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For some that are new here is the chart on how trials take place. GLTA,the%20definite%20dose%2Dfinding%20studies.
Yes nice close looking for the dime days . GLTA
Symbol Last Price $ Change $ Change % Qty # Price Paid $ Day's Gain $ Total Gain $ Total Gain % Value $
RSPI 0.0038 0.00115 43.40% 10,750000 0.00107 12,227.70 29,248.42 252.11% 40850.00
A 2.5B buyout would be nice. GLTA
That is what I was thinking too. What a mess they have created over the past year. We all need luck at this point with Enzolytics.
Big Pharma companies
So you holding since trips , had a 500% run up and didn't sell knowing that a gap at .0008 needed filling. Here to make money you say. Ignore bye bye
Your welcome and anyone else that checked it out that is what the boards are to be for help each other , I am holding 12.5m over there hoping that it can produce on what they have in trials. Hopefully something will turn around here for the better GLTA
Hoping the CCC regain control due to the SPAC not being legal. Who knows at this point. Checkout R S P I alot more going for it . GLTA
Too much to say what is happening here , look up SAGA SPAC and read everything that went wrong from Jan 2024 to current. Again too much to write up and explain. glta
Raised to .0023 and it filled
Yes they are have had a 300k share order for .0022 for 2 days now going unfilled.
I guess when you start out stating thank you it is now disrespecting didn't know Thank you . You have been added to my list to ignore . Have a great day
Wasnt disrespecting was pointing out it is a 4 year old video. If you are going to post old news or videos at least put the year it was from or state this is old but a good read or view to help others, Some might have thought it was new information , like yourself that thought it was a good find on a video that has been out for years. So I guess your DD is in question since you find it a good find. Have a great day
Thanks for the video , that is a 4 year old
Is this what are you mentioning , from 2021
I would take that .05 prediction , a cool 1/2M
Hey did the doctor get back with what they hold in shares of ENZC
Little weird not a single trade today
Yes they have been pretty good about filings and now nothing for 10-k, 10-q currently, strange maybe a good sign that they are working behind the scenes currently . GLTA
All of the above would be nice or 2 of the 4 , 1 of the 4 anything would be nice . Would like to hear an update on NIH funding maybe and the stage 3 progression.
Yes he did and it was around .19 at that time. We need some type of update that holds water not fluff from Harry . GLTA
So will any updates drop in June or July? Any Thoughts?
Maybe since you have a direct line maybe ask him if he still has his shares along with the other two. Maybe point out that they are not listed on the last filings and see what he replies. Thanks
Right now we don't know what Chandra is actually saying. If it appears as some are taking it. The three of them as previous owners of ENZC may have already gone to the SEC filed a complaint , laid out all the facts about SAGA and the SEC could already be investigating the SPAC and what a few of us have been saying it was not legal due to the expiration of the by laws of the SPAC and their own lawyer stating they didnt file on time nor paid the required deposit. If this is actually happening behind the scenes that is great and could move quickly to return shares they put up to complete said deal. It also would provide leverage against Harry if they agree Harry and Barry commited fraud against them and the shareholders. Again all is just theory writting without knowing what actually happened and true motives of all involved we are still all guessing.
The shares being left in Enzolytics and new sub created by CC and the new sub created by Chandra means they saw something wrong with the deal and were trying to protect what they could. Maybe they saw it over time questioned it with no resolve and wanted Harry to commit the fraud ( if he did ) so it was a pretty cut and dry complaint against Barry ( which has had issues before ) and Harry.
Chandra has no motive trolling ENZC unless he is planning sometype of return for the better of the stockholders he has claimed to care for. Again we all don't have any facts just post to go by. The fact that filings have not been filed might be a telling tale that they don't want to go on record stating something they know is false speaking about Barry and Harry required filings. Time will tell GLTA all IMO My one and done post for tonight.
Thanks docsetc , Sounds good Hopefully this all will work out . Again Thank you
I know we probably wont get a reply , but has anyone sent emails to Harry and Barry , asking simple questions that as a long time shareholders are due answers and not the same BS pr's we have been getting? Question on when the dividend date was or will be , will SAGA be tradeable and on what trading platform and when along with a few more. Still waiting on mine GLTA
Next filings would be July without an extention right . So unless they post that they are selling their holdings I would conclude that they still have their shares in ENZC because they were still there in the filings they just posted . Their titles are gone but the shares were still accounted for. Also interesting in the value they put on BGEN when it was returned , so what SAGA kept is worth 2x the value of the A/I I don't see that. Could be along summer GLTA
I am leaning toward this was all planned out ( to get the actual work away from Enzolytics and the law suits so BP or investors felt better about investing ) and it will be an exclusive license deals , and the gang marches on with A/I and builds on Harry and whatever Enzolytic patents they are awaiting approval ( aka animal and virus that as we were told they were working on in 2021-2023 ) All PRs about the animal and various virus was put out as Enzolytics. Did they mislead us who knows as of now. If we get to see the share structure and the brothers and the doctor still have their shares in Enzolytics that will be a telling sign. Until then we are all guessing me including on what is going on. Another thing to keep in mind they were all working on a three year contract that was already up, there has been no mention of that here or anywhere in PRs saying how they kept working for Enzolytics this past year ? GLTA
And yet here you are
The last staement I find is a little wierd , SAGA shares show on Enzolytics end of year filings under assets . So how and why will the dividend come from SAGA when they don't have the shares?
pagee 31
The big thing we need to hear is the court says that the SAGA deal is not legal , then what will happen? Because all the moves where based on having the SAGA shares. GLTA
Sorry to hear that. Alot was told to us as happening Uplisting , audits we won't even talk about trials ect.. and so far no follow thru on their end.
So how much did you lose ,
I gotcha a savior complex Thanks for all you do.
You don't have shares so what are you doing here
To add to what you have displayed , in this link below makes a connection to Alie Chang which is listed in your post.
Maybe all smoke and mirrors and all licensee is thru Enzolytics , and the doctors new company has the backing setup now and does the heavy lifting his ownway. Enzc gets payments and added value , the three that left get money from carrying on and have all the share value of ENZC. If we are able to confirm they still have most of their shares then Enzc is somehow going to make money to increase the value of said shares. Time will tell, so enjoy your weekend GLTA
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