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Excellent! Can you name me any other ventures in which denigrating the commodity doe not increase its value?
I show SMAS hitting .0002 a number of times on volume well below a billion.
For example, on 1/7/09 on 291,637,200 shares traded
On 1/9/09 on 101,268,300 shares traded
On 1/15/09 on 79,886,850 shares traded
I'm following you. It's kind of like real estate. If sprucing up the outside of your house doesn't raise your property value, try painting ugly graffiti all over it.
That would be very altruistic. Who am I to question if an investor is more interested in the investments of others whom he has never met than in his own investment, or if IHub might be transformed into an engine of Truth? However I still wonder about the logic of attacking a stock that one wishes to sell. The theory put forward was that by attacking the stock, the company would be embarrassed into better performance, making it possible for the investor to dump his shares. Less altruistic and perhaps fanciful, but certainly creative.
"It would be logical to criticize a stock that is sitting on the couch watching television instead of acting, because if you pump the stock up it allows the guy to sit on the couch (and your shares don't sell)."
Over the past two hours I've given your sentence above a great deal of consideration. I've tried inserting periods. I've tried breaking it up into three separate sentences. I've tried deleting references to couches and television sets. However I'm afraid I must, ever so reluctantly, come to the conclusion that it makes no sense.
Ok. Can you help me see the logic of attacking Somantic Systems Inc. in order to sell SMAS shares?
Now there is an approach I had not considered. Attack the company in the hope that it will embarrass them, resulting in better company performance, resulting in higher stock price so that the investor can get out of the company that is now performing better. There is a logic to that. It eludes me at the moment, but I sense that the logic is there somewhere.
I don't have to understand it any more because you told me what it is? Perhaps we're not talking about the same thing. I'm trying to understand the logic of an investor attacking a stock that they hope to sell.
Ok. Would it be logical to attack SMAS if one is hoping to sell one's shares of SMAS?
Are we discussing the company, or my true colors?
Thank you! I can definitely understand your logic. ;0)
Heavens no. I'm trying to follow the logic of anyone attacking a stock they are trying to sell, and I very much appreciate your input. So far we've determined that an investor who does this would be someone who is venting, and believes that the posts they issue are of no consequence. In other words, someone who engages in emotional masturbation in public.
So you see this as someone who repeatedly posts attacks against a stock in the belief that their posts have no effect.
Well, that would fall under the category of altruism. I can accept at face value if someone says their primary motivation is to help others by being "truthful" about a stock. But my question is about logic. I'm trying to understand the logic of any investor who attacks a stock which they have stated they are trying to sell.
I'm not suggesting that you are here to trick people into buying this stock, or that you should not post what you feel. I'm simply trying to understand the logic of an investor attacking a stock while hoping at the same time to sell it.
I can understand altruism as a motivation. If someone bashes a stock and says that they do so in order to warn other investors away, who am I to say that they are not being truthful? There is nothing illogical about an investor in the stock market being primarily interested in helping others rather than himself. But when one has stated that their motivation is to sell their stock and get out, it seems to me to defy logic for that person to then repeatedly post messages that would tend to frighten away investors. In that case the poster is working against their stated objective.
You should be so lucky to live in a state like California.
Does anyone know if the A/S for MSTF is still 5 billion shares? Thanks.
That's right. You never know about Ted. lol!
Me too! Only I sold HESG too low. But I'm happy. Not planning to make the same mistake here.
Lol. No. That's Ted Haggard. I just thought his level of enthusiasm looked about right. ;0)
0004 CLOSE!!!
[Suppressed Sound Link]
Here's the link to the memorandum:
"It has been brought to my attention, that instead of following this year’s plan of incremental increases each time a new financial agreement is completed, it makes better sense to effect one large increase. After much internal discussion and consulting with a few trusted advisors, I have decided to increase Franklin’s authorized common stock to 100.0 billion shares. Obviously, this does not mean there is a plan to immediately issue those shares. Just as was done in 2008 and 2009, shares will in the future be issued in exchange for operating capital, goods or services."
Franklin Mining CEO Issues Memo to Shareholders
Updates Status of Mining Projects; Appoints IR Firm 11/18 10:14 AM
LAS VEGAS, NV -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 11/18/09 -- Franklin Mining, Inc. (FMNJ:$0.0001,$0.0001,0.00%) Chairman and CEO William Petty released a Memorandum addressing several issues raised in recent discussions with shareholders. The Memo has been posted at
The company is, today, announcing that A S Austin Company, El Cajon, California has been retained as Franklin Mining, Inc's (FMNJ:$0.0001,$0.0001,0.00%) Investor Relations firm effective November 16, 2009. A S Austin Company can be reached at 210-204-5068.
About Franklin Mining, Inc (FMNJ:$0.0001,$0.0001,0.00%) : Franklin Mining, Inc. (FMNJ:$0.0001,$0.0001,0.00%) has mining and energy interests in the United States and Bolivia as well as energy interests in Argentina. Additional information is available at
MSTF getting nice volume.
Lol. She should write a book. QBID and Reagan.... not so good. And SIRI is currently at $0.669.
Four years ago today:
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:26:30 AM
In reply to: BigMoneyAtl who wrote msg# 187645 Post # of 278193
I'm buying, have been for these past 3 weeks. The network is growing...I see the evidence everyday....
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:37:53 AM
In reply to: daveXV19 who wrote msg# 187537 Post # of 278193
Reagan ran for president
at 69....and then a 2nd term at 73. Won both times....age isn't a factor in functioning.
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 10:17:09 AM
In reply to: kateric10 who wrote msg# 187635 Post # of 278193
kateric...SIRI could be on it's way back to $11 range when Howard was announced. The price rollback came from the SEC look into....that to me is such an interesting stock to compare Q to once Q gets some subscriptions worth talking about...
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:52:42 AM
In reply to: tradewell who wrote msg# 187683 Post # of 278193
Frank's folks have top quality statements to make about him. They are very high on him, each and every one of them. ....Frank also knows how to delegate to his employees and that's a sign of a good manager. When your entire organization likes you you are doing something right.
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:18:00 PM
In reply to: daveXV19 who wrote msg# 187703 Post # of 278193
dk...doesn't make a difference. What makes a difference in any stock is the risk/reward scenario for each of us investing in stocks. I'm focused on that. to me it's all about having a great position in a stock I believe in. I have that with QBID. I increased my position over 45% these past several weeks. My annuity from my last major investment in QBID kicked in last Friday. I'm following my thinking, if you notice, not anyone elses...
Five years ago today:
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Monday, November 15, 2004 12:58:49 PM
In reply to: None Post #36021 of 278191
I just looked at the RCN onscreen menu...and Paradise Falls is on at 7:00 est and On Q Live is on at 7:30 and that cycle repeats itself several it's clear the live programming is just being put up because I think we're suppose to have 8 hour cycles and this repeat schedule of these 2 programs several times is not giving the customer 8 hours of programming yet....(after 8 we're suppose to go to 12) we are just we need to see what it looks like tomorrow and through the rest of the week. If Rene's 12/1 date
is the date to the customer then we should see additional programming within the next 2 weeks..
I'd call this progress...QTN is 'tracking' right now
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Monday, November 15, 2004 10:18:01 PM
In reply to: zandant who wrote msg# 36106 Post #36108 of 278191
zandant...I think they are going to pull this off...
Posted by: skunksyard Date: Monday, November 15, 2004 11:46:45 PM
In reply to: florist who wrote msg# 36129 Post #36130 of 278191
Hoping to retire when Q hits the big time!
I hope it does for you also!
You might want to edit that message to remove your e-mail address. I posted mine once, and I started getting all this spam addressed to "Eura Basher".
Only tried it once, myself. Changed my perception of time, and gave me the munchies. Of course I always have the munchies anyway. ;0)
Health Sciences Group Pursuing Medical Marijuana 11/11 12:19 PM
INDIAN HARBOUR BEACH, Fla., Nov. 11, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Health Sciences Group, Inc. (HESG:$0.0003,$0.0000,0.00%) would like to announce that in addition to finalizing a consulting agreement with Medical Marijuana, Inc. in its pursuit to enter the Medical Marijuana business it has also contacted several law firms in California and Colorado for purposes of licensing requirements for dispensaries.
Thomas Gaffney, Health Sciences CEO, states, "That in addition to entering into a consulting agreement with Medical Marijuana, Inc. (MJNA:$0.2500,$-0.0100,-3.85%) we have contacted several law firms in Colorado and California pertaining to medical marijuana laws -- basically the requirements of licensing. We have all intentions of entering the world of medical marijuana in the near future. We have also been in contact with some operating dispensaries about possible acquisitions."
We would appreciate shareholder opinion and we can be reached at
ABOUT HEALTH SCIENCES GROUP, INC. (HESG:$0.0003,$0.0000,0.00%)
Health Sciences Group, Inc. (HESG:$0.0003,$0.0000,0.00%) is a provider of health and wellness services to consumers, physicians and other healthcare professionals through its website and health focused publications. The Health Sciences network consists of its public website and iGoHealthy Magazine. The Company operates in three segments: Online Services, Publishing and Other Services. The Company is recently exploring options of corporate growth within the Legal Medical Marijuana Industry.
Oops. I meant "buy". I've edited that post. I've had a test buy order in at .0002 with no conditions since Friday, and so far not even a partial fill.
Thanks 71011. I'm very optimistic. By the way, I've had a test buy order in since Friday at .0002 with no conditions. Not even a partial fill.
Not a basher, but thought I'd throw in my 2¢ on that one. My broker, Fidelity, doesn't allow trades of more than 9,999,999 shares. So sometimes I'll trade 9 million just to keep it even. On other boards I've even seen my buys referred to as dumping by the company. I'm not sure where the legend of the 9 million blocks being dumping came from, or if it is a myth. But I know that it certainly isn't always dumping.
Thank you! And it's nice to see 50 million shares traded at .0003 so far today.
Yes, and very impressive catch!
Relax. It's only 7:24 AM in Guam.
No. Have had an order in since Friday to buy at .0001, and it won't fill. It's not an All-or-None order.
Don't you hate that feeling when you step onto an elevator, select a higher floor, and it goes down? Happened to me with a few stocks. Not this one, though.
Idon'tknowwhypeoplebotherwithpunctuation. Ifthepostisinterestingenoughpeoplewilltakethetimeandtroubletode
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