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Wasnβt a good day at the Nikkei,
Looking to see how that event translates to the the GSEs.
Keep up being the good FNMA-FMCC news crusader. people have to read how the GSE shareholders have been treated especially by scumbag FHFA, Treasury...and all of the other govrats that still continues today.
Past govrats Munchkin and Catman can go f themselves for not having done enough while they had the chance.
As for Q-Tip and ST, they continue to feast on rubber chicken luncheons and doing NOTHING to liberate the GSEs except gifting BS programs 1B a year, wtf..
As for all the court cases, the GSEs foot the bill for both sides, what a CON...servatorship.
1 a day
Well, FNMA's Q2- 4.5B, it continues to make money, but what about shareholders...The PPS was once again messed with all day and close lower than yesterday.
FMCC Q2- 2.5B, and still the drop continues with pathetic volume.
Still waiting on judge Lameazz.
Maybe August brings something better for GSE shareholders.
1 a day
Wonder what the gse financials will bring us this timeβ¦will judge lameazz wake up eventuallyβ¦will there be sightings of whalesβ¦.
1 a day
He provides nnnnothing fffactual, a skateboarder alias. Can't wait for GSE liberation when that usseless kind will be gone.
I don't trust the govrats as well, BUT still hope that they don't have much choice in liberating the GSEs. Taxpayers have to start realizing that these govrats aren't doing good things for the deficit. It keeps on rising and the debt payments are ridiculous. Hopefully the Chevron ruling lights a fire under their butts.
1 a day. ):
The faster the CREs impolde, the faster the GSEs are freed. Banks will have problems dealing with all of the commercial real estate, it is only a matter of time before Fnma-fmcc is released.
I wonder how slow poke lamebutt will take with judgment.
Unlike Planet of the Apes- what a wonderful day- coming from a tyrant- I am still waiting for the foot to come off of the GSEs pps throat sooner than later.
Dress wearing Lamebird might finally get his panties out of a knot and rule considering the 8-0 jury verdick as well more cash on hand after next weekβs financialsβ¦
Go fnma
He's been missing everything intentionally. As reliable as any skateboarder that doesn't wear a helmet.
That's so fffunny. Must of stayed up all night thinking of that one.
I care about the GSEs and its shareholders. but all the skateboarding Preff malarkey, wishing them lots of rocks on the road.
Keep it going Guido, we need all the GSE warriors posting about this govrat theft from shareholders.
Same as golf, 1 post a day for 2 weeks and then I can ask for more privileges it seems.
Dropped outβ¦he hasnβt been there for ages. The bicycle incident should have been a red flag. No one uses those shoe harnesses except real cyclists. There was nothing cyclist about Joe, PEDs lol. They couldnβt help him at the babble debate or anytime reading the teleprompter.
That is not true- fnma does not 0. They were not included in the lawsuit. Even the village idiot knows that about the GSE. People have no shame posting lies.
He dropped out, he finally remembered that he was in a prez race and passed the baton to Kamala.
What is confusing, he'll continue to be Prez until his term is that doesn't pass the smell test.
The puppet masters will continue to spin their BS....
FFFFor sure, I can supply you with a nearby cave layout, there must be other GSE pref 0.05 geniuses there for you to exchange news and body fluids.
You'll fit right at home. FNMA
Sorry if u must go. K is calling you for more advice.
Seen enough GSE Preffff 0.05 nonsense, calling other racist is an oxymoron.
There must be other caves to explore and other lies to spread, there's no one gullible enough to stop you.
I have no access to my trading account this morning. That big internet crash continues for some I just love putting all of my marbles behind cloud bs. If that continues to be hacked, weβll be going back to the stone age with no info access. Gates you re the best, NOT. Just love blue screen, pos
I looked at that, the part that I didnβt undersrand was the doc was dated 2018. Putting as much faith into that as seeding alphalfa gse pref malarkey articles.
Huh- a gse court case answered from sludge lameazz this week ? If there are molasses next to him, the molasses will come in first before this dinosaur starts to move.
Heβs been purposely dragging his butt to slow the gse judicial process.
Donβt expect anything until Halloween and of course leaning and accommodating to the govrats. Fnma
I looked up the amount of JPM fines have had to pay thru the years, woah, really. 39B
That's a lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot.
And a 5ish B fine related to FNMA_FMCC
If the Jamie Dimon Treasury Sec position rumors are true for the future, I found this on X from the largest GSE shareholder:
Jamie Dimon is one of the world's most respected business leaders. Politically he is a centrist. He is pro-business and pro-free enterprise, but also supportive of well-designed social programs and rational tax policies that can help the less fortunate. He is extremely smart,β¦
β Bill Ackman (@BillAckman) May 31, 2023
Sounds like Rick is missing from that equation. lol
That after hours FNMA Schwab pps movement is as reliable as any seeding alfalfa article.
Lots of monkey business going on with the GSEs.
1 post and no emojis
Where did that dinosaur hide this's ludicrous for GSE shareholders to still wait for wabbit hunta to do his job.
Sorry Catman, you might have been the "man that started the GSE" being released but you came up shorter than Tattoo from Fantasy Island.
No more paper lions with visons of widgets and non-sensical stress tests. You proved that hardly working and hard work aren't the same thing.
GSE shareholders don't need your past dated paper road map, we need someone to do the actual work.
Enjoy your cat videos and emptying out the kitter litter.
Lookie lookie what the cat dragged the cat back in with, the full GSE pref malarkey FFFulcrum.
I don't play Call of Duty or paintball, but I know deer hunting. You try to shoot from an elevated position for best results. I'm trying to wrap this around my head this shitstorm, why were there not any police on every rooftop around the event. At the very least, you stick them up there with a lawn chair and a parasol. Problem solved, even bumbling Inspector Clouseau would agree.
Any idiot that say that DJT staged this, sure Sherlock, let me know where the shooter got all his sniping expertise from shooting ears from, was he related to William Tell, do TELL.
I wonder how Sleepy Joe's posse is going to spin this unless he's already forgotten about this.
What a shit storm, they fired shots at DJT.
What are those FNMA mod clowns going to do next:
first - 1 post limit
second - no more turd or clown emojis
third - ban me for life....?
Shaking my head at the stupidity...
Oh well, there's enough Slow Joe silliness to keep me preoccupied for a while.
Where are all those Dems- staying bunkered down like their can't ride a bicycle Geopetto puppet
Ya, I read something similar that was posted. With the amount of time that it takes lawsuits to get to court, we can actually see it with the GSEs how deadbeat Blamebutt is extending and taking his sweet azz time, with him feeling no pressure whatsover coming from the judiciary, one has to wonder how long cases can be dragged and extended either by incompetence or by malicious intent.
It's so bad that these govrats are above the law,
I'd hate to be at the starting block once again with this CON conservatorship malarkey. The finish line seems to be only one curve ahead, but the crooks keep on finding ways to screw GSE shareholders just a little longer.
It seems that I'm not the only one that has lost emoji access on FNMA, I can't share brown emojis with the well deserving miscreants.
Hoping that Trump says something about the GSEs this week, it would be great for us....
Funny how all the village idiots already know that the GSEs arenβt in restructuring mode. The GSEs arenβt also in receivership or bk. Even the village idiots know that the GSEs are in CONservatorship.
Do you have any coherent or relevent links to this gse pref malarkeyβ¦.(there arenβt any of course)
Wondering what Sandra has been doing with the GSEs while there's no one telling her what to do. The same applies with judge Blameburt, no one to watch what he says, does, or forgets to do.
GSE shareholders continue to get the avian flu chicken bone while more than a Billion dollars seems gifted every year.
Who continues to pay for those rubber chicken luncheons.
Love the fact that GSE shareholders have to foot the govtar bill as well as theirs while the CON continues in its 15 years...great thing we have going on.
And now the emojis don't work on FNMA, by intent I suppose. Wouldn't want the GSE pref fibbers posting with their pooh emojis following them too.
Great staff he has, and not working for him that's for sure because he's not aware of what's going on. These liars behind the scene were not elected by the people, yet have been governing the country instead of Sleepy Joe..
They should do time for lying and manipulating their mumbling puppet.
Funny how Biden's "Vice-president Trump" reality has been in plain sight for the longest time. Compared to Trump who was always available to answer questions, Biden has literally been hiding in his bunker for the past 4 years. He has never answered unscripted questions.
How is this man still in charge of anything is beyond any logic.
When I saw him fall down from the bike, I had lots of questions. Who rides a bike with racing peddles, real cyclists and people that donβt know how to bike. They are like training wheels..
Wouldn't expect anything from that biased past his expiry date judge dinosaur.
He has what Biden has....keeps on reading the pause from the teleprompter.
He can't even settle an upset stomach,
Looking forward for less GSE shareholder abduction in the near future.
In what hemisphere are you projecting blue berry season..
So far itβs been squat and squash for fnma longs.
The only miracle gse shareholders could get from this debacle is for the dishonorable to be abducted by aliens.
Lots of rubber chicken eaten at the FHFA free luncheons, it's too bad GSE shareholders get nothing but the picked apart carcasses.
Those freeloading GSE board members better not get too comfortable, as soon as GSE shareholders get a chance, they'll be voted out faster than ST can eat her mashed potatoes.
As for judge Lamepants, still dragging his judicial 8-0 jury verdict azz. Deserves no accolades from the GSE shareholders that continue to be victimized by incompetence.
All good, I interpreted outstanding as delinquent. The numbers are good.
Treasury btw can go f themselves by not dropping rates.
There is no date set, the GSEs are dealing with a clown judge that has been dragging his butt for the longest time, has spoken on many occasions with biased opinions in court, has extended every trial every possible way, has made tons of dubious choices, and has continued to be incompetent.
Please feel free to contact his superiors to find out when "hunting for wabbit" judge expects to start doing his real job or retiring.
The 8-0 jury win for shareholders doesnβt seem to influence any of his decisions.