About iHub Free Trial

All new and existing free members whose accounts have been approved can take advantage of a 2-week free trial of the site.

What does this mean? It means that for two weeks our system will treat you as if you're a paying subscriber. All of the awesome premium features will be unlocked.

To find out if you're an approved member, go to My Account and look at the Account Level row. If there is a link that says "Activate Free Trial" you're approved and can take advantage of this free 2-week trial.

If it says "Free: 3 posts per Day", your account has not yet been approved, likely because you haven't written at least 3 posts and/or your account has not been open long enough. The upgrade is automatic within 24 hours after you make at least 3 posts in compliance with the site rules. So if you are in the "3 posts per day" category, get out there and make a few posts!

To take advantage of this 2-week free trial, simply visit  My Account and click the activation on that page. You will only get to use this free trial once, so make sure you use it during a timeframe when you'll be able to kick the tires around on iHub.

Once you've enabled your free trial, we'll follow up with an Alert suggesting various features to try out. Make sure you check the Alerts (yellow area at the top of each screen or in your Mailbox) for more information.


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