just want to see if the PPS is going up so you can buy and flip, dont read it as you dont really care. But if you are going to flip then you should read this section from that filing.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held with banks, and other short-term, highly liquid investments with three months or less of original
maturities. On September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, the Company had $27,989,417 and $31,316,461 cash and cash equivalent held at the financial
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable primarily represent the amount due from four (4) technology customers. In some cases, the customer receivables are due immediately on
demand; however, in most cases, the Company offers net 30 terms or n/30, where the payment is due in full 30 days after the invoice’s date. The Company has
based the allowance for doubtful accounts on its assessment of the collectability of customer accounts. The Company regularly reviews the allowance by
considering historical experience, credit quality, the accounts receivable balances’ age, and economic conditions that may affect a customer’s ability to pay and
expected default frequency rates. Trade receivables are written off at the point when they are considered uncollectible.
At September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, the Management determined that allowance for doubtful accounts was $22,382 and $21,526, respectively.
There were $0 and $10,500 bad debt expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023.
Sales, Marketing, and Advertising
The Company recognizes sales, marketing, and advertising expenses when incurred.
The Company incurred $1,211,724 and $610,274 in sales, marketing, and advertising costs (“sales and marketing”) for the nine months ended September 30,
2024, and 2023. The sales and marketing costs mainly included travel costs for tradeshows, customer meetings, online marketing on industry websites, press
releases, and public relations activities. The increase in sales and marketing expenses is mainly due to the increase in promotional marketing costs for our
brokerage business during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
The sales, marketing, and advertising expenses represented 6.67% and 8.78% of the sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023.
Revenue Recognition
On January 1, 2019, the Company adopted ASU 2014-09 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. The majority of the Company’s revenues come from two
contracts – IT support and maintenance (‘IT Agreement’) and software development (‘Second Amendment’) that fall within the scope of ASC 606.
The Company recognizes revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration the Company
expects to receive in exchange for those goods or services as per the contract with the customer. As a result, the Company accounts for revenue contracts with
customers by applying the requirements of Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606), which includes
the following steps:
? Identify the contract or contracts and subsequent amendments with the customer.
? Identify all the performance obligations in the contract and subsequent amendments.
? Determine the transaction price for completing performance obligations.
? Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract.
? Recognize the revenue when, or as, the Company satisfies a performance obligation.
This is from the last Financial statement that was filed ... I am pretty sure the information here is what your talking about OS... These acquisitions are not the same as the one announced today... But do contain the numbers you were talking about in your previous post:
Completed Acquisitions.
On December 22, 2021, the Company entered into a Share Exchange Agreement (the “Agreement”) with AD Financial Services Pty Ltd ACN 628 331 117 of
Level 38/71 Eagle St, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4000 (“ADFP” or “Target”). According to the Agreement, the Company acquired 51% of ADFP’s
issued and outstanding shares of capital stock in exchange for 45,000,000 (the “Consideration”) newly issued “restricted” common shares. The operating and
licensed entity of ADFP is AD Advisory Services Pty Ltd. ADFP owns one hundred percent (100%) equity interest in AD Advisory Services Pty Ltd (“ADS”).
As a result, the Company is 51% the owner of ADS. The Company closed the acquisition on December 22, 2021, and combined the financial statements of
ADS in its annual report, 10-K, filed with the SEC on March 28, 2022..
On December 31, 2022, the Company announced the sales purchase agreement (“Agreement”) under which the Company acquired a 50.10% equity interest in
New Star Capital Trading Ltd., a British Virgin Island company (“New Star”) and its operating subsidiary Alchemy Markets Ltd. (“AML”), formerly known as
NSFX Ltd (“NSFX”). AML is an investment firm regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).
The Company assumed a business acquisition loan liability of $350,000 to purchase the controlling interest in AML. To comply with the BVI Companies Act
requirement for the change of ownership, the company amended the agreement to September 30, 2023. The Company closed the acquisition as of September
30, 2023, and consolidated the fair value of AML’s assets and liabilities from September 30, 2023.
The Company completed the acquisition of the remaining 49.90% of the issued and outstanding shares of Alchemy Markets Holdings Ltd (Alchemy BVI),
formerly known as New Star and its subsidiary AML on November 30, 2023 (“Acquisition Date”), from Alchemy Prime Holdings Ltd. (APHL), through an
exchange for 833,621 Series B preferred convertible stocks (“Series B Preferred Stock”) valued at $1,175,406..
The Company”) completed the acquisition of 100.00% of the issued and outstanding shares of Alchemy Prime Limited (“APL”) on November 30, 2023
(“Acquisition Date”) from APHL, through an exchange for 966,379 Series B Preferred Stock valued at $1,362,594.
Mr. Gope S. Kundnani (“Kundnani”) is the (sole) natural person holding one hundred percent (100%) shareholding in the APHL. Kundnani (“Control Person”)
is also a controlling shareholder in the Company.
They put this out on the 8th and they own this and are now acquiring Alchemy Global .
Irvine, CA, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FDCTech, Inc. ("FDC" or the "Company," OTCQB: FDCT), a fintech-driven company specializing in acquiring and integrating small—to mid-size legacy financial services firms, announced its operational results for the period ending September 30, 2024. The company showcased the expansion of its brokerage businesses in the European markets through its wholly owned subsidiary, Alchemy Markets Ltd. (AML) in Malta.
Key Highlights as of September 30, 2024: AML (Alchemy Markets Ltd)
AML acquired approximately 2,631 clients from Next Markets, transferring €5.6 million in client equity. The newly acquired clients are primarily German retail investors trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and equities through the Gettex exchange. This acquisition marks Company's official entry into the German retail market.
AML acquired 35 clients from a Cypriot-based brokerage, transferring approximately €800,000 in client equity. Most of these clients are French-speaking, establishing the Company's foothold in the French market.
AML has also secured authorization in terms of article 6 of the Investment Services Act, Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta to offer equities and money market securities, enabling the Company to provide stocks and interest-yielding products. This authorization positions the Company to grow its asset base on deposits and expand its product portfolio.
It appears that the deal you are referring to was a different company, and was based in the UK... if you look at the names they do have Alchemy in common but from there they differ... I would venture to say that the UK deal fell thru and is now being picked up as a deal for Alchemy Global not Alchemy Group. With as much as FDCT has gone thru since the end of 2023 and 2024 and then coming off the Expert Market I am going to say this is a completely different acquisition. We will just have to wait and see as the close is set for Q 3 on this one. Also from what you posted and what is in the PR this morning, its a completely different platform as well. Dont think they are the same in any way...
It appears that the deal you are referring to was a different company, and was based in the UK... if you look at the names they do have Alchemy in common but from there they differ... I would venture to say that the UK deal fell thru and is now being picked up as a deal for Alchemy Global not Alchemy Group. With as much as FDCT has gone thru since the end of 2023 and 2024 and then coming off the Expert Market I am going to say this is a completely different acquisition. We will just have to wait and see as the close is set for Q 3 on this one. Also from what you posted and what is in the PR this morning, its a completely different platform as well. Dont think they are the same in any way...
Good idea if you listen to all of us who own some already
I am getting my fair share of them but just in small lots. I must say though they are beginning to add up.
right the volume today is low compared to the past week... it will bounce back up as fast as it went down... and the ASK will remain low too. Any update and its back to the 52 week high of 14+
Gap to .14,open again with 12 on the bid. See if it has stronger legs today. Perfect day for a news updated. Fact of no dilution could also be a factor in a continued upward movement trend
They updated the OTC and there is no change in the Security Structure.
In other words no dilution since the previous update on 12/28 to this ne update of 1/21
Yes the drop was kind to those who feel like this is just a lull in the eventual rise to 25, 50 and $1 I got some cheaper ones today, even though they raised my average price... I was in at 04 and 05 but dont mind paying more than that on the dip... looking forward to the rest of the week
If you put that order in today, then you way down the line... those who put an order in for 0004 a week or more ago and used Good Until Canceled (60 days) are going to get filled before you do.
Gap was where i called it... about where it should be for the way it has traded for the past two day... .149 up now so we are on track to close in the 20 cent range today... steady move upwards. Of coarse any news that drops will raise that 20 cent projection
I think I have explained to him at least a half dozen time how the timing works for Q and K... 45 days for the Q to be filed after the Quarter ends and 90 days for the K after the annual ends, not all company's end their year on Dec 31, although many people who invest are not aware of that...they think everyone is on a Jan 1 to Dec 31 year. Also there are no quarters for the past 3 years that did not have a Notice of Late filing and no Annual filings that did not have a Notice of Late filing. They are all due to the time line that OneMind uses for closing their books in Spain. They do theirs then they send them here and Affluence must then convert them to the filing that AFFU will submit.
This will, unfortunately gap up, I say that as I am not a fan of the gap by hap. Some people happen to see a stock move up on the most read board or by alerts or because it's on the MOMO board. But they do no DD and then the gap retraces and they cry about it. But their crying generally is done with a POS attached to it. So the board focus moves to them and the stock gets lost in the back and forth between the supporters and the cry cabbies.
I am thinking the opening price should be around 13 which was the high Friday and is not really a giant gap up. Since we already have people holding from their Friday 13 buys.
Plus every move past 13 creates a new 52 week high which in some circles creates a new alert which creates new eyes. So it's all good from here on out, for this week anyway
The answer lies with the DD. If your truly interested you will do some and then you will know the facts and not have to rely on what someone else tells you