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your posts are lame. and you are a very insecure woman who brags about what you have to compensate for the way you look. you are a narcissist and think people actually care about what you have. but that is only true in your prematurely wrinkled head.
this is a sham, not a company.
retina a does wonders for premature wrinkles. not sure it will shave ten years off, but something is better than nothing..
homelessness knows no color or ethnicity. it's actually racist for you to assume that. says that you connect the predicament ofhomelessness only to nonwhite people.
and on top of it all, it's a foreign film distribution alliance business. a total joke. no wonder they are losing over $2m per year. lil chen pipe dream to mix with the stars and film industry. hilarious. and you guys think that is an investable business. just too much. roflmao
will be back at .0005 and you will have flipped and sold by then. because you know darn well this company is a one-man shady operation that has dumped 2 billion shares since may. 10 billion authorized means another 2 billion coming. when it's sitting at .0005 again, you will go silent just as always.
2 billion shares dumped in 4 months. another 2 billion or more needed to deal with debt. you guys believe anything chinese companies tell you. americans are easy for chinese to scam.
ceo looks like a homeless one man operation. so many gullible buyers. 7 billion more shares waiting in the wings. waiting for chasers to buy them. 10 billion as is not sitting there for no reason. reverse split will come after next 2 billion share dump.
been lurking here for over a month. sold today from .0004. 2.6 billion os and 10.bil as is too rich for my blood. thank you to whoever bought my 8.5 mil...have passed the baton to the chasers and folks who love holding bags. plus the company is a Chinese scam. wait for those 10 bil shares to come down. ciao
so many scammed here. hugely scammed.
why are people buying when the commons are getting canceled?
who were all the idiots that said it was going to be suspended today? roflmao
yep. you lost big here.
no wonder you are sucjlh a sourpuss. you lost all your money here. roflmao
people like you who are trading with their mortgage and grocery money?
delusional posts on every board about every stock.
lol lol lol flippers like you always get burned
agree. bdpt is dead. I tried to tell folks months ago. lots of losses here.
os is more like 6 million
because he is a paid promoter. he isn't even denying it.
you don't deny the accusations, if people read your posts closely. you talk around the accusations because they are true.
sec knows how many shares you received and who paid you.
pb has been pumping and dumping as a paid promoter for years, without disclosing. many on ihub know this. he is one of the most corrupt players on these boards.
took you all long enough to catch on. cj and pb are both crooked as two twisted sticks.
well, well, well. you are finally exposed. good. you led sheep to slaughter here, and now their eyes are opened. I warmed the board about you and msjockeyface. both of you sold long ago while you were pumping. you went silent for a while under a ruse because you knew you had sold. I hope people stop following your picks because you are nothing more than a long winded pumper. all your intellectual pontificating about stocks is a cover for your pump and dump operation.
what makes you think they are merging with delfin? nothing here to indicate any truth to that speculation.
there are also 80 mil shares that are restricted but becoming unrestricted. as that happens, this will tank on the low float as it begins to bloat from those shares entering the market.
i see they released news to help support those 568 million restricted shares that are becoming unrestricted. folks never learn. nearly 600 mil shares are becoming available to hit the float. good luck to the chasers and bagholders in the making here.
lmao roflmao. you are still here two years later with the same nonsense about going to pennies? so damn sad.
lower. .002 coming and possibly lower by tomorrow. .002s next week is my prediction. .001s when q comes out is my next prediction.
doesn't matter. this company is irrelevant in that space. nothing to report because sales are virtually nothing.
no, big dumps are forming. bagholders deluding themselves about the price action.
headed below .002 but not tomorrow. will guess .003 or a little lower tomorrow and .002s next week.
and where did you get that erroneous information from? powerbattles? lmao why don't you wait for the next quarterly to confirm that is a fact?
your "clear" vision will lead folks straight to and through a reverse split here.
sounds like typical otc company bs reply from one that is broke, failing to generate revenues worth more than a suburu outback trunk full of girlscout cookies, and mired in debt.
very honest post.
spoken like a real deal bagholder. they love holding bags and buying all the way down. roflmao ms.thang ain't buying tho. heck, i wouldn't be surprised if she is liquidating her remaining 25% in anticipation of a falling knife forming here.
you still excited? lol