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Re: Louie_Louie post# 168

Saturday, 07/13/2024 10:53:51 AM

Saturday, July 13, 2024 10:53:51 AM

Post# of 2697
Ya, I read something similar that was posted. With the amount of time that it takes lawsuits to get to court, we can actually see it with the GSEs how deadbeat Blamebutt is extending and taking his sweet azz time, with him feeling no pressure whatsover coming from the judiciary, one has to wonder how long cases can be dragged and extended either by incompetence or by malicious intent.

It's so bad that these govrats are above the law,

I'd hate to be at the starting block once again with this CON conservatorship malarkey. The finish line seems to be only one curve ahead, but the crooks keep on finding ways to screw GSE shareholders just a little longer.

It seems that I'm not the only one that has lost emoji access on FNMA, I can't share brown emojis with the well deserving miscreants.

Hoping that Trump says something about the GSEs this week, it would be great for us....
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