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Going to 15 in the next 3 weeks ...great growth and integration story and with symc gone now focus comes here
Demand For Back-Office Application Software Security
Back-office software providers, ZIX, PYDS & others lack attention.
ZIX Corp's meeting today, will be interesting.
Apple is building a 1 billion dollar Campus in Austin, Texas.
Business building costs in Texas is lower than Silicon Valley. "Growth" through accretive "software" adoption security, on the rise.
Dallas, Austin, San Antonio Application Software Providers... Diamonds-In-The-Rough!
Demand... You can't develop and deploy Blockchains & AI (artificial intelligence) w/o back-office best-of-breed U.S.A. software providers.
(((NFC))) tap & pay RFID (radio frequency identification) payment methods, Japan and China.... years ahead of America.
Data theft... ZixIT fix-IT! Healthcare data, Bill sync, Pay sync transactions, must move A-B, in-between and through the ACH (automatic clearing house) without being compromised.
Texas ASP Hold'em, I'm "All-IN!"
Payment Data Services Have To Adopt Email Security
One way to stymie hack-attacks... only use your homePC to access your banking and/or other payment accounts. Never use a homePC to send, or receive emails that could disrupt communication.
Zix Corp today mentions Health Care & email data protection.
Digital Payment Data Systems must adopt state-of-the-art email security that protects personal data.
ZIX Corp., Dallas, Texas and Payment Data Systems, San Antonio, Texas are still in the EBPP&H development & deployment stage.
Texas back-office application service providers, must wait on Dodd Frank, rules & regulation roll-backs, before more money comes off the sidelines and invests in companies like ZIXI and PYDS. Investors want to know how long it takes to get a R.O.I. This won't happen until rules and regulations governing the payment networking industry iron-out.
E2E networks with help from ZIXI, will expedite electronic billing, payment, security, e verification and record keeping in the 21st. Century; albeit slow.
Inbound/Outbound Email protection, or BUST!
What was the final result of this class action below against Zix and Ron Woessner, et. al. if anyone knows?
Google Messaging Apps.... ZiX-IT & Fix-IT NOT Mentioned
Billing, payment, personal data, insurance and other messages transmitted via iPhones and/or other devices must be protected.
Last ZIXI CC mentioned Google & Cisco.
ZIXI can't step ahead or on the toes of messages handled and processed by big companies working with encryption. [IF] a Zix-IT & Fix-IT tie-in with household names comes to fruition, ZIXI stock will appreciate. And you can take that to banks, merchants, non-profit organizations & others needing to protect personal data.
BYOD and encrypted ZIX-IT email and other protected messages will hone-to-perfection; albeit, slow!
Zix-IT & Fix-IT Dallas, Texas Hold' em? Color me All-In!
Stay Tuned!
I think we go up and trade around 4.14 - 4.15 area next week. Then 4.50 from there. This should be trading over 5.00 and will be toward end of summer.IMO sagedono
eID & e.Verifiable Transactions Regardless Of Origin.
Email and text mail encryption must meld seamlessly with billing and payment data, when iPhone & card data combine. This helps data move A-B, in-between & through the ACH uncompromised.
Google, Cisco & ZIXI... mentioned in the last CC. Look for more accretive consolidation on E&M Commerce Planet Earth that encompass electronic bill presentment, payments, processing, handling, security, eIDs & 21st. Century BYOD networking solutions.
With a Zix-IT & Fix-IT foot-in-the-door, ZIXI could get a large piece of the click-fee pie simmering in the oven, [IF] it doesn't get its head slammed.
asp (application service provider) 42001 & beyond.
The prices under $4.00 were just too cheap to pass on.
I sold my position when we were over 5.00 , but back in again now even bigger.
Past Compromised Hospital(s) Database(s) Information
The following will be of interest to hospitals interested in Zix Corp's ID, BYOD and message encryption methods:
Email & text messages open the back-doors data hackers use.
Zix-IT & Fix-IT, before hackers steal more domestic and global personal data.
Zix Corp's eID & email encryption is a diamond-in-the-rough! Billing, payment, encryption & ID secure records is a must-have.
Hospitals & others must find more ways to stymie fraud & theft of data. It's no longer a question of [IF]... only when Zix-IT/Fix-IT email & text message encryption is adopted, in my opinion.
asp (application service provider) 42001
Google, Cisco & Zix-IT Fix-IT Consolidations
Birds-of-a-feather will flock together, before a complete E2E un-compromised networking solution comes to fruition.
The Google & Cisco connect to Zix-Corp., mentioned in the last CC, should be worth more than what ZIXI stock is trading for today.
Zix-It management won't & can't step on the toes or in-front of Google & Cisco calling the shots. For this and other reasons I invest and follow ZIXI, while email ID encryption melds seamlessly with what Google, Cisco and others are trying to accomplish.
Google Pay-Pass solutions must cross paths with Zix-IT email and real-time eID methods. Face & voice recognition is KEY!
Zix-IT & Fix-IT..flying under-the-radar, waiting on Google, Cisco & others to develop E2E "secure" networking solutions.
Texting is akin to email. Zix-IT & Fix-IT "text" messages haven't been mentioned to my knowledge.
asp (application service provider)42001 & beyond
Smart Phones, Global Communication & Recurring Attacks?
Recurring personal data attacks forces hospitals, banks, merchants, governments and others, to adopt 21st Century hi-tech networking solutions that help stymie theft of data.
A Zix-It & Fix-It solution will be adopted my more hospitals, financial institutions, merchants, governments & non-profit orgs. For this & other reasons I bought more shares of ZIX Corp today.
I'm "bring your own device" & Zix-IT protected I-Tuned!
Strong Buy!
$ZIXI recent news/filings
bearish 3.72
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$ZIXI charts
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$ZIXI company information
## source:
Ticker: $ZIXI
OTC Market Place: Not Available
CIK code: 0000855612
Company name: Zix Corporation
Company website:
Incorporated In: TX, USA
$ZIXI share structure
## source:
Market Value: $216,924,802 a/o Mar 17, 2016
Shares Outstanding: 55,479,489 a/o Nov 02, 2015
Float: Not Available
Authorized Shares: Not Available
Par Value: 0.01
$ZIXI extra dd links
Company name: Zix Corporation
Company website:
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$ZIXI DD Notes ~
Surprise no one is aboard this train
No with only 35 shares lol
No no no!!! You can make a lot more trading, believe me. Watching that thing since 2006.
I think this is a long term good investment
Ive used this products before very good :) money maker
I bought in :)
Back Offices Dallas, Texas & San Antonio
Back-office operations that deal with billing, payment, "security," records and record keeping methods, tend to be out-of-sight; Thus, out-of-mind.
Cisco Systems teamed with Zixi. Zix-IT and fix-it with Cisco's help. There will be back-office "growth" through accretive consolidations. This will enable small cap back-office operations to bring a bigger bat to the plate and remain competitive globally.
Payment Data Services (Systems) that caters to merchants, banks, the non-banked masses & others, must adopt ZIX-IT email security. Located in Texas and soon to be listed on NASDAQ, back-office Payment Data Systems, symbol PYDS, is PCIC (payment card industry compliant) and TSC (transaction security compliant). Working with billing & payment solutions since 1998, this company and others must adopt email security ASAP!
The business of America [business] is compromised when email is hacked and personal data stolen.
Network & secure emails, or BUST!
i added on the dip down days lately as i see this becoming much bigger than i had first thought. Right place, right time kind of thing for Zixlit Corp.. Loving it! sagedono
Demand For Better BPS&RK Security
Application Service Providers working with billing, payment, security and record keeping depositories, can, will, must factor-in email security solutions privy to ZIXI & CSCO.
Zit-IT & fix-it. You can't develop and deploy complete & "secure" E2E BPS&RK solutions, when emails can be hacked.
The demand for better networking security is greater than what a small number of back-office application service providers can provide; Therefore, ZIXI is undervalued and flying under-the-radar. ZIX-IT & fix it, before more databanks are compromised and the info is used to steal personal data and money.
Hilary & Email Security ?
Zixi & Cisco's email encryption endeavor, now that Hilary's emails are under the microscope, bodes well for ZIXI & CSCO shareholders and email security attention. My guess is she wishes she had adopted better email security.
You could lose personal data & money if you don't adopt state-of-the-art email encryption.
ZIX IT & fix it!
ASP (application server provider) 42001
The Cisco Kid Is A Friend of Mine
The ZIXI and CSCO hook-up will help stymie bogus transactions and theft of personal data.
Merchants and others must become transaction security compliant in 2015. For this and other reasons ZIXI stock value has more upside potential than downside risk.
If it's "secure," trusted, user-friendly and NOT cost prohibitive for the masses... it'll FLY in a FLASH!
Where is a ZIXI-CSCO-NXT-ID & PYDS accretive consolidations and an action-hero Icon that the investing public can identify with?
Back-office billing, payment, security and record keeping solutions are out-of-sight; thus, out-of-mind. This will change if the aforementioned payment data service providers adopt a Guardian security Icon like the FLASH action hero.
Everybody thinks in pictures. Movement cements images in the minds of the masses and can draw attention to back-office operations.... And you can take that to the banks and merchants needing help to become transaction security compliant.
Email encryption, the Cisco Kid is a ZIXI friend. ZIX-IT & fix it!
ASP42001 Shareholder
Partnering with Cisco......can I hear a booooyah. Love this little stock. sagedono
Email & Text Message(s) SECURITY
Someone has a phone at the ear and plastic on their person, almost everywhere you look.
The demand for email and text message security, bodes well for ZIXI shareholders, imo.
Merchants, on or before October 2015, must become security transaction compliant. Bogus billing, payment and recorded transactions must be stymied ASAP!
ZIXI stock will get attention if ZIXCorp lands some lucrative contracts between now and Octooer 2015.
Only 9 people on this thread follow ZIXI. SECURITY privy to ZIXCorp., suggests the number of people following this company will grow, between now and October 2015.... BWDIK?
Email, Text, dial-up, encrypt, de-crypt, or BUST!
ASP (application service provider) 42001
So you are currently with the company?
Do you see it growing in the years to come?
Security... Center-Stage & Under The Microscope
Zix Corp's security solutions will draw attention, now that the Administration has decided to fight cyber-theft & hack-attacks.
The Business of America is [business.] For this and other reasons I took a Zix-IT (ZIXI) position. This makes me "part-owner" of the company on an individual retail investing basis.
There will be "growth" through accretive consolidations that'll encompass billing, payment, military-grade security and record keeping. ZIXI could get a piece of the click-fee "security" pie, now simmering in the Oven.
My research led me to Amtech Corp., Dallas, Texas (now ZIXI). Amtech streamlined America's RR's and the movement of freight, traveling A-B, in-between and to final destination, by installing RFID technology circa 1999. ZIXI could help streamline & "secure" recurring money transactions, regardless of origin, moving A-B, in-between and through the ACH, if everything goes according to Texas Hold'em Hoyle... BWDIK?
iRemoePay, PDA (personal data assistant) email & voice mail security.... dial-up, text-up, SECURE, or BUST!
ASP (application server provider) 42001
ZIXI should be at or around $3.50 in the near term. It is under valued. And, not to mention the returning contracts they are getting and with the google deal lingering around out there.
awesome, best of luck. I've been long for about 8 months now. I hope we start an up trend here soon. their business with google is very interesting.
Been watching this and have started a postion today. calling a bottom here. sagedono
Anyone, still on this board?
Zix earned $0.06 a share in the third quarter, which was a penny ahead of the consensus analyst estimate. Revenue increased 11%, year-over-year, to $12.2 million and matched expectations. New, first-year orders came in at $2.2 million
Looks like people are tired of having their email read...
ZIXI my new long term play here, I expect this to hit double digit soon.
ZIXI New position.
In this morning at 4.11 avg
Good volume yesterday- 2 x's 90DAV.
Has momentum- hit new 52 week high yesterday.
Not overbought.
Targeting 4.65
Presently trading at -2.18 @ 4.04, 276K
Zix Corp sets a new 52-week high
BY Wall Street on Demand — 12:43 PM ET 06/11/2013
Zix Corp (ZIXI) crossed above its 52-week high of $4.20 on 12:43 PM ET on June 11, 2013.
Zix Corporation (ZixCorp), (Nasdaq: ZIXI), the leader in email encryption services, announces that Rick Spurr, ZixCorp’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, will present at the 15th Annual Needham Growth Conference at 10:40 a.m. ET on Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013. The conference will be held at The New York Palace in New York City.
Mr. Spurr will give a 20-minute presentation on ZixCorp and its financial performance through the third quarter of 2012, followed by a 15-minute question and answer session. The audio portion of this presentation will be broadcast in a live webcast, and an archive of the webcast will be available until Apr. 16, 2013. Access will be available at or
Mr. Spurr will hold one-on-one meetings throughout the conference. To arrange a one-on-one meeting with Mr. Spurr, please contact the MKR Group, ZixCorp’s investor relations firm, at
About Zix Corporation
Zix Corporation (ZixCorp) provides the only email encryption services designed with your most important relationships in mind. Many of the most influential companies and government organizations use the proven ZixCorp® Email Encryption Services, including WellPoint, the SEC, and more than 1,500 hospitals and 1,800 financial institutions. ZixCorp Email Encryption Services are powered by ZixDirectory®, the largest email encryption community in the world. The tens of millions of ZixDirectory members can feel secure knowing their most important relationships are protected. For more information, visit
Zix Corporation (ZixCorp), (NASDAQ: ZIXI), the leader in email encryption services, announces that in 2012 the company grew its total number of replacement wins by 80 percent year over year. A replacement win is the signing of a new customer that previously used a competing email encryption solution. The 2012 replacement wins enabled these users to experience the ease of use of ZixGateway®, a policy-based email encryption service.
The increase in replacement wins for ZixCorp aligned with a 2012 Ponemon Institute survey that found that an estimated 50 percent of companies already using email encryption would be evaluating a switch in solutions by the end of 2014.
“The evolution of email encryption has seen a great improvement in ease of use. Companies are demanding a solution that makes secure email simple to use for everyone, from senders to receivers to administrators,” said Dr. Larry Ponemon, Chairman and Founder of Ponemon Institute. “If their current solution doesn’t meet their needs, companies are not hesitating to make the switch.”
ZixCorp’s replacement wins in 2012 were strongest in the healthcare and financial services industries. Examples of companies that replaced their existing solution with ZixCorp® Email Encryption Services include:
Axium Healthcare Pharmacy, Inc.
Credit Union of Texas
High Desert Medical Group
Jefferson Bank in Florida
Outpatient Imaging Affiliates
Youth Villages in Tennessee
“ZixCorp’s success in replacing competing solutions reflects that companies are no longer settling for antiquated email encryption. They are seeking a new generation solution that makes encrypted email as convenient as possible,” said Rick Spurr, ZixCorp’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Our fully transparent delivery, our trusted reputation with the nation’s most influential institutions and our Software-as-a-Service model make ZixCorp the easy choice.”
About Zix Corporation
Zix Corporation provides the only email encryption services designed with your most important relationships in mind. The most influential companies and government organizations use the proven ZixCorp® Email Encryption Services, including WellPoint, the SEC and more than 1,800 financial institutions. ZixCorp Email Encryption Services are powered by ZixDirectory®, the largest email encryption community in the world. The tens of millions of ZixDirectory members can feel secure knowing their most important relationships are protected. For more information, visit
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