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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
No matter how this boils out you can't beat .0005 to .0020 for profit even at .0015 your making $$$. Hold or fold. I cut back just to get $$ back so let's just see where we are at in a month. Even gds$ has been playing the same game and there at 110 plus days no news. Lol. Just play the game I say. Stay thirsty my friends
Same with me. Huh. Odddd.
Huh in 10 otcs I'm in 8 are all in a rm and will hit a dollar. Seems I hear the same dance on every ticker. Time save up and move up to Nasdaq least there's some laws for these crooks.
No volume will ever come in.
Talk is falling !
Still a no bid scam
Why are we dropping so fast if it's sooooo good. Tired of these OTC scams.
Think my bid will fill tues !!! Someone please sell. !!!
Ok 110% gain is sexy but let's make it 1000% c'mon
could we close .0050 :)!!! cmon people lets push this !! 8milly deep now lets roll tide this!
That or clowns stop selling for a tick or two.
I hope so. However my experience with that other ticker apparently has all that to and it's been 90 plus days since we heard from them. I hope your right my friend. IMO this is worth a sold copper price with or without.
This ticker best not pull a GDSnot. I'm tired of hearing every ticker say there merging. !!! IMO there so much smoke it's hard for a ninja to even see. Let's hit 4s. Daddy's heading to Foxwoods this weekend. !!!
I ask that daily. Losses money but hey tal$ bringing it back. Go RCHA
Lol right on. I came in at .0012 for 5m. Sold 0. But will by 5 ;)
Can we see 4s tomorrow!!!
Face palm...... Clay. Here come so flipppppahs
Wooohooo send us to silver !!!
I'm in Ty for the tip in acl poop. I'm 6.3 in now. Let's take a ride baby !!!
That's odd cause I dropped all mine today. Huh.
If she hits a buck which needs to be soon I can retire. !!! Talk!!!
Maybe 2's tmrw!!! ???
Ty for insight all not bashin just asking. And ty for blocking me for asking a q. Lol.
Is it even possible to open to $4 from .0012 realistically. I'll load up if so. !!!
Wow life. ;)
Just went to Rontans fb in Saul Paul and there's a Xmas photo with comments translated some say gl new 2016 adventure. One name which has photo right there is Regina VC there's a few employees commenting. Just saying maybe putting a clock on this isn't the best idea. Fwiw. IMHO.
Lol Ty. Broke into two orders 39900 you can see then 15000. So sorry 55k :) at 6 :(
I grabbed 50k for ya. ;)
There trying real hard to pump before the dump. All these Prs. Tells me they really need the most out of this news so they can dump. R/S and sucks more investors moneys. IMO. Fwiw.
That right there is the key reason IMO this will happen. Who would want to run a business in a economy like that. And again I will hold my millys till she drops to .0048. That's when I'll have to step back. ;) gl all!! This will go just a matter of when. Buy the weaklings shares all I can say. Fwiw. IMHO. Yaday yadaa.
Ugggg will this just do something. Go north or south already.
Ty, you scamming Chinese company. Happy New Years all. I'm going to say goodbye to my 10m on Monday if you want them.
Happy New Years all. I'm sure this won't pop till mid 2016 sooooo ya. Sit back and wait
Poor guy buying .001 man I'd be pissed. More upset it wasn't my shares sold to them. Ha!
I feel like a victim here. Damn scams. Bought 10mil for some dumb reason. Should have listened to the .0001 basher.
FDA approval for phase. 3b shares and we are at .0001. Wtf.
I put in 10m. :) c'mon ride us to the promise land
Ya you can't use mobile for .000- have to use PC tablet
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