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I think you have no idea what actually happened here.
RMCF had majority control of this company, and zero interest in answering to naive penny-stock investors were were dumb enough to buy SWRL shares.
RMCF just sold off all of its U-Swirl assets earlier this year. It's 100% out of the frozen yogurt game.
It's not obvious whether RMCF sold the assets, or sold this company. Regardless, I would expect this company to be dissolved sometime shortly.
I still have faith that there is a plan for emergence here.
I still have faith that there is a plan for emergence here.
All 856,133 shares still owned in a DARK company.
But a week after I posted the email I'm replying to, they filed another annual update to stay active a week or so after my posting with the NVSOS:
09/13/2021 09/13/2021 20211746900 Annual List External Snap Shot
Director Gregory L Pope 265 Turner Drive, Durango, CO, 81303, USA 09/13/2021 Active
Gregory Pope does have relations with Merryman from RMCF:
And RMCF, naturally, had connection to this former shell of U-Swirl
I wonder why the new name of Gregory Pope rather than Merryman? In 2018, Merryman was listed:
President BRYAN J MERRYMAN 265 TURNER DRIVE, DURANGO, CO, 81303, USA 08/14/2018 Active
In order to stay active on the NVSOS, they need to meet this deadline next month:
Annual Report Due Date:9/30/2022
Filing costs time and energy. I feel like there must be a plan. Especially with Gregory Pope's name suddenly appearing.
856,133 Shares (Final Purchase)
Standing order completed:
Buy 97590 SWRL Executed @ $0.0048Sep 01, 2021 10:26 AM ET
Due to tightening SEC oversight, I am no longer able to buy SWRL until they become a reporting company one day. I got this message when I tried to put in another order:
"Opening transactions in Pink No Information, Grey Market and Expert Market securities are not permitted due to the inherent risk associated with these products."
This new rule just went into effect. That's too bad. At least it's a foothold in for the future.
Total Share Position: 856,133 at an avg. cost per share of .0061
If anyone knows of a *trustworthy* broker with oversight, but not under SEC jurisdiction that can give me full freedoms as Etrade used to do, please give me a good recommendation.
Buy 102310 SWRL Executed @ $0.0048Aug 26, 2021 11:17 AM ET
Buy 100 SWRL Executed @ $0.0046Aug 23, 2021 1:07 PM ET
656,133 Shares In - I'm BACK!!!!!!
08/18/21 10:33AM EDT Buy 255090 SWRL Executed @ $0.0066
08/17/21 13:08PM EDT Buy 160000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0066
08/17/21 12:10PM EDT Buy 25000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0066
08/17/21 11:34AM EDT Buy 20000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0066
08/17/21 11:03AM EDT Buy 20000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0066
08/17/21 10:40AM EDT Buy 18750 SWRL Executed @ $0.0066
And wanting more below .005. That was great! Let's do that again!
Nothing has changed. Mystery filing. Good physics. Good shell for someone. Maybe there is a plan, maybe not. Time is not of the essence.
yeah i got out a while ago..
maybe good time to buy now
I'm still here with those 56,000 shares left over.
There was an annual list put out on 11-30-2020:
11/30/2020 11/30/2020 20201069226 Annual List External
That's the only other filing at the same source: The NVSOS. Suprised the stock hasn't drifted back down below a penny. I'm still hoping it does. No rush. Just here.
yes agree on aa points..
nice hedge
Yes, it sure does. I usually regret selling too early. Even the few times when I don't sell early, because that's a sure sign it will go backwards. It's like red traffic lights. The only time they turn green in a timely fashion is when I'm reading something.
I'm happy with 56,333 shares though. That can be quite good real fast too. Sometimes I get nervous with $15,000 on the table and I don't know what the deck looks like. In fact, I don't even know what game we are sitting at here. I sure hope it's not roulette. LOL
u might want those back lol
stock looks awesome
something big must be cooking.. i bought .03s today
looks like could go big
Make that 56,333 shares total:
12/03/20 12:27PM EST Sell 37000 SWRL Executed @ $0.049
12/03/20 12:26PM EST Sell 13000 SWRL Executed @ $0.049
12/03/20 12:25PM EST Sell 50000 SWRL Executed @ $0.049
Now I'm STOPPED on selling. I don't know what's going on. I have an order still in at .006 that was only partially filled: 50,000 out of a 200,000 order filled. I don't see any hopes with these trends of finishing my feast in the sub pennies.
Who is buying and why? I don't know if this is a herd stampede or if there is something more behind it all.
You can't have anymore of these shares. Maybe .20 cents we can discuss you having maybe half of them, but you need to come clean and tlel me why you want them!
wow, thanks for that detailed info. can never be wrong for taking some profits.. plus u still have nice chunk.
i was watching the buying today, and have on watch.
But it def seems some people know something coming because 3 days of big buying
lets see what happpens tomorow
thanks pal
The whole yogurt thing doesn't apply to this ticker. All those names like Merrymand in the filings are from the past. U-Swirl is owned by Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (RMCF). They bought SWRL, but the shareholders got nothing. It wasn't a normal buy.
Straight from the SEC filings from the past:
SWRL was unable to repay the obligations under the SWRL Loan Agreement, and as a result, the Company foreclosed on all of the outstanding stock of U-Swirl International, Inc. as of February 29, 2016 in full satisfaction of the amounts owed under the SWRL Loan Agreement. This resulted in U-Swirl International, Inc. becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as of February 29, 2016 and concurrently the Company ceased to have financial control of SWRL as of February 29, 2016. As of February 29, 2016, SWRL had no operating assets. During FY 2016, SWRL acquired the franchise rights of “Let’s Yo!”.
So in short, RMCF scooped up SWRL and the shareholders of SWRL got nothing. They got royally screwed. Some with conspiracy theories as a coping mechanism if you read posts here from those dasys. Not a normal way of taking over, but SWRL was in violation of its loan covenants from what started out as a partnership with RMCF. So, there seems to be a lot of confusion out there. This shell is not in any related to U-Swirl at all in any way whatsoever. It's simply an empty shell. LIke an abandoned ghost town with the former signs still up. But no validity to the signs. All its residents and yogurt were kidnapped and/or confiscated. Nothing but a shadow of its former self left behind.
As of a few months ago, somebody renewed a certification for this shell with the NVSOS. I don't know who that person(s) is. The officers listed are still officers from RMCF from the past. It's like an illusion. This would go through a ticker symbol change most likely if someone is trying to use this as a reverse merger. And it may take weeks or months or years. It depends. Some people know what they are doing. Others, especially a certain woman from China, have no clue. :) The filing with the NVSOS is the only breadcrumb of evidence I have which implies to me that someone is interested in this ticker on some level. Some plan, it would seem to me. But who, what, when, why, and where? I don't knowl...
I just don't know what's up with the sudden surge in buying. Who is buyign and why? And did I make a mistake selling? I hate the unknowns. But I don't want anyone under the illusion that this is in any way connected dto the old yogurt company U-Swirl in any form or fashion. That company is struggling, still around, but 100% owned by RMCF (Rocky Nountain Chocoate Factory)
noble, you seem pretty knowledgable on this ticker.
when i go to website says its yogurt operation with current 2020 website.. Looking at your august posts its a shell???
thanks for any info
Make that 156,333 shares total:
12/02/20 14:44PM EST Sell 100000 SWRL Executed @ $0.03
12/02/20 14:34PM EST Sell 10000 SWRL Executed @ $0.03
12/02/20 14:34PM EST Sell 10000 SWRL Executed @ $0.03
12/02/20 14:33PM EST Sell 50000 SWRL Executed @ $0.03
12/02/20 14:33PM EST Sell 15000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0301
12/02/20 14:32PM EST Sell 15000 SWRL Executed @ $0.03405
I sold 200,000 SWRL. I don't understand why 1.2M shares changed hands today. I don't know what's behind this shell. I want whoever is buying and/or selling to step forward and explain your reasoning please.
DO NOT BUY ANYMORE if you don't have a good reason to. Let the stock drift below 1 cent unless and until there is clarity. I'm buying at .006 and you have disrupted my goals.
DO NOT pile on top of yourselves in some kind of feeding frenzy. Buying begets buying. Don't do it. Give us a reason. Give us evidence. Come forth!
Make that total of 356,333 shares total:
11/30/20 12:22PM EST
Buy 50000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0065
.01067 - Avg. Share Price.
Make that total of 306,333 shares total:
11/05/20 11:06AM EST
Buy 25620 SWRL Executed @ $0.0063
Good buying day today:
11/02/20 15:59PM EST Buy 59380 SWRL Executed @ $0.0063
11/02/20 12:39PM EST Buy 15000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0063
11/02/20 10:26AM EST Buy 100000 SWRL Executed @ $0.008
Up to over 280,000 shares now.
I like this shell.
Good..I like being early for a change :)
Nope it went unnoticed except for a few iHubbers like HDog and BB
I don't think this has caught on yet.
Share structure is nice and I m not seeing any front load
Wow, they were a profitable company before they went dark (2016)..almost no toxic notes according to last 10Q. Excited to see where this goes.
I don't think Merryman is on any updated filings though, right? That was the past. Rocky Mountain bought U-Swirl. But this is an empty shell of what U-Swirl used to be, so all that old information is no longer valid. If somebody reinstated it, but didn't add any officers, I'd expect officers to change later.
Thank you very much. I'm going to try to get a mod position just to erase everything on this board because it takes so long to scxroll if you guys don't mind.
This could take months or years. At least we know somebody is interested in this shell. And I'll hope cancellation of shares is not in teh cards. I liked it because it's a nice clean 22M shares. I'm guessing a pretty large float. Although, it was really hard to get shares.
Awe, much better. Board erased. A clean slate now. I think I'll use your post it snippet for we know at this time. Thanks.
$SWRL noncommercial registered agent statement just hit.
Can you give details,like who the new officers are? I hate the new NVSOS
$SWRL was reinstated today
Actually, I was trying to upload here for a long time. I wasn't able to get much under .01. I went ahead and took a gamble on 100,000 shares at .019 just now. My original order under .01 still stands.
08/19/20 15:38PM EDT Buy 80600 SWRL Executed @ $0.0199
08/19/20 15:37PM EDT Buy 9400 SWRL Executed @ $0.0199
08/19/20 15:37PM EDT Buy 10000 SWRL Executed @ $0.0199
That's today's buy only.
I have zero visibility though. That's pure gamble. I only liked it previously as an nice empty shell with a clean history. I actually own 1,500 shares of RMCF, which bought this company long ago. SWRL violated its loan convenants, and RMCF bought them. Long story, and shareholders of SWRL felt victimizied but it was all legit, and RMCF is legit. Or rather, bought what SWRL used to be. It is now only a shadow of its former self -- an empty shell.
But when I saw 1M shares today, I just took the plunge. And that could be all it is. momentum begets momentum. Or, maybe there is more to it. I just have no idea.
No posts here since 2016! No front loading here!!!
$SWRL Retail BooBs need to get off the ask! We hit .028 with ease and broke the 52wk high of .015
What do you see, Jelaco? Reinstatement where, if I may ask?
1 share at .0425 - IS MERRYMAN DOING A BUYBACK???????
What did the Cartwright's receive as payment? I thought I remember them getting shares....or no?
This was a good company before RMCF got a hold of it. The Cartwrights were really trying to build a brand and took very little shares before Merryman and his gang took over.
Really a shame to see greed and corporate scum destroy small companies like this.
Figured that was coming. Unfortunately so many scams are out there just like SWRL. These guys rip off investors and line their own pockets. It's hard to find an honest OTC CEO. Most of the OTC is junk and everybody knows most of these companies will fail....and the gov't allows it. What traders hate the most is many of the CEO's and their investors always come out with gains and the anyone willing to buy in and hold long will usually lose most if not 99%.
This is why the number one rule in trading OTC is do not risk more than you are willing to lose.
Surprise surprise, Merryman is taking this dark so the piss poor way he has handled this company can no longer be seen.
I've seen your kind before Merryman, you are the scum on the bottom of my shoes after I walk down Wall Street.
Now it's the winter months to boot. I assume less folks have frozen yogurt in colder climates.
Wow there doesn't seem to be a bottom in this yogurt loser.
Hope Merryman and his gang choke on their shares.........if they have any left.
Its money laundering - nothing more nothing less but plain ol money laundering by self dealing insiders playing both sides of the coin.
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