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Hi. If you don't mind would you please e-mail me your Canacol financial model? I'd like to leverage that for some analysis.
SSKILZ1 - Thanks VERY MUCH for the dedication in organizing/managing the competetition ... it was a lot of fun!
Knowledgeisking - congratulations on the impressive win!
Thanks to all for another spirited PSL. Special shout-out to swanlinbar for a great performance--keeping the heat on me right down to the wire.
And yes, rocketeer, I absolutely own all the stocks I pick in PSLs. It wouldn't make sense (at least to me) to put DD into a pick and then not own at least a few in "real life".
See y'all @ PSL21...
Congrats to KIK again & SSKILLZI thanks again for all your hard work in crunching all those Numbers!
SPIN.. It seems as every uptic in SPIN was/has been by a painter.. Maybe he just got lazy and hit the wrong key at the close..?? hank
(Cut and paste) Congrats again KIK on a tight win. Tell me: do you trade the stocks you nominate for the contest in your real account?
And thanks again SSKILLZ1 for fantastic moderation and stats
Congrats to the (Ki)King!
Somehwat to my surprise, I finished in the top 10. Probably a good time to go back and see what my picks were and why. Offhand, I couldn't tell you...
KiK - awesome! Congrats!
Swanny - way to keep it close!!
Sskillz- thanks
KIK is indeed the king. And Swannie's performance wasn't exactly shabby! Another great contest. Thank you SSKILLZ1 for all of your hard work.
Congrats to KIK ... he is the king!
Thanks for all your work SSK
Great contest and thanks again.
Thank goodness I rose from last place.
And gave that role to someone else
I think I held it for most of the contest.
Someone painted SPIN at the close with 100 shares
which did not help me.
Congrats to KNOWLEDGEISKING for yet another first place finish. KNOWLEDGEISKING has won 6 PSL Contests out of 20. It gets even more impressive when you look at the last 6 and 8 contest. He has won 4/6 and 5/8 contest respectively. Wow. Congrats on the great job, but the good news is he is do to lose PSL 21. So PSL 21 contest deadline will be May 18th, with the start date may 21rst. So I'll be upating you all when I set up the board for PSL 21, will probably do it next weekend. Hope All enjoyed the stats for PSL 20. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.
Final VMC PSL 20 Standings (Week 16)
Congrats to our winner KNOWLEDGEISKING up 70.31% so far in the contest. There are 37/48 portfolio up in the contest or 77.08%. So without any further ado the info. is below.
Alias % Gain/Loss
3 CLIFFVB 43.25%
4 SSKILLZ1 40.49%
5 DYNODINO 37.53%
8 NSOMNIYAK 26.33%
9 SHMOLTON 24.73%
10 TMCAL6 24.71%
11 NELSON1234 23.40%
12 10BAGGER 23.16%
13 MALC STONE 20.99%
14 MANDJB 18.79%
15 JQUPRICE 17.95%
16 VALUEMIND 17.66%
17 DR. AIRTIME 17.46%
18 RESEARCHER59 17.11%
19 DIGITECH 15.69%
20 CL001 15.23%
21 MR SHEEP 14.91%
22 SWICK984 14.52%
23 HWEB2 14.06%
24 THEFASTONE 13.76%
25 NILES CRANE3 11.89%
26 MR. SHEEP (W/O CASH) 11.86%
27 WORTHYLION 10.66%
28 TIMHYMA 10.14%
29 WYOBUFORD 9.18%
31 CPTMATT 4.86%
32 TIKA1 4.47%
34 BBOTCS 3.63%
36 BOBWINS 1.54%
37 CWS9 1.15%
38 ZEN LUNATIC420 -0.34%
39 ABH3VT -0.72%
40 MIKE056 -2.85%
41 GHMM -3.51%
42 YIELDDUDE -4.49%
43 STILLS999 -9.28%
44 URANIUM -9.67%
45 ROCKETEER357 -10.15%
46 RAWNOC -11.25%
47 STEVENRISK -11.66%
48 KOZUH -15.04%
Wildcard Stock Returns
Symbol % Move
1 DANG 64.39%
2 LEE 59.15%
3 SFD.V 57.58%
4 IRE 41.71%
5 RFE.AX 27.98%
6 RPM.V 5.56%
7 GMXR 5.34%
8 OCO.V 0.00%
9 SYNM -1.14%
10 VRSEF.PK -11.38%
11 ITSI.OB -14.44%
12 CCEL.OB -15.60%
13 PCY.TO -18.60%
14 JBII.PK -27.46%
15 DCTH -28.68%
16 LWLG.OB -30.99%
17 PCX -34.59%
18 USU -36.42%
19 AAA.TO -38.55%
20 SCG.V -41.94%
21 GTHP.OB -52.87%
Individual Stock Returns
Symbol % Move
1 OEDV.OB 253.19%
2 FONR 220.81%
3 PXPLY.PK 140.38%
4 MAG 112.71%
5 HIMX 92.52%
6 SEA.AX 85.37%
7 JBSS 84.15%
8 GPRC 84.15%
9 GRVY 72.22%
10 DANG 64.39%
11 STS 62.75%
12 LEE 59.15%
13 EGY 58.22%
14 SFD.V 57.58%
15 TGA 56.37%
16 RCKY 54.59%
17 NEP 50.97%
18 MHH 49.37%
19 LQDT 48.85%
20 SFL 43.47%
21 CMKG.OB 42.86%
22 AAPL 42.76%
23 IRE 41.71%
24 SIAF.OB 39.11%
25 IAE.TO 39.07%
26 BULM.OB 38.67%
27 AOSL 35.39%
28 PERY 34.81%
29 CYH 34.24%
30 BAC 33.33%
31 LBIX 32.64%
32 GTE 32.52%
33 CPLP 29.14%
34 MEDH 28.74%
35 RFE.AX 27.98%
36 AGM 27.67%
37 TESS 27.30%
38 PBG.TO 27.05%
39 LPH 26.19%
40 FVE 25.67%
41 MMT.V 24.14%
42 PMCS 23.96%
43 TGD 23.74%
44 ORBT 23.06%
45 ALXN 21.64%
46 KSW 20.92%
47 CIMT 20.17%
48 PMT 20.11%
49 LGND 19.84%
50 TGB 19.50%
51 POE.V 18.81%
52 BSX 18.21%
53 KEM 17.95%
54 SBBX 17.71%
55 COBR 17.66%
56 ESN.TO 15.61%
57 TMO 15.35%
58 UVE 14.45%
59 MY 13.27%
60 JCTCF 13.22%
61 IKNX 13.01%
62 FTK 12.94%
63 YHGG.PK 12.73%
64 BKCC 12.70%
65 CCCL 10.75%
66 MFA 10.21%
67 OI 10.09%
68 WSCI 9.20%
69 PBN.TO 9.03%
70 APWC 8.88%
71 LAKE 8.52%
72 OMX 8.26%
73 HSOL 7.14%
74 RX.V 7.07%
75 CPE 6.95%
76 CQB 6.72%
77 MCP 6.32%
78 GE 6.06%
79 UNP 5.92%
80 RPM.V 5.56%
81 GMXR 5.34%
82 BRK-A 5.27%
83 SGY 4.81%
84 NICK 4.75%
85 PWER 4.16%
86 ZOOM 4.10%
87 TEVA 4.08%
88 RICK 4.07%
89 GURE 3.86%
90 SPIN.PK 3.05%
91 MYL 2.84%
92 SUTR 2.83%
93 DHT 1.27%
94 $CASH$ 1.00%
95 CENX 0.78%
96 VALE 0.54%
97 ALU 0.00%
98 CMT 0.00%
99 OCO.V 0.00%
100 OGC.TO 0.00%
101 SARA -0.07%
102 TIII -0.70%
103 F -1.02%
104 SYNM -1.14%
105 PCE.TO -1.26%
106 HXM -1.67%
107 ALJJ.PK -1.94%
108 FCX -1.96%
109 OBCI -1.96%
110 CEN.TO -2.23%
111 LIWA -2.23%
112 GIS -2.89%
113 EONC -3.13%
114 MCD -3.15%
115 XRX -3.33%
116 OPLK -3.68%
117 ELTK -3.79%
118 WRES -4.01%
119 SVM.TO -4.75%
120 PSN.TO -4.84%
121 HAL -5.00%
122 MAPP -6.33%
123 STD -6.51%
124 AM.TO -6.76%
125 LRAD -6.78%
126 ONP -7.06%
127 POWR -7.10%
128 CNE.TO -7.14%
129 BBY -7.82%
130 HIHO -7.83%
131 RADA -8.82%
132 AERL -9.22%
133 MMY.V -9.47%
134 MNDO -9.55%
135 SOTK.PK -10.09%
136 LLEN -10.94%
137 HALO -11.06%
138 VRSEF.PK -11.38%
139 CHGY.OB -11.47%
140 PEIX -11.65%
141 SD -11.71%
142 AMCF -12.99%
143 MNTA -13.02%
144 FRC.TO -13.76%
145 KND -14.21%
146 FPP -14.44%
147 ITSI.OB -14.44%
148 VTNR.OB -14.89%
149 CCEL.OB -15.60%
150 BSPM -15.90%
151 CNTF -16.85%
152 PMG.TO -17.26%
153 WND.V -17.89%
154 BOPH.OB -18.00%
155 COOL -18.18%
156 PCY.TO -18.60%
157 SYEV.PK -18.85%
158 HITK -19.11%
159 VSR -20.85%
160 TEO -21.17%
161 BFDI.OB -22.73%
162 BUKS.PK -23.26%
163 SHZ -24.71%
164 NEI -26.98%
165 JBII.PK -27.46%
166 DCTH -28.68%
167 LEA.V -30.56%
168 LWLG.OB -30.99%
169 ITMN -31.43%
170 PSTR -31.69%
171 LMLP -31.74%
172 TPCS.OB -32.69%
173 SGF.TO -32.94%
174 PCX -34.59%
175 USU -36.42%
176 AAA.TO -38.55%
177 CLFD -38.78%
178 CKGT.OB -39.02%
179 YGR.V -39.68%
180 SCG.V -41.94%
181 CPIC.PK -47.08%
182 RES -48.85%
183 GTHP.OB -52.87%
184 JAG -55.07%
185 IPMN.OB -76.98%
VMC PSL 20 Indexes
Commentary: We have numerous indexes to present this contest. So without further ado let me give a brief explanation of them. The The Top 17 Index is made up of all stock being picked at least 3 times in the contest, this index is equally weighted. The Top 185 Index, is also equally weighted, and measures the average performance of all the stocks picked in this contest (Our stock universe). The Average Portfolio Return, measure the average performance of the 46 portfolios. These indexes or averages should be familiar to everyone, as I have presented these in past contest(s).
Other indexes to be presented: Average Wildcard Index this index measures the average performance of the 21 wildcards chosen in the contest, this index is equally weighted. Average Non Wildcard Index This index measures the average performance of the 164 non-wildcard entries, and this index is also equally weighted as well. Average Wildcard Index (Weighted Average) this index only difference from the Average Wildcard Index is this index uses a weighted average approach. What this basically means is there are 23 units in this portfolio, obviously the majority of stocks only have 1 unit, but a stock like ITSI.OB has 3 units because it was picked 3 times in the contest. Average Non Wildcard Index (Weighted Average) this index only difference from the Average Non Wildcard Index is this index uses a weighted average approach. What this basically means is there are 253 units in this portfolio, obviously the majority of stocks only have 1 unit, but a stock like MMT.V is weighted much more heavily and has 13 units because it was picked 13 times in the contest. Next, we get to the Average Portfolio (Original) the only difference between this index and the average portfolio return is it excludes the impact of transactions, meaning if no one could make transactions (Which is obviously not the case) this would be the average portfolio return. The Champions Index is basically and index that takes the average of the all the former PSL champions in PSL 20. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Hope you enjoy the info.
Top 17 Index: +9.93%
Top 185 Index: +8.39%
Average Portfolio Return: +13.40%
Average Wildcard Index: -4.33%
Average Non Wildcard Index: +10.02%
Average Wildcard Index (Weighted Average): -5.21%
Average Non Wildcard Index (Weighted Average): +11.27%
Average Portfolio Return (Original): +9.89%
Champions Index: +15.67%
All 6 Units Positive
Buy A Trades Results
Finally the Buy a trades has started to have some impact. 6 people used the first buy a trade, and 3 people used the second buy a trade. Maybe the buy a trade option is starting to get off the ground. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.
May 18th contest deadline, May 21rst start date.