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The herds leaving the corral. Don't be in the back of the pack. This sticks got legs to run way up!
Welcome to the club Doc. Be mindful of posts, there is good / evil lurking all trying to get everyone's cash. Best of luck to you. Long EAPH$$$$$$
Two intriguing links:
The first needs to be shared everywhere. The second, still scratching my cow between the horns.
Both positive for the sector. Little man needs to ride this wave up with some positive news. Be good for all of us!
Nice find ZZ! Now hopefully we will get a late week rally cross all the MJ companies, at least reverse what S Spicer said few weeks back. Way I see it everything's been on sale for 15 days time to green the MJ boards. Off to the races!
I hold both as well. Let's ride together to the bank! $oooon!
New tweet!!!!!
#EAPH Easton's Negotiations With iBliss Continue. Attempting To Come To Terms On Final Remaining Items.
Keeping this positive, Easton and AMFIL have a relationship, cash exchanged hands 3yrs ago and Easton has a new venture in sunny Jamaica that may need some grow zone machines. EAPH also have cash from their $2m lender they got to close iBliss which was form"other investment" as well. I see no issue with any of these PR's. EAPH$$$$
Hey what's going on, the boards turning green with buys???? Whoever called the last hour rally, spot on! Love OWCP
Whomever offload 850k shares an hour ago is going to miss the last hour of positive green trading.
Glad your seeing same thing. Snowmagedon effect or something. Green will return.
Agree GG. Hold tight. I am red across my entire MJ portfolio, I have no idea why because each board has their own set of pumper n dumpers saying both pos&neg stuff. Call it the Snowmagedon effect, everyone go for a walk and cool down. It will be back to green soon.
Hey the good news is it's great news. GrowZone will be a massive uplift for the company.
So of all nights I put my iPad down to relax with the family and just before bed I reach over for a quick peak and it's lit up with DEWM news. Holy crap no sleep for me now. Lying here pondering what the little man has in store. Looooooong DEWM!!!!!!
Anyone have some updates DD on CCAN? This is looking like a pooper of a stock these days. Down ~50% in past 6 months. What gives????
Pidge, we got our prior posts snatched. Great it was a ruse. Made me smile for the ride home. Have a good weekend all and fingers crossed we get some much deserved DEWM info Monday. Cheers all!!!!!!!
Ok is the Little Man wealthy enough to live modestly on his salary from DEWM and support his narcissistic ways? Trophies get expensive so do extensions onto your house to hold all the hardware.
I haven't seen unless I have missed MM selling off shares like other dirtbag directors are doing cross the MJ sector.
What I am getting at is this. He's not had his windfall. He's building something and will need to cash in. A true narcissist can't walk away with empty pockets, that won't be a good story to tell to his peers.
Long on DEWM short on MM.
Our problem is we have run out of anything to talk about. A simple photo of Moron tweeted on a booth gives little away. The only way to gain interest in a company is noise. If your quiet as a mouse you won't get found. Public traded co's need to make noise, without that there won't be anything left to trade. Little man needs to step up to the podium and speak to the loyal mass of supporters and haters. Long DEWM but not for long, just bored here now.
Billion dollar corporations do not like unauthorized releases going out. Someone flippantly snapping a photo of a private GR training / release session likely got a cease and dissent letter from legal dept. I have seen them issues for a heck of a lot less than what EAPH posted. Just my opinion on it.
Good news also in this morning on Jobs Report under Trump! "Shattered Expectations" they are saying. This is going to boost all sectors and on positive news on EAPH, double whammy up!
Being in business myself, there is no way I would go through the pain of securing $2m worth of credit if I didn't have a plan to do something with it. Good to see the new CEO is sticking to his word. Not everything goes as planned and deals always take longer than expected IMHO. I am happy to park here EAPH looong for the ride.
Maxiedog in all the years has this level of potential been bubbling to top or has it just been false tweets over time. Fairly new to EAPH but I gotta say, it's some pretty positive stuff I am seeing.
Ok guys that being said these investment clubs, once their set number is achieved they flip it. No long term commitments no "if I just hold out another day" mentality.
If it's double and that's their trigger That's ¢.6, let's be generous and say ¢.10. That's our next hill to climb over for all the longs to retire on as once they (2500) people in this group flip at once the damn sticks going to tank right back to ¢.02 levels. Vicious cycle!
We are holding stronger than most of the MJ sector today. $$EAPH$$$
On a few boards, someday they will all be singing the same song.
Sorry I am on CST. I didn't realize it corrected for time zones. These machines are smart.
Interesting transactions occurred at 8:37am today. Something is happening. Still can't figure out what.
So why the ramp up today nearly 10% here in first couple hours of trading. I can't find any reason for it.
Thanks my man, fingers crossed there is some smidgen of truth to it. Still have not seen it anywhere msinstream. Everyone keep an eye out cuzz if it is happening YeeeeHaaa time!!!!!!
Working on a premium subscription so I can ping ya back. How the hell ya do that is beyond me. Not selling their services well.
Dogman, felt it was a load of poo soon as I saw it but last year when it was running rampit that the feds were Going reclassify we had a heck of a perk up. Always hoping and dreaming!!!!!
This went nowhere, thought for sure would have seen more chatter if in fact true. I searched everywhere and came up blanks.
From last night:. ??
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will reclassify marijuana as a “Schedule Three” drug on March 15, 2017, essentially legalizing medicinal cannabis in all 50 states with a doctor’s prescription, said a DEA lawyer with knowledge of the matter.
The DEA Lawyer had told the lawyer representing a DEA informant of the DEA’s plan to legalize medicinal cannabis nationwide on March 15, 2017. When questioned by our reporter, the DEA lawyer felt compelled to admit the truth to him as well.
Where was this posted? I can't find any article with this on any newswire or internet search. Fingers crossed it's real! $EAPH$looooong.
Agree, MJ sector has taken an ass beating this week. Thank you Mr Spicer and Sessions for that, however, I can't not stop gobbling up at this price. Deals everywhere!
Just loaded before closing bell!!!!! I am betting it's going up,up and up again tomorrow.
BTW stay with us. Your our INSPIRATION and have the knowledge to back DEWM. someone needs to get to Marco and get some real value posted.
Say what you will, EAPH is a proven
Pharmaceutical company with profitable sales, MJ or not the company has got the legs to grow. Silver is near, just need some solid PR. Long and strong! $EAPH$$$
It's a freaking roller coaster of a day.
How on EARTH to penny land did we go from 21-15 in minutes. I didn't see the trades selling being that large to cause the sell off. Loading now!!!!!!
Just snatched 75k shares @.04, it's going to be go time after some solid news next week. Long EAP$$$$$H get in now!
I have been #DEWM long for many years, this is my first post in regards to the risk / reward that will, I am hoping will be a big payoff as holding piles of shares in this sub penny stock, its a risk I am willing to take. Moran is by far not my favorite CEO. Having been involved in many international businesses over the years his tactics and antics perk my curiosity and cause me great cause for concern. My only hope is that we see something soon given the MJ surge across all sectors of this breakout market. The MJ industry is huge, and I see #DEWM as roll of the dice in Vegas with all or nothing in. If a message comes out from Moran tomorrow stating his positivity, it will be huge. If he chooses not to say anything, I will remain long but be disappointed in his CEO role in the company.Pumping the company is for the most part his sole job as CEO. If he feels that making brownies and juice products in his lab is his job, he's sorely mistaken. Now is the time to release some news, push this stock up and make it a viable investment for others. Come on Moran, PR is king and you owe it to the people that have funded your company for many years!
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