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Aww cheese, Neenah-Menasha
Effeminate TinyLittleFemtoRichard = mommy's boy. Failure. Gelding.
and he caused me to LOST THOUSANDS!!!!!
TinyLittleFemtoRichie's imaginary skydaddy let him down. Just like poor sucker TIMMY "Teabag" TEBOW.
They just didn't pray hard enuff or to the right imaginary skydaddy.
QAnon also failed to save them.
This was some funny shit, man.
TinyLittleFemtoRichie`s imaginary, invisible friend in the sky wanted him to fail.
Mighty Magna is still in business and making money.
Nope. Once Errol died the money spigot for TinyLittleFemtoRichard and his imaginary friend in the sky dried up and this turd blew away. Even TinyDicky’s mommy cut his allowance.
So is there any life in this thing anymore??!!
TinyLittleFemtoRichard and his imaginary pal in the sky who screwed him and drove this scam into the dirt. Imaginary Yahweh hates Dicky.
It's down 99% today so far. Maybe a good time to sell and write it off on your taxes?
Am simply waiting for the day to sell every share I own to get a good tax write-off!!!
I see that someone bought (and someone sold) some shares. Exciting.
TinyLittleFemtoRichard stole the beer money. His imaginary friend in the sky dint come thru for him.
Surprising. LOL!
Timmy Tebow is in tears.
TinyLittleFemtoRichard's dainty size 0 ballet toe shoes.
OH my...what is this?
A copy cat?
Maybe you should change your alias back to the old one
326T658 Thursday, 11/11/21 04:04:50 PM
Re: Welcome2Pinkyland post# 57289 0
Post #
of 57309
Well if he “ran a Goat show “as you say , then in other words sounds like you think he is a Goat Herder!! You are correct you did not call him a goat. But you did say that you thought he was very good CEO or words similar to that. So Good Goat Herder it sounds like.
Mighty MAGNA is alive. Yippy is G-O-N-E. The beer munny is G-O-N-E.
The numbnutz solo lawyah from NY with a screwdriver in his hand is left with unmarketable restricted shares and a colostomy bagg.
Dog is good.
Prey to dogg!
Looks like I couldn't sell this POS even if I wanted to! My account shows -100%!!!!
Doesn't stop your tax loss, consult your CPA. Not all brokers offer such services.
I truly wish it was that easy, but Fidelity will not do that for me. Cause trust I tried last week and the lady told me they don’t do that. I actually went off your statement you made here about selling this stock for tax purposes all the way back in October. I told the lady ‘word for word’ what you said about penny for a lot but she said Fidelity won’t.
You can still dump the stock for tax purposes, brokers will record a penny for the lot transaction.
Try the local pawn shop.
100,000 shares of this blown pennyscam will not even buy a single can of Natty Lite.
So is this even sellable anywhere???!!!!
Well yes if it requires another brokerage, but you can have trades if they can internalize an order at the same broker. Etrade for example has a lot of penny stock players, it is quite possible that there is a buyer and seller for this stock and Etrade is able to process that order.
However if you have 2 different brokers, as you said it requires a matched trade and the brokers have to use a process of external applications to find a buyer or seller.
Without Market Makers there is no liquidity and well as you can see, it is practically dead.
Call yer broker.
Matched trade???
Call your brokerage and see if they will do a matched trade for you.
Wait. People are still buying this stock? How is that possible? I'd frankly love to buy some of this junk, just because of the absurdity of it.
Warning: There is no beer money here.
Nothing at this dry hole except a busted public water bubbler with no water.
Some classic posts from TinyLittleFemtoRichard are in the PlusOne box (above).
Yes, watch as much as possible- will be well worth the time. A Pinkyland promise.
Worth watching? Thanks!!!
TinyLittleFemtoRichard fancies himself a Goatbuster. He puts on the little costume his mommy made for him when he goes to QAnon meet-ups where they beg their imaginary invisible sky daddy to give soggy JFK Jr. a raging resurrection in Texas.
Meanwhile, he trades pennyscams for beer money, is a social media wannabe influencer, and is a part-time bag boy at Winn-Dixie.
Follow him on, one of the hottest websites around according to Alexa rankings.
Or call Fluor and MC+A and ask for TinyLittleFemtoRichard. He will be scouring the vending machines for uncollected change to fund his ongoing pennyscam losses.
No trades = no beer munny.
So sadd.
TinyLittleFemtoRichard did not pray hard enuff to his imaginary sky daddy. YIPI shareholders paid the price for it.
Fortunately, water is free. Unless it is Wholly water.
Maybe when JFK Jr. emerges from the sea and befriends TinyLittleFemtoRichard and his fellow QAnon bleevers YIPI will trade again. And beer munny will flow.
Correct. I was correct.
Well if he “ran a Goat show “as you say , then in other words sounds like you think he is a Goat Herder!! You are correct you did not call him a goat. But you did say that you thought he was very good CEO or words similar to that. So Good Goat Herder it sounds like.
Your post 57283 ,I would say this sounds pretty close to calling him a goat!
Boom! Correct. No one includes everyone.
not even little Richey?
Oppsie. Nope. I’ve never called anyone a goat.
WoW how Fickle from A Great CEO to a Goat, must be the effect of you losing your beer Money.
-or tiny big Rich’s personal goat rodeo. $YIPI is just another day in pinkyland- where everything changes, yett stays the same.
'I wonder what Laura's perception of Rich might be. '
Like everyone else's perception of him is - he's a midget.